A D Bhattacharya
A D Bhattacharya is a Sri Ramakrishna devotee and IITian. Arun Deva Bhattacharya (born 1942 at Allahabad) had a knack for spiritualism and music from an early age which made him run to profoundly wise people frequently. As such spirituality co-existed in this technocrat's life.
Entry to spiritualism and divinity was easier for him since he had free movement in English, Hindi and Bengali along with working knowledge of Sanskrit. Out of his presentations Bengali translations of Ramacaritamanasa and Bhagavata Purana, and Bhagavater Manimukuta and Bhagavata Ratnavali (in Bengali) are worth mentioning.
Books from this author - The Immortal Tales
A R Sharif
A. R. Sharif, a keen historian and an inveterate traveller, was pained by the younger generation’s ignorance of Indian history and heritage. He made it his mission to travel to every nook of the country, at his own cost and forbearing the discomfort of crowded trains and public transport, to gather interesting facts that would introduce Gen Next to the glory of India. His research resulted in the ‘Indiana’ series. The quirky facts, the juicy historical titbits, the well-informed writing made ‘Indiana’ an instant hit when syndicated in leading Indian publications.
Books from this author - Indiana: The Book Of Indian Wonders
A Ramamurty
A Ramamurty, Andhra University’s Ph.D (1965), is a reputed scholar of traditional Indian philosophy, with specialization in Vedanta. And has lectured, as the British Council’s visiting fellow, at different universities in the United Kingdom. Also, he has had the distinction of being on the Subject Panel (on Philosophy) of the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi, and a member of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research.
Currently, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Hyderabad, Dr. Ramamurty is credited with the authorship of ‘Advaita Mysticism of Shankara’ and ‘The Central Philosophy of the Rigveda’.
Books from this author - Vedanta And Its Philosophical Development, Philosophy Of Brahman, Advaita A Conceptual Analysis, The Philosophical Foundations Of Hinduism
Agochar Kaur
Agochar Kaur was born in Valencia (Spain). She received her Degree in Law in 1995 and decided to deepen her knowledge on international topics at Bologna University (Italy), The Hague Academy of International Law (Holland) and London University (U.K). She specialized in Human Rights and returned to Spain in 2000 to work in the humanitarian field. Then she met Kundalini Yoga becoming an instructor in 2004 and teaching yoga at different centres since then. She is mother of a 8 years child and combines her job as a lawyer at a Spanish NGO working for social integration of Homeless and Immigrants with her passion for music, yoga and family. Composer and singer, she plays the guitar and her celtic-vintage harpe. "Somos Uno" is her third album of kundalini yoga mantras combining harmoniously classical and modern instruments. She is very well-known in Spain and has participated in several festivals and yoga workshops in Valencia, Castellón, Alicante,Tarragona, Madrid, Vigo & Barcelona.
Alan Jacobs
Alan Jacobs has made a lifelong study of mysticism and is a regularly published author and poet. He is the editor of Poetry for the Spirit and the author of The Essential Gnostic Gospels, as well as several titles in Watkins` `Sacred Texts` series: Tales from Rumi, The Gnostic Gospels and The Upanishads.
Aliya Almoayed
Alia Almoayed is a Nutritional therapist qualified at the reputed UK College of Nutrition and Health in London. She runs busy nutrition consultancy in Kingdom of Bahrain, offering nutrition advice to the Middle East community. Author of the Dream Body Eating Plan and co-author of 101 ways of Improve Your Health, she also writes health articles for various publications, conducts lectures and seminars about health and nutrition, and heads a number of weight loss projects.
Alia is an active mother of two young children, from whom she derives a big part of her inspiration and motivation to keep kids healthy. She applies most of her nutrition knowledge to her children and also learns a lot from them!
Currently, Alia lives in Bahrain, her country to origin, and spends most of her free time on extracurricular activities for her family and herself, An ex-marathon runner, she now focuses her fitness regimen on what loves most: yoga.
Books from this author - I want healthy Kids
Alpana Chakraborty
Alpana Chakraborty holds M. Phil and Ph.D of the North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong. And is currently Lecturer in Philosophy at the NEHU-affiliated St. Anthony College.
A scholar with varied areas of interest and also member of several academic bodies, Dr. Chakraborty writes in both Bengali and English on different themes that range from mind-body dualism to existentialism.
Books from this author - Mind-Body Dualism
Amar Hasan
Amar Hasan is from Syria. The book Advaitic Ratnas is a transcription from the original dvds of Radha Ma’s satsangs and funsangs. He also translated some of the teachings of Ramana Maharishi into Arabic.
Books from this author - Advaitic Ratnas: Conversations With Radha Ma An Indian Advaita Guru
Amit Kumar Sharma
Throughout a busy professional career that got underway in 1991, Dr Amit Kumar Sharma has functioned as sociologist, Indologist, writer, columnist and, increasingly, as philosopher of indic civilization. His versatility in all of these areas has resulted in well over 200 articles in English and Hindi. He has also written 6 books dealing with Sociology, Indian Society, Culture and Gandhian ideology. He is a multilingual person who frequently writes both in Hindi and English languages. As an academician his main areas of concern are Cinema and Culture in India, Sociology of Religion, Sociology of Civilizations, Sociological Theories and Indology.
He has obtained his M.Phil and PhD degrees from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He did his masters in Sociology from Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. He has been teaching Sociology at the Centre for the Study of Social Systems, JNU, New Delhi since 1999.
In addition to his professorial and professional activities, Amit Kumar Sharma has been active in public sphere about politics in India, Gandhian philosophy, Hindi cinema and emerging global order. Presently, he is the brand ambassador of brandbihar.com, a website that promotes the culture of Indian ethos in 189 countries.
Books from this author - Religion And Culture In Indian Civilization Essays
Ananda Wood
Ananda Wood, as his name suggests, is one of those people with a rather mixed background. He was born and brought up in India, studied mathematics at King's College, Cambridge, and went on to a Doctorate in Anthropology at the University of Chicago. After his university education, he returned to India, where he has settled down to concentrate on a long-standing interest, in the modern interpretation of Advaita philosophy. He is currently a moderator on the Advaitin e-group at yahoo.com. Most of his books and articles may be accessed at www.advaitin.net/Ananda/
Books from this author - From The Upanishads (New Edition), Interpreting The Upanishads (New Edition), Ways To Truth
Anandaghana was born into a very traditional family in Nadakuduru village of Krishna district, as Aripirala Viswam a name befitting his stature. His father, Sri Laxmi Narayana Sastri and his forefathers actually belonged to Vedic scholars family from Banaras.
The vedic lineage can be traced back to nearly 33 generations. Various Peethadhipatis and personages used to consult Sri Laxmi Narayana Sastri, apart from him being the Aasthana Vidwan to Mysore Royalty and Shringeri Peetham.
Though the child Viswam was born like any normal child, the fact that he brought forward, a bundle of spiritualism from his previous birth, was evident from the fact, that the Param Guru Sri Sri Mahavatar Babaji designated a Yogi, for the child guidance.
The boy grew-up as a true son of the soil, but displayed amazing talents in poetry, memory, arts and oratory. He went on to recieve the distinguished award from world Poetic Society in New York. He addressed the United Nation’s Mystic Group and enthralled the audience, at his young age. He was noted as one of the 2000 most intelligent people of the planet. He was decorated with nine Doctorates from nine different countries, apart from his own doctorate earned at Hyderabad. He was awarded the Sahitya Academy Award and went on to become a well known person in 137 countries, apart from his own state. Apart from convening the first World Telugu Conference, he embellished several posts in several Institutions as Member, or Director, or Chairman, At the height of his wealth and fame, he vanished from public life totally, in deference to the command of his Guru, accepted self imposed exile and obscurity.
He started PARAMPARAA VISWAMBHARA, a Trust dedicated for the spiritual upliftment of fellow-beings. Through his writings and commentaries, he is endeavouring to extricate SRIVIDYA, the king of Vidyas from the morass it had been a personal agony and every product an ecstasy.
Books from this author - Sri Sutram, Gospel Of Silence, Avadhuta Gita, Kriya Yoga The Essence Of Satha Vidyas, Babaji Stories
Anil Bhatnagar
Anil Bhatnagar
Books from this author - Reiki Sharanam Gacchami (Hindi)
Anthony deMello
Until his sudden death on June 2, 1987, Fr. Tony de Mello was the director
of the Sadhana Institute of Pastoral Counseling near Poona, India.
Author of five best selling books, renowned worldwide for his
workshops, retreats, and prayer courses, he aimed simply to teach people
Most people, he maintained, are asleep. They need to wake up,
open up their eyes, see what is real, both inside and outside of themselves.
The greatest human gift is to be aware, to be in touch with oneself,
one's body, mind, feelings, thoughts, sensations.
Here are some of his typical challenges: "Come home yourself!
Come back to your senses! Do you hear that bird sing?
How can you hear the song and not hear the singer?
How can you see the wave and not see the ocean?
How can you see the dance and not see the dancer?"
The thousands of people who attended Fr. de Mello's workshops,
and the thousands more who did not attend but who wished they
could have, will surely consider it a great blessing that full-length
conferences of this superbly gifted and eloquent speaker have been preserved.
It is just the way he was, uninhibited by a TV studio or time limits.
It is a priceless final gift he has left his friends.
Fr. J. Francis Stroud, S.J. Executive Director,
deMello Spirituality Center,
Fordham University, Bronx, NY
and Jonathan Galente, employed 25 years at Fordham University
and trustee of the deMello Spirituality Center; together
they present spiritual themes
and exercises that can enrich and transform your life.
Books from this author - Unencumbered By Baggage, The Song Of The Bird, The Prayer Of The Frog Vol II, One Minute Wisdom, The Prayer Of The Frog Vol I
Anthony H Duval
Anthony H Duval
Antonio Rigopoulos
Dr. Antonio Rigopoulos is a reputed historian of religions and philosophies. Having had a two-year stint as Assistant Professor of Indology at the California University, Santa Barbara, he is now engaged in research work at the University “Ca’ Foscari” of Venice.
Currently Secretary General of the Venetian Academy of Indian Studies (V AIS}, Dr . Rigopoulos is the well-known author of several books and articles on Sai Baba of Shirdi and Lord Dattatreya. His preferred field of research in India is Maharashtra and northern Karnataka.
Books from this author - Guru: The Spiritual Master In Eastern And Western
Anvita Sawant
Aparna Banerjee
Aparna Banerjee is Associate Professor in Philosophy, University of Calcutta. She is the author of Explanation and Understanding in the Social Sciences (2002). She has also co-edited the book Ethics: Classical and Contemporary Issues (2010). Another anthology, entitled Morality and Religion: Some Reflections has been co-edited by her which is presently in the press. She has also authored various articles which have been published in various reputed anthologies and journals. Many of these articles are on Sri Aurobindo's philosophy. Her areas of interest are primarily Phenomenology, Social and Political Philosophy, Ethics and Contemporary Indian Philosophy.
Books from this author - Integral Philosophy Of Sri Aurobindo
Arthur Osborne
Arthur Osborne was born in London on September 25, 1906. His father was a school headmaster, while his mother was a simple gentlewoman, as loveable as she was impractical. From her, Arthur must have inherited his bent for poetry, for she spent much of her time writing poems amidst her flowers.
When still a schoolboy, Arthur wanted to become a farmer and spent a lot of his free time in their garden, helping his father. However, his father had other plans for him, particularly after he won an exhibition in English literature that was open to schoolboys throughout England. So he took his degree in history at Oxford, where he could have stayed on as a don, and later, professor. However, he rejected this career because he was seeking a meaning and purpose to life, and he realized that research into particular periods in history would not provide the answer he was seeking. As he expressed later, he rejected both consciously and intuitively a life lived without meaning. Perhaps in one who does not even know that there is anything to seek for, rejection serves as a beginning of the search.
Arthur became a leading writer on spirituality and mysticism, and an influential disciple and biographer of Ramana Maharshi. When one of Osborne's books, Ramana Maharshi and The Path of Self Knowledge, was first published in 1954, it contained a foreword from Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, at that time vice president of India. From 1964, Osborne served as the founding editor of Mountain Path, a journal published by Ramanasramam, the ashram founded by Ramana Maharshi. Thirty years after Osborne's death in 1970, his autobiography was discovered among his papers and published by Ramanasramam.
Books from this author - Ramana Maharshi and The Path of Self - Knowledge, My Life and Quest
Arvind Sharma
Arvind Sharma was born in Varanasi, India. He earned a B.A. in History, Economics, and Sanskrit from Allahabad University in 1958 and continued his interests in economics at Syracuse University, earning an M.A. in 1970. Pursuing a life-long interest in comparative religion, Dr. Sharma gained an M.T.S. in 1974 and then a Ph.D. in Sanskrit and Indian Studies from Harvard University in 1978. He was the first Infinity Foundation Visiting Professor of Indic Studies at Harvard University and succeeded Wilfred Cantwell Smith to the Birks Chair of Comparative Religion at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. He has published over fifty books and five hundred articles in the fields of comparative religion, Hinduism, Indian philosophy and ethics, and the role of women in religion. Often cited as an authority on Hinduism, amongst his most noteworthy publications are The Hindu Gita: Ancient and Classical Interpretations of the Bhagavadgita (1986), The Experiential Dimension of Advaita Vedanta (1993), Our Religions: The Seven World Religions Introduced by Preeminent Scholars from Each Tradition (1994), and The Study of Hinduism (2003).
Books from this author - The Quest For Serenity In World Religions, Islam For Hindus, Christianity For Hindus, Windows To World Religions
Ashok V Desai
Ashok V Desai graduated from Sydenham College, Bombay University, with a BCom, proceeded to Kings College Cambridge for a BA in Economics where Nicholas Kaldor was his supervisor; his student contemporaries included Jagdish Bhagwati and Manmohan Singh. He received the PhD in Economics of Cambridge University in 1963 for a thesis on German economic growth before World War I, titled "Real Wages in Germany 1871–1913", done under supervision of Phyllis Deane. He has been a noted economic journalist and private business consultant in India, and was also Chief Consultant in the Indian Ministry of Finance in 1991–1993 under Manmohan Singh's ministership.
Books from this author - The Price Of Onions
Avadhesh Kumar Singh
Avadhesh Kumar Singh (1960- ) is Professor and Head, Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, Saurashtra University, Rajkot. His areas of publications include Indian and western literary theories, comparative literature, Indian literature and translation studies. He is the Coordinator of UGC SAP/DRS Programme on "Indian Renaissance with special reference to English, Gujarati and Hindi." He is the Editor of Critical Practice, a journal of critical and literary studies since 1994.
Books from this author - Ramayana Through The Ages Rama - Gatha In Different
Ayesha chopra
Ayesha Chopra was born and brought up in India. As an employee of multinational and international organizations she spent a major part of her life living and working in various parts of the world including Asia, Africa, Europe and the United States of America.
After leaving the corporate world Ayesha set up an independent practice as a trainer and workshop leader, designing and delivering training programs in personal growth and interpersonal relationships to corporate and non-corporate personnel. She is a keen observer of human behavior and deeply interested in exploring the natural and spiritual laws of human existence.
Currently based in New York, Ayesha indulges in freelance writing and offers one-on-one counseling to people seeking help with personal and interpersonal challenges. Her own strength and inner guidance comes from her practice of Vipassana meditation.
Ayesha has two loving children, a daughter and a son, and she dotes on her four grandchildren – her endless source of delight and joy.
This book is her legacy to them and all the children who are the future of this world.
Books from this author - The Magic of Love
B V Narasimha Swami
B. V. Narasimha came to Tiruvannamalai in the last 1920s and lived in the vicinity of Sri Ramanasramam for many years. He was deeply devoted to Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi.
The spiritual world cannot but be grateful to B.V. Narasimha Swamy for offering it Self Realization the first biography of Sri Ramana Maharshi, one of the greatest sages to walk on earth. First published in 1931 when the sage was living in the body, this book has seen several editions and adorns the bookshelf of countless spiritual leaders.
Books from this author - Self Realisation
H. H. Babaji is the last in a lineage of great Tantric Gurus whose traditions are handed down through generations by word of mouth. He is one of the few living Himalayan Masters who still carries on the Guru-shishya tradition.
Babaji has spent several decades studying and translating various religious, philosophical, Tantric texts and scriptures, both common as well as rare. He is fluent in several Indian and foreign languages; and unlike many other men of the cloth, is an accomplished academician as well.
Through His writings, Babaji endeavours to simplify the complex scriptures and texts so that everyone may enjoy and imbibe these pearls of wisdom into their daily lives. His vast repertoire of knowledge, rare wisdom and refreshing insights coupled with His mastery over language make His books a rare treat for the uninitiated as well as the experienced reader.
The Essence Of The Brahmasutras is the first in a series of four books on the fundamentals of Hindu religion and philosophy or Prasthan Trayee. The others to follow shortly in this series are based on the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita.
Books from this author - The Secret of Life : Fulfilling The Destiny of Man, The Essence Of The Brahmasutras
Baidyanath Saraswati
Baidyanath Saraswati, an anthropologist of international eminence, is Unesco-Professor at the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi. And is former Professor of Anthropology at the North-Eastern Hill University; Fellow of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study; and Visiting Professor at the universities of Ranchi and Visva-Bharati.
Professor Saraswati’s published work comprises a number of books and monographs, among which notably figure Pottery-making Cultures and Indian Civilization; Brahmanic Ritual Traditions; Kashi: Myth and Reality; and Spectrum of the Sacred — besides his edited titles, like Tribal Thought and Culture; Prakriti: Primal Elements — the Oral Tradition; Prakriti: Man in Nature; Computerizing Cultures; and Cross-Cultural Lifestyle Studies.
Books from this author - Voice Of God, Prakrti: The Integral Vision (Vol. 1) Primal Eleme, The Eternal Hinduism
Bala (Todd Haydon)
Bala (Todd Haydon, Ph.Db.1961) had an interest in philosophy since his adolescent years. In September of 1987, he attended a public talk given by Ramesh Balsekar. Unkown to him at that time Was that his “future” guru Wayne Liqourman was also in attendance at that. He spent nearly four years formally studying Advaita
Vedanta in an ashram in India in preparation to meet with Ramesh Again in 1991.
The seeking continued and seven years later in the spring of 1998, he met his final guru (Wayne) for the first time in Atlanta, USA. In the fall of 1999, the impersonal event of enlightenment occurred Through the body mind mechanism called Todd. Soon after and Over a five-year period, the contents of this book began to appear.
This is his first book on Advaita.
Books from this author - Thorns For A Seeker
Bettina Baumer
Bettina Baumer, born in Austria is living and working in Varanasi (India) since 1967 and is a scholar of Sanskrit, Indian philosophy and art with specialization in Shilpashastra and temple architecture of Orissa and above all in Kashmir Shaivism. She has been Director of a research institute on Indian art in Varanasi and coordinator of the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Varanasi. Since 1995, she is regularly teaching as visiting Professor at the universities of Vienna, Berne and Salzburg. Her present position is Fellow, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla. She has authored five books in German and a number of books and scholarly articles in Sanskrit and English, including three volumes of Kalatattvakosha : A Lexicon of Fundamental Concepts of the Indian Arts edited by her. She became a disciple of Swami Lakshman Joo in 1986 and has been teaching Kashmir Shaivism and its texts for a number of years.
Books from this author - Void And Fullness In The Buddhist, Hindu And Chris, Mysticism In Shaivism And Christianity
Bharat Savur
He’s juggled as many mass-media jobs as a juggler does balls. Radio (All India Radio and The Voice of America), Television (Production Assistant and presenter, Sports Round-up, Mumbai TV: one of the first to do so in 1972); Advertising: copywriter with Shilpi and ASP; Journalism (Deputy Editor, Debonair, Associate Editor, Gentleman Group); free-lance writer for a host of publications; fitness columnist for the Hindu Business Line; co-columnist with wife, Shalan Savur for The Deccan Herald and Prajavani; co-author with Shalan of the well-acclaimed book Fitness for Life; author of A Way With Words, a book which described his 40-odd years’ mass-media journey.
His firsts include co-authoring the world’s first cricket-fiction (cri-fi) comic, Sunny the Supersleuth (featuring cricketer Sunil Gavaskar); and being in a team of TV pioneers that brought an educational cricket programme to India’s National Television: That’s Cricket anchored by cricketer Ravi Shastri, which he scripted and co-produced.
The author holds that he has re-invented himself every few years in a mass-media career that is 40-odd years and counting. If so, The Long Road to Nowhere: From Is to Bliss is his latest avtar. To those that know the author, this is his biggest surprise (and perhaps, even shock!) Bharat, a born-again seeker/questor/spiritualist? Hey! who is he kidding? And believe it or not, this re-invented and rediscovered writer is also a fitness teacher!
But, seriously, the author takes this ‘almost spiritual’ autobiography as one of his best works ever. And finally wishes that you find it so too.
Books from this author - The Long Road to Nowhere
Bharat Shekhar
"Bharat Shekhar lives in New Delhi.
He tries to write when he can, and doodles when he can’t.
Books from this author - Talking Tales
Bhikkhu Basnagoda Rahula
Bhikkhu Basnagoda Rahula
Bhupender Heera
Dr Bhupender Heera (1976- ) completed his School Education at Katra, the base camp of Shri Mata Vaishnavi Devi Shrine, in Jammu & Kashmir State. After graduating from Govt. Degree College Udhampur, Dr Heera successfully received three year Diploma in Architecture Engineering. Subsequently, in 2001, he obtained M.A. Degree in Buddhist Studies with First Class from the University of Jammu. In 2005, he was awarded the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Buddhist Studies from the same university. Dr Heera also obtained M.A. Degree in Philosophy from Gurukul Kangri University Haridwar with First Class in year 2007.
Books from this author - Uniqueness Of Carvaka Philosophy In Indian Traditi
Bibhu Padhi
Bibhu Padhi teaches English at SCS College at Puri-on-Sea, Orissa. His poems and scholarly articles have appeared in magazines and journals of international repute. His fourth book of poems, Painting the House, is in press. He has also written a book-length study of D.H. Lawrence.
Books from this author - Indian Philosophy And Religion
Bill deMello
Bill deMello was three and a half years old when Tony left home to join the
Jesuits. All his life he heard about but did not see much of his brother. After
Tony’s sudden death at a time when the two brothers were just beginning to
form a close relationship, Bill underwent a profound experience of
melancholy bordering on depression, then resignation and finally
This book is a brother’s tribute to Tony deMello and his powerful impact on
Bill – more powerful after his death than when he was alive.
Bill is a Master Perfumer and runs his own business. He lives with his wife
Rose in Sydney, Australia. They have two sons and five grandchildren.
Books from this author - Anthony deMello SJ, The Happy Wanderer
Brenda Barnaby
Brenda Barnaby
Brni Nishita Chaitanya
Brni Nishita Chaitanyaa
Brother lawrence
Brother lawrence (1611-1691),was an earnest seeker of God.He had an experience at the age of 18.He was a changed personsince then and till the last day of his life he was in commune with God to whom he surrendered himself completely. Details of Brother Lawrence are meagre.He worked as a soldier and a footman.He was noted for his technique of recollections.He observed once that he possessed God in as great tranqulity as if he was upon his knees at the blessed sacrament.
Carlos G Valles S J
Carlos Gonzalez Valles was born in Spain, came early in his life to India where he was ordained a priest in the Society of Jesus, and Worked for many years as professor of mathematics in St. Xavier's College, Ahmedabad.
Together with his professional teaching he entered the literary field in the Gujarati language, and published many books which won for him the Ranjitram Gold Medal, the highest literary award in the land.
He has also received the “Acharya Kakasaheb Kalelkar Award for Universal Harmony” [1995] and the “Ramkrishna Jaydalal Harmony Award” [1997] for his work towards mutual understanding among peoples of different languages, cultures and religions.
Retired now from his university chair he has turned to writing in English and Spanish, bringing to the spiritual and psychological fields his western roots and his eastern branches. He also gives courses on Oriental Spirituality in India and abroad.
Central Chinmaya Mission Trust
Central Chinmaya Mission Trust...
Chaitanya S Balsekar
Chaitanya S Balsekar isthe younger brother of the renowned Advaita sage, Ramesh Balsekar, Chaitanya was also a fellow disciple of the legendary Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, the master of Advaita. Chaitanya says, “I remember once telling Maharaj that I could not understand a lot of what he was teaching. He said I should not worry about it because when he talked he planted seeds of Understanding, and they take root in their own time.” Chaitanya has integrated both his guru Nisargadatta’s and his brother Ramesh’s teaching – a quality that is very present in his writings. He embodies Advaita in his daily life in the world.
Books from this author - Dream Of Consciousness
Charles Lambrou
Charles Lambrou currently lives in India, exploring the sacred inner realms and enjoying the many textures of life, love, and humanity. He has studied and been blessed with the presence and wisdom of masters around the world. Charles teaches, writes and leads retreats worldwide on The Three Steps as well as the art of mindful living.
‘Char les inspi res, del ights and awakens us.The Alchemist’s Way is thoughtful and provocative,deeply personal and practical . His depth ofmeditative insight and understanding illuminates the way to using the wisdom of our body and mindto experience inner peace and a life fi lled with love.It leaves us optimistic that true healing is reallypossible.’ Dr Leslie Pleass, M.D.
Books from this author - The Alchemist's Way: Health, Happiness And Wellbeing
Charlotte Common
Charlotte Common
Chhaya Tiwari
Professor Chhaya Tiwari, a dedicated Sanskrit scholar, was an ardent devotee of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. She translated works related to Bhagavan and his teachings into Gujarati.
Books from this author - Sadhu Na Sansmarano - Gujarati
Clifford DeSilva
Clifford DeSilva is a practising counsellor in Goa. Counselling was his first love from a very tender age but in the course of his studies he was introduced to spirituality by his mentor. However, it was years before he came to fully appreciate spirituality and the concept of enlightenment. ‘Not a Serpent, Not a Rope’ is his first book.
Books from this author - Not a Serpent Not a Rope
Colin D Mallard
Colin Mallard, had from an early age, a deep interest in spiritual matters. His formal education focused on philosophy, theology, Literature and psychology. For many years he studied wisdom derived from the Toltec tradition, Sufism, Taoism and Advaita Vedanta.
A life long search to know and understand himself too him to India and eventually into the presence of the Advaita Master, Ramesh S. Balsekar, Who became his guru. Ramesh Was able to destroy his per – conceived notions and in the emptiness that remained the underlying reality emerged.
Mallard, who has traveled extensively is also a photographer.
Books from this author - Stillpoint : A Novel Of War, Peace, Politics And Palestine, Reflections: From Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, Like a large immovable rock : Letters from disciples of a modern sage
Colin Wilson
Colin Wilson
D M Sastri
D.M. Sastri was a close disciple of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. He translated and commented on Bhagavan's Upadesa Saram.
Books from this author - Sri Maharshi’s Way
Damini Resamvala Dalal
Damini Dalal is a highly acclaimed Yoga scholar and practitioner with over 28 years in the field teaching various aspects of Yoga and Indian philosophy, with Masters in Indian Philosophy from Mumbai University. She has in-depth knowledge of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Samkhya philosophy and has been practising and teaching yoga at The Yoga Institute, Santacruz, Mumbai, the oldest Yoga Institute in the world. Earlier she was a lecturer at Mumbai University.
To take Indian philosophy, Yoga and Samkhya and its transcendental praxis to the common person is her mission. She has authored books on Yoga and philosophy.
Books from this author - The Essence of Samkhya Karikas: The Foundation of Yoga Philosophy, The Yoga Sutras of Maharsi Patañjali
Dattatreya L Velankar
Dattatreya L Velankar Born into a family of Keertanakaras, Shri Dattatreya Velankar has inherited a unique lineage from his parents, Sri. Lakshmandas Velankar and Smt. Meera Lakshmandas. Inspired by his parents, Dattatreya took up Harikatha at a tender age and made his mark as a child prodigy. During his early schooling at the Ramakrishna Balakashrama in Mangalore, Swami Jitakamanandaji and Sri. Achyutadasji encouraged Dattatreya to seek guidance in Hindustani classical music under the renowned maestro, Pt. Vinayak Torvi. For the last 20 years, Dattatreya has pursued rigorous training under Pt. Vinayak Torvi, who has blessed Dattatreya with Ganda Bandan Deeksha. Dattatreya has authored a book titled ‘Sangeet Mala’ outlining the basics of Hindustani classical music.
David Godman
David Godman was born in Stoke-on-Trent, England, in 1953. While he was attending Oxford University in the early 70s he found himself being attracted to the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi. In 1976 he traveled to India, intending to make a brief visit to Ramana Maharshi's ashram. He is still there thirty-two years later. After a period of intense meditation that lasted almost two years (1976-8) he started and ran the ashram's library, leaving it in 1985 to devote himself to writing and research. He has now edited or written fourteen books on Ramana Maharshi, his teachings and his direct disciples. More books are on the way.
Books from this author - Annamalai Swami Final Talks, The Power Of The Presence Part Three, No Mind - I Am The Self, The Power Of The Presence Part One, The Power Of The Presence Part Two
Deepam Chatterjee
Deepam, an ex-Army officer, endeavours to integrate ancient Indian ethics and values with modern ideals. He writes and lectures on spirituality and Hindu thought.
An alumnus of The National Defence Academy and The Indian Military Academy, he served six years in The Indian Army.
A keen athlete and long distance runner, Deepam suffered extensive damage to the spine during service, and resigned his commission. Subsequently, he self-cured himself through yogic practices.
Then, he took up film-making, a family profession, and produced and directed a few documentary films. It was during this period, that he met and spent time with various saints, including the Dalai Lama.
This triggered a deep spiritual exploration and Deepam started searching for the true meaning and purpose of his existence.
Eventually he met His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and trained extensively in yoga and meditation. Thereafter, he taught The Art of Living courses for a few years.
Deepam lives at Mumbai and lectures on spirituality and stress management. His writings are regularly published in newspapers and periodicals. This is his first book.
Books from this author - The Timeless Faith
Deepta Roy Charaverti
"Deepta Roy Chakraverti is a corporate lawyer by training, a psychic investigator by calling, and daughter of the celebrated Wiccan Priestess and author, Ipsita Roy Chakraverti. Deepta has seen firsthand, from an early age, extensive research into the unexplained. Her own experiences have helped her realize that science and mysticism work together.
Deepta holds a first degree in mathematics from the University of Delhi and a degree in law from King’s College London. She works with an oil and energy major in India and is also General Secretary of The Wiccan Brigade."
Books from this author - Bhangarh to bedlam : Haunted Encounters, Cursed at Kedarnath and Other stories
Devaraja Mudaliar
A. Devaraja Mudaliar was a lawyer by profession.He had his first darshan of Bhagavan Ramana at the Virupaksha cave in the first decade of the twentieth century and over the years occasionally visited him. It was however much later, in the 1930s, that he became a close devotee of the Sage. He came to live in Sri Ramanasramam in 1942 where he lived until 1966. He was thus able to closely observe Sri Bhagavan and his life and interact daily with him. In 1945, Devaraj Mudaliar began writing a diary of events and conversations that took place in the Old Hall of Sri Bhagavan.
Books from this author - Day By Day With Bhagavan, Gems From Bhagavan, My Recollections Of Bhagavan Sri Ramana
Devdas Menon
Dr. Devdas Menon is a professor of structural engineering at IIT Madras, and a successful consultant. He is well-versed in the various spiritual traditions of Vedanta, Taoism, Buddhism, Zen, Christianity and Sufism. His brilliant and popular lectures are peppered with some of the ideas he has put forth in this book.
At the age of twenty-five, he underwent a profound inner transformation that was to leave an enduring impression on him. He withdrew from the material world for a brief period and, under the guidance of some Himalayan Masters, came to realize that there was no need at all to 'renounce' the world. On their advice, he chose to remain in and practice the profession for which he had been trained. He later added the dimension of education, for which he found he had a natural calling. He advocates a holistic approach to education and life in which 'awakening' has a central role to play.
Books from this author - Stop Sleepwalking Through Life!
Devdutt Pattanaik
Dr. Devdutt Pattanaik, is an Indian physician turned leadership consultant, mythologist and author whose works focus largely on the areas of myth, mythology, and also management. He has written a number of books related to Hindu mythology, including Myth = Mithya: A Handbook of Hindu Mythology, a novel, The Pregnant King, and Jaya: An Illustrated Retelling of the Mahabharata (2010). He is the former chief belief officer of Future Group, one of India's largest retailers, He writes a column for the newspaper MID DAY.
Books from this author - Hanuman - An Introduction, Shiva - An Introduction, Lakshmi - The Goddess Of Wealth And Fortune: An Introduction, Vishnu - An Introduction
Dhiruben Patel
Dhiruben Patel is a well known litterateur and a popular Gujarati writer who, like her mother, received guidance and grace from Sri Bhagavan back in the 1940s. Her mother was a close devotee of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi and Dhiruben first visited Bhagavan along with her family. Dhiruben was residing in Santa Cruz, Bombay when a few devotees, led by Sri Vasant Kothari of Sri Ramanasramam, paid her a visit in May 2007. Dhiruben Patel had not visited Sri Ramanasramam since the year of Bhagavan's Mahasamadhi, in 1950. Feeling Bhagavan's call, and encouraged by the these devotees to make the pilgrimage to Tiruvannamalai, Dhiruben did travel to Tiruvannamalai later that same year when she was 81.
Dhiruben has translated books related to Bhagavan's life and teachings into Gujarati.
Books from this author - Bhagavan Na Bodha Ratno – Gujarati
Dinkar K shirsagar
Dinkar K shirsagar
Dinkar Kshirsagar
Dinkar Kshirsagar
Books from this author - Sadhakansathi Dasbodh (Marathi), Sadhakansathi Tukaram Gaatha (Marathi), Sadhakansathi Nisargadatta Maharaj (Marathi), Nisargadatta Vachnamrut (Marathi), Sadguru Nisargadatta Maharaj Yanchi Durmil Nirupane (Marathi)
Dr Abha Singh
Dr. Abha Singh has 17 years of experience of teaching science. Currently she is Assistant Professor at Western Illinois University teaching Science and Education courses.Dr.Singh has also taught in-service teachers environment science for high ability students at the University of Iowa. She leads many pre-service and in-service science workshops.
Books from this author - Morality And Social Justice
Dr Amit Jain
Dr Amit jain
Dr B K Chandra Shekhar
Dr B K Chandra Shekhar is a Rajyogi; psycho-neurobics specialist; propounder of SIGFA, a new science of healing; an international mind and memory trainer; Guinness World Record holder in the Speech category; Programme Director (Memory Development and Psycho-Neurobics) of Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University, Chennai; Founder Director of Invisible Doctors Solutions; and author of more than 15 books on mind, memory, and healing power. He has conducted more than 4000 workshops and seminars in India and abroad on memory techniques, mind power, stress management, and psycho-neurobics exercises for mind-body-spirit fitness and holistic health. He is a living example of self-healing, having survived two major life-threatening diseases – cancer and Hepatitis C – through the practical application of psycho-neurobics and Rajyoga.
Books from this author - I CAN HEAL MYSELF IN 7 DAYS
Dr Debashish Banerji
Debashish Banerji is a professor of Indian Studies and Dean of Academic Affairs at the University of Philosophical Research, Los Angeles. He is also an adjunct faculty in Art History at the Pasadena City College; and a Research Fellow in Asian and Comparative Studies at the California Institute of Integral Studies, San Francisco. Banerji is the author of the book The Alternate Nation of Abanindranath Tagore (Sage, 2010).
Books from this author - Seven Quartets Of Becoming
Dr Debasish Chakraborty
Dr Debasish Chakraborty coordinates the Science and Liberal Arts Department at the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad. He is pursuing his doctoral research in Semiotics from the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
Books from this author - Vaisesika Sutra Of Kanada
Dr Ernst Fürlinger
Dr Ernst Fürlinger has studied Nondualistic Kashmir Shaivism from 2001 till 2006 in North India, mainly with Pandit Hemendra Nath Chakravarty and Prof. Bettina Bäumer (both from Varanasi). He is a Lecturer at the Institute for Religious Studies, University of Vienna and member of the Scientific staff at Center for Migration and Integration, Danube University, Krems (near Vienna). Austria.
Books from this author - The Touch Of Shakti A Study In Non-dualistic Trika
Dr Fr George Praseed
Dr Fr. George Praseed ims is presently the Rector of the Jnana Bharati Gurukul, IMS Study House, Pitampura, Delhi. He holds a Doctorate in Systematic Theology with specialization in Pastoral Liturgy, from the Institute of Pastoral Liturgy, Abbey of St. Justine, Padua, incorporated into the Faculty of Sacred Theology of the Pontifical University of St. Anslem, Rome. He was the dean of studies in the Vishwa Jyoti Gurukul, IMS Philosophate, Varanasi and Director of the Jnana Bharati, Regional Theology Centre, Varanasi, an extension centre of Vidyajyoti College of Theology, Delhi. Besides presenting several papers in the national and international conferences/seminars he has contributed articles in the journals of national and international repute.
Books from this author - Sacrifice And Cosmos
Dr G Ramakrishna
Dr. G. Ramakrishna
Dr H Ramamoorthy
The late Dr. H. Ramamoorthy was a foremost Sanskrit scholar and expert in Tamil. He was renowned for his humility, subtle humor, devotion, and a superlative clarity of expression even when dealing with the loftiest Hindu scriptural texts. During the period from 1989 to 2001, Dr. H. Ramamoorthy and Nome worked in close collaboration to translate numerous Advaita Vedanta texts, from Sanskrit and Tamil, into English.
Dr J T Shah
Dr. J. T. Shah
Dr Jayadeva Yogendra
Dr Jayadeva Yogendra was born on April 27, 1929. The first born of two sons, Dr. Jayadeva has lived an extraordinary life. He grew up at the Yoga Institute; his environment and influences were steeped in yoga from the very beginning. He was totally surrounded by the yoga lifestyle. As a quiet, reflective boy, he spent considerable time pondering the principles and practices of yoga. He completed his Ph.D. in philosophy at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan under Mumbai University. In the early 1950s, he was asked by Shri Yogendra to organize various educational and training programs. He has contributed many innovations to yoga education. For example, he introduced “the methodology of teaching yoga to different groups with specially customized syllabi and programs.” Dr. Jayadeva has authored eight books and participated in numerous research studies and publications, beginning in 1951. He is the editor of the monthly journal of The Yoga Institute – ‘Yoga and Total Health’ for the past 51 years.
Dr. JayadevaYogendra, world-renowned “householder Yogi”, was born in a family of Yogis and lives a duty bound life. Today, the Sadhakas and students of The Yoga Institute, look up to this humble man as a Guru and guide.
Together with his wife Hansaji, Dr. Jayadev has introduced several group learning programmes that generate self-awareness. Indeed, they are a unique couple, united in their way of thinking and in their dedication to yoga. Today, DrJayadev (PhD Philosophy, University of Bombay) is the Head of the Institute, an editor as well as a teacher. His main concern is the teaching of classical yoga ideals, its historic context and its possibilities in modern life. Hansaji has a huge fan following. After all, she is the charismatic yoga expert of the popular television series 'Yoga for Better Living'.
The couple has made yoga simple, meaningful yet experimental. It is a way of life for them. Unlike many teachers, who provide a lopsided view of yoga by over-emphasising either the physical aspects or the relaxation techniques, Dr. Jayadev and Hansaji have developed a conceptual framework that is really outstanding. First introduced by Dr. Jayadeva, Bhavas play a very important role on the path of Yoga. Regular and repeated practice of these techniques slowly enhances the accompanying Bhava into one’s personality. Bhavas literally translated, the word ‘Bhava’ stands for a feeling or attitude.
Books from this author - Better Humans : Making life meaningful and worthwhile, Yoga Cyclopaedia – Vol. I, The Yoga Of Caring, Yoga For Children Teachers' Handbook, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Dr M Anantanarayana Rao
Dr M Anantanarayana Rao
Dr M L Gharote
Dr. Manohar L. Gharote(21.05.1931 – 17.01.2005: MA, M. Ed, (Phy.), Ph.D. (Anthrop.) Ph.D. (Alt. Med.), D. Litt., D.Y.P., the Founder-Director of the Lonavla Yoga Institute (India) was a direct disciple of Swami Kuvalayananda. After demise of Swami Kuvalayananda, he continued to work in Kaivalyadhama in various capacities as Asstt. Director of Scientific Research, Deputy Director of Philosophico-Literary Research and Principal of G.S. College of Yoga and Cultural Synthesis for 30 years. He worked for more than forty long years in collecting materials on the Encyclopaedia of Traditional Asanas. This was originally a dream of Swami Kuvalayananda, which as a true disciple, Dr. M.L. Gharote fulfilled.
Books from this author - Teaching Methods For Yogic Practices, Brhadyogiyajnavalkyasmrti - English
Dr M V Bhole
Dr M V Bhole
Dr P V Karambelkar
Dr P V Karambelkar
Dr Radhika Sekar
Dr Radhika Sekar
Dr Rama Venkataraman
Dr (Ms) Rama Venkataraman has translated with great clarity and lucidity seven major Upanishadic plays from Tamil and provided the summaries for each at the beginning of the play to bring out the themes and concepts to the reach of English knowing populace and the younger generation alike.
She was aided in her efforts by Shri A.V.V.S. Kamaraju who illustrated the text with his sketches which brought out further clarity to many an abstract portion of the play.
The author has a Doctorate in Environmental Sociology and is an avid practitioner of Acupuncture. She has several easy to understand books to her credit on this forte too.
The other publication to her credit is Ladakh — A Himalayan Treasure, a socio-cultural book dealing with tourism aspects.
Dr S Ramaratnam
Dr S. Ramaratnam is the Vice-Chancellor Designate of the proposed Jagadguru Kripalu University in Orissa. Earlier to this, he was working as the Vice-Chancellor of Sri Sri University, Bhubaneswar. Having worked as the Director of a Management Institute and Principal of Colleges, he has more than 40 years of experience in the academic world. He has 5 Postgraduate degrees including M.B.A. and M.Phil. in Management and M.A., Ph.D. in Sanskrit, as well as degrees and diplomas in as many as 12 subjects. He has been awarded a number of titles such as Samskrta Ratna and Bharata Kala Nipuna. He was also a Visiting Professor at Oxford University for two terms. He has presided over sessions at International Conferences held in Germany, The Netherlands, Austria, Australia, USA, South Africa and Malaysia. He has published a number of books and more than 50 articles in leading Journals.
Dr Satnam Kaur
Dr (Mrs) Satnam Kaur has served Mata Sundri College for Women (University of Delhi) for forty-one years, first as a teacher of philosophy and then as Principal. Dr Kaur has a good deal of important academic work to her credit.
Her first book, Three Basics of Sikh Religious Thought: Faith, Grace and Prayer (1997), has been well received. She edited two books Bani Guru Guru hai Bàni and Guru Angad Devji da Yogdan, both in Punjabi.
Books from this author - Guru Nanak's Japuji
Dr Shri Krishna
Krishna Singh(1887–1961), known as Sri Babu and Bihar Kesari, was the first Chief Minister of the Indian state of Bihar (1946–1961). Along with the nationalists Rajendra Prasad and Anugrah Narayan Sinha, Singh is regarded among the Architects of Modern Bihar. Barring the war years (Second World War 1939–1945), Sinha was chief minister of Bihar from the time of the first Congress Ministry in 1937 until his death in 1961.” He led Dalit’s entry into the BaidyanathDham temple (Vaidyanath Temple, Deoghar), reflecting his commitment to the upliftment and social empowerment of dalits. He was the first Chief Minister in the country to abolish the zamindari system. He underwent different terms of imprisonment for a total of about eight years in British India.
The former President of India, PratibhaPatil, released a book on the letters of exchange between Sinha and the First Prime minister of IndiaJawaharlal Nehru titled Freedom and Beyond. The Nehru-Sinha correspondence touches on subjects such as Indian democracy in the making in early years of Independence, Centre-State relations, role of governor, turbulence in Nepal, Zamindari abolition and education scenario. Sinha was known for his scholarship and erudition and he had given his personal collection of 17,000 books to the public library in Munger in 1959 which is now named after him as Sri Krishna SevaSadan.
Shri O. P. Twari was intiated in the field of Yoga by his Guru swami Kuvalayanda. He was amongst the first few students of Swamiji to have completed his Yoga pravishtha in the year 1957.since then he been selflessly devoted to the cause of Yoga.
Books from this author - Living With Stress Without Distress Through Yoga
Dr T D Singh
T.D. Singh
Sripada Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami
T.D. Singh was born on December 9, 1937 in the Himalayan Kingdom of Manipur, which later became a territory and ultimately a State of India. From his young childhood he was an active participant in the devotional arts and culture of the Bhagavata tradition of Manipur.
He was a brilliant student and received many scholarships, which eventually took him to the United States of America where he received his Ph.D. in Physical Organic Chemistry from the University of California, Irvine.
While in the USA he met, and began advanced studies in the science of Vaishnava Vedanta under, his spiritual master, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. As part of the Bhagavata tradition he entered the renounced order of life and received the title Sripada Bhaktisvarupa Damodara Swami.
T.D. Singh used to say, “ I am performing the chemistry of cultures.”
His ability to synthesize the two apparently opposed cultures in his background, Eastern Spirituality and Western Science, not only made him unique and was reflected in his life’s work but also assisted in creating a more holistic perspective towards life’s journey for numerous world leaders, scientists, educators, spiritualists and individuals.
T.D. Singh departed this world on October 2, 2006.
Books from this author - Seven Nobel Laureates on Science and Spirituality, God is a Person, Life, Matter and Their Interactions, God Intelligent Design and Fine Tunning, Thoughts on Synthesis of Science and Religion
Dr Vassant Shirvaikar
V. V. Shirvaikar, born in Goa in 1933, had his primary and secondary education in Goa. He then studied at the Wilson College in Bombay and did his Master’s degree in Nuclear Physics. He later joined the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay where he was a research scientist, specialising in the Environmental Sciences, especially subjects related to safety from radioactive gaseous pollutants released from Nuclear plants, until his retirement in 1991. He did his Doctorate from University of Mumbai in 1972 while working at the Research Centre. He has authored several research papers in scientific journals, written several technical reports and guided research in his subject of specialisation. He was also connected with International Atomic Energy Agency, Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, Bureau of Indian Standards and National Environmental Engineering Research Institute at Nagpur.
He developed high respect and an attraction towards Shri Shankar Maharaj when he happened to read the Marathi translation of Towards the Silver Crests of Himalayas and saw the photograph of Maharaj with his childlike face and remarkably big eyes. This attraction was fanned by Mr N. G. Date, a spiritualist from Malad (Bombay) who has been a catalyst to many in their spiritual path and with whom he came in contact by chance. Circumstances led to his being taken in his fold by Maharaj through another disciple in 1985, some 38 years after Maharaj took Samadhi.
Though Dr. Shirvaikar did initially keep in contact with the scientific work related to environment he now keeps himself busy with spiritual topics. He wrote several articles on spiritual topics for the quarterly periodical Sai-Arpan including a ten part series on Datta-Parampara and another ten part series on Teachings of Dnyaneshwari.
Dr Shirvaikar lives with his wife in Pune where he settled immediately after retirement from service. His two sons live in the USA.
Books from this author - The Eternal Wisdom Of Dnyaneshwari, Yogiraj: The Life And The Teachings of Shri Shankar Maharaj
Dr Vemuri Ramesam
Dr. Vemuri Ramesam retired as Adviser in the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt of India, New Delhi.
Dr. Ramesam had a brilliant academic record with several Prizes won for Proficiency in various subjects and/or standing first in his class. He was awarded Ph.D. by McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada in 1968. He holds a Post-Graduate Diploma in Journalism from Bhavan’s Institute.
Dr. Ramesam published many scientific papers. He was awarded the Commonwealth Fellowship by the Government of Canada in 1964-67 and Merit Scholarship in 1959-60 by the Andhra University. The Geological Society of India conferred their Biennial Surya Praksa Rao Award on him in 1987.
Regarding his latest book:
Do you know that you are older than the earth and the Solar System and your origin lies in distant stars? Does our brain detect the difference between sexual pleasure and Spiritual Bliss? Does Science support Rebirth? Are we playing hosts to a wide variety of creatures? When everything in you and around you changes so rapidly, how are you still what you are? Is there invisible energy everywhere? Do we have a ‘self’ within us? What is Supreme Consciousness and how do I realize it? Answers to many such tantalizing questions can be found here.
In 28 crisp essays Dr. Vemuri Ramesam covers cutting edge scientific developments in a wide variety of fields from Quantum and High Energy physics to Cell Biology and Neuroscience, Anthropology etc. in simple terms. He relates these to our day to day life trying to tease out the mysticism behind tradition.
Books from this author - Religion Demystified
Dr. Chandan Das
"Dr Chandan Das was born in 1966 in Cuttack, Odisha. His father was a doctor and mother an English professor. Diagnosed with thalassemia major at 11 months, much of his formal schooling was as a private candidate. Nevertheless, he passed his Matriculation in the first division, his Intermediate in Arts from Berhampur University with a second position in the University’s Merit List, his BA (English Honours) from Khallikote College with a first position, first class along with a National Scholarship, his MA from Ravenshaw College, Utkal University with a first position, first class in the University’s Merit List alongwith three gold medals, his MPhil in English from Utkal University, and his PhD in Translation Studies from Utkal University.
At the age of 8 he won the first prize in the All India Juvenile Literary Conference Poetry Competition at Bhubaneswar. He won the first prize in The Telegraph’s Vineet Gupta Memorial Contest in Poetry in1988for his poem, ‘Of Ants and Poems’. His poems, translations and short stories have appeared in leading Indian publications. His translation of Fakir Mohan Senapati’s Odia classic, Lachhama, was published in 2013.
Chandan is a professor of English at ShailaBala Women’s College, Cuttack, and is also actively involved in working for the thalassemic children of Odisha. He is also a life member of the Indian Red Cross."
Books from this author - The Road Taken
Dr. KN Krishna swami Rajkumar
" DR K N KRISHNASWAMY M.E, PhD (II.Sc.) retired as Professor of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. He worked in the areas of Operations Management and Creativity, and guided many research students for their PhD; did research projects for the Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India. Author of the books Research Methodology in Management, 2006 and Case Studies in Operations Management, 2007. He has a deep interest in Vedanta, Yoga and Bhagawad Gita. Founder Member AtmaBodh, Center for Learning and Healing, Bengaluru.
RAJ KUMAR DHAM B.E.,D.I.I.Sc; MD(AM) Motivational Trainer and Founder Member AtmaBodh, Center for Learning and Healing. He is alumnus and guest faculty at I.I.Sc. He worked as Head of Management Services Department of Bharat Electronics Ltd., Ghaziabad. He is Trustee of People’s Trust , an NGO which has adopted 18 villages for total development. Trustee Institute of Health and Cosmic Harmony, dedicated to spreading Holistic Health Movement. Entrepreneur, Trainer ,Yoga Master, Holistic Health and Wellness Promoter. Fellow Member International Yoga and Meditation and Top Contributor Indian Leadership Group. His book Your Back is the Backbone of your Health was published by the Institute of Health and Cosmic Harmony, 1996. Was awarded Gold Medal by IHMA for his contribution to the society for the cause of Holistic Health in 2001."
Dr. Shveta Sanghani
Dr. Shveta Sanghani PhD, MPH (USA), HFS (USA), has earned a doctoral degree in medical biochemistry specializing further in public health nutrition, behavior and health promotion, sports nutrition and exercise science.
Dr. Shveta has conducted National and International lifestyle modification programs for stress reduction, obesity and disease prevention in community, corporate and university settings.
Her programs are based on plant based food, meditation, gentle, moderate and high intensity exercise training and simple behavior change strategies.
Dr. Shveta has received several awards for her programs and presentations. She was selected as the ‘Leading Scientist of the World’ by the International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England. Dr. Shveta was nominated by ET NOW for the ‘Leaders of Tomorrow’ Award. Her articles have been published internationally in renowned journals, health magazines and newsletters.
Books from this author - LIFESTYLE AS MEDICINE: A Practical Guide
Dr. Vanitha vaidialingam
Vanitha Vaidialingam has a doctorate in English, an MBA in operations management, and has been a distinguished civil servant and taxation consultant. She is a professional in software technology management and writes for niche technology websites. She has self-published a collection of short stories.
Books from this author - Close Encounters of the Mystical Kind
Dr.NK Sharma
Dr NK Sharma is a distinguished naturopath, a world renowned Reiki grand masterand the founder of Reiki Healing Foundation. Recipient of varied prestigious awards like the New York (USA) Doctor of Divinity, Bharat Nirman, RajdhaniRatan awards, Dr Sharma has to his credit establishment of a 30-bed hospital called Natural Health Institute in Mumbai. He has authored several books on nutrition and spirituality. Milk – A Silent Killer has been translated in several foreign languages. Apart from being a healer and health crusader, he is a poet, writer, singer and teacher. He lives in Delhi with his wife, who is his partner in healthy living. They have raised two healthy children without milk, vaccination and childhood suffering.
Books from this author - Body Mind Programming, Milk: A Silent Killer
Dr.Sant S.Dharamananda
A philosopher-scientist, Dr Sant S Dharamananda was born and raised in the Islands of Trinidad and Tobago. He migrated to the US for higher education in 1982. He graduated with a Degree in Industrial Technology, and also has an MBA in Sustainable Community Development. He also has a PhD in Eastern Philosophy with an emphasis on Higher Consciousness from Williamsburg University in Manchester, England. He is a direct disciple of Sri Swami Rama, a spiritual master and mystic from the Himalayas.
As a scientist, Sant worked as a microbiologist for the Aveda Corporation in Minneapolis for over 10 years. He has also developed a natural product line called Enlight-N-Scent, manufacturing aromatic emollients, candles, and lotions etc.
As a philanthropist, he has established the Himalayan College of Trinidad and Tobago and the Himalayan Education Centre in Wisconsin, US, in an effort to blend and integrate Himalayan wisdom with modern science and technology.
Besides his unique background and training, Sant is an accomplished musician and speaker and has held talks on science and spirituality throughout Canada and the US. He has studied from several Himalayan masters and spent time in India deepening his practices in meditation and yoga of the heart.
Books from this author - Mystic Experiences with Himalayan Masters
Dwaraknath Reddy
Dwaraknath Reddy, a post-graduate in science (L.S.U.; USA), built up a family-owned industry into national eminence and has donated all his wealth to serve the poor multitudes of his countrymen.
All his adult life, his was a quest to know the ultimate goal of human existence. His was a soul in search of its beginnings, to enable understanding of its highest ultimate purpose.
He saw clearly that the relative cannot contain the Absolute. Objective knowledge can and must end in subjective experience. The teachings of RamanaMaharshi convinced him that Ramana was the epitome of all scriptures, the promise and proof of attainable perfection. Of Ramana’s transcendence into Absolute Consciousness beyond concepts of time, space, and causality, he writes:
“Long before Time could write Ramana’s obituary, Ramana wrote Time’s obituary.”
Reddy, now 84 years old, is a seeker of Reality and lives at Sri Ramanashram, Tiruvannamalai (South India), which is the sanctified shrine of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi.
Books from this author - The Physics Of Karma, Divya - The Rainbow Child, Death Was Never Born Life Never Died - Reincarnation Or Evolution?, Gentle Breeze, Rustling Leaves, Can God Improve My Balance Sheet?
Echo Bodine
Echo Bodine is a renowned spiritual healer, psychic, and teacher. Her previous books include 'Hands That Heal', 'The Gift', and 'A Still, Small Voice'. She lectures throughout the country on intuition, spiritual healing, life, death, and life after death. She also offers workshops through the Center, her teaching and healing center in Bloomington, Minnesota.
Books from this author - Echoes Of The Soul
Eric Robertson
Erik R. Robertson is an author, trainer, media personality, and coach in the fields of parenting, management, leadership, and consciousness.Erik holds a degree in educational psychology from the University of Amsterdam. A successful career with many non-profit institutions in education, health care, and care for the mentally and physically impaired, culminated in an equally successful counselling practice for parenting. He created the acclaimed Love and Law model of parenting, cofounded the Learning with Heart and Soul Conferences, and represented The Netherlands in an EU international educational/parenting project from 2008 to 2010.Erik travels extensively all over the world and considers India his second home, where he lives for a few months in a year, visiting an ashram, advising universities, and co-organizing a mentoring pilot programme. Ten per cent of his profits go to projects that offer direct help to the poorest of India with free health care, education, and clean water. He is also a supporter of Tibetan monks and nuns living in exile in India.
Books from this author - Oops ! A Toolkit For Parents
Francis Valloor
Dr. Francis Valloor is an author and international speaker. His life long quest brought him in contact with many wonderful spiritual teachers, friends and several masters and sages such as Anthony de Mello. It was he who set him on the path of Awareness. After de Mello’s death, Francis worked as the director of Sadhana Institute in Lonavla, India for fourteen years before spending two years as a visiting scholar at the University of Notre Dame. Currently he lives in Dublin, Ireland where he works as a Clinical Psychologist in private practice and conducts Awareness workshops and retreats. He is the author of A Dewdrop in the Ocean – Wisdom Stories for Turbulent Times (2009) and The Ocean in the Dewdrop – Awakening the Sage Within (2010).
Books from this author - Ocean In The Dew Drop, Seeing Your Face Without A Mirror, Walking with Turtles, When The Eye is Unobstructed, Play the Ball Where the Monkey Leaves it
Fredrick W Bunce
Fredrick W. Bunce, a PhD and a cultural historian of international eminence, is an authority on ancient iconography and Buddhist arts. He has been honoured with prestigious awards/commendations and is listed in Who’s Who in American Art and the International Biographical Dictionary, 1980. He is currently Professor Emeritus of Art, Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana. He has authored the following books all published by D.K. Printworld: • Buddhist Textile of Laos, Lan Na and the Isan — The Iconography of Design Elements. • A Dictionary of Buddhist and Hindu Iconography. • An Encyclopaedia of Buddhist Deities, Demigods, Godlings, Saints and Demons (2 vols.). • An Encyclopaedia of Hindu Deities, Demigods, Godlings, Demons and Heroes (3 vols.). • The Iconography of Architectural Plans — A Study of the Influence of Buddhism and Hinduism on Plans of South and South-east Asia. • Islamic Tombs in India — The Iconographical and Genesis of their Design. • Monuments of India and the Indianized States. • The Mosques of the Indian Subcontinent — Their Development and Iconography. • Mudras in Buddhist and Hindu Practices — An Iconographic Consideration. • Numbers — Their Iconographic Consideration in Buddhist and Hindu Practices. • Royal Palaces, Residences and Pavilions of India — An Iconographic Consideration. • The Sacred Dichotomy: Thoughts and Comments on The Duality of Female and Male Iconography in South Asia and the Mediterranean. • The Tibetan Iconography of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and other Deities — A Unique Pantheon. • The Yantra of Deities and their Numerological Foundations — An Iconographic Consideration.
Books from this author - The Yantras Of Deities And Their Numerological Fou, Mudras In Buddhist And Hindu Practices An Iconogra
G V Tagare
G.V. TAGARE, a former Member of the Maharashtra Education Service, retired as Professor of Education from the Government Secondary Training College, Kohlapur.
A versatile scholar, untiring researcher and prolific author, he has written on diverse themes from Indology, linguistics and education. In addition, his published work includes translations of over half-a-dozen Mahapuranas, critical editions of Sanskrit texts, and histories (in Marathi language) of Prakrit, Pali and Assamese literatures. Dr. Tagare is also known for discovering several old, unpublished manuscripts: in both Marathi and Sanskrit.
Books from this author - Saivism
Gangaben Patel
Gangaben Patel, was a freedom fighter and a social worker from Bombay (Mumbai). She, along with her entire family, was very badly shaken up at a tragic misfortune that occurred in 1944: Her eldest son drowned to death even as his mother witnessed the tragedy from the shore. After a few months, Mr. Chaganlal Yogi, a close disciple of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, suggested that she should go to Sri Ramanasramam. When Gangaben saw Bhagavan for the first time, she was so impressed that she came back to take the whole family – her husband, daughter and the newly-widowed daughter-in-law – to Ramanasramam. Gangaben later translated books related Bhagavan’s life and teachings into Gujarati. Her daughter, Dhiruben, a popular Gujarati novelist, has also translated Bhagavan’s works into Gujarati.
Books from this author - Mahayog – Gujarati, Sri Raman Charitamrut – Gujarati
Gary Gagliardi
Gary Gagliardi
Gautam Sachdeva
With a background in advertising, Gautam Sachdeva sought to self-publish his mother's books on her spiritual journey, and founded Yogi Impressions in the year 2000. Little did he know that Yogi Impressions would be publishing works by other spiritual masters in the years ahead. Gautam started his spiritual journey under Justice M. L. Dudhat and over the years has been under the specific influence of masters of non-duality like Ramesh Balsekar and Eckhart Tolle. He has spent eight years in close association with Ramesh Balsekar, which included working together closely in the publishing of quite a few books of one of the world's leading Advaita sages. Gautam writes articles regularly for Life Positive, India's leading spiritual magazine. He lives in South Mumbai.
Books from this author - Pointers From Ramesh Balsekar
Girish Borkar
Girish Borkar is a practicing Chartered Accountant and is the Managing Partner of M/s Borkar & Shenoy, Chartered Accountants. He has been in professional practice since 1987. He is an amateur blogger, paraglider, marathoner and a volunteer for the Trusts promoting Samarpan Meditation in India and abroad. He has lived mainly in Mumbai, but has spent a couple of years of his childhood in Zambia and Punjab. Girish is an alumni of St. Mary’s ICSE, Mumbai, R.A. Podar College of Commerce & Economics, Mumbai, Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and also a member of the Certified Management Accountants, Virginia, Australia. He is married and lives with his dentist wife Arati and younger daughter Vallari in Mumbai, India. His elder daughter Pallavi is currently settled in Montreal, Canada.
Books from this author - Grace At Every Step: My Spiritual Journey with Samarpan
Gudrun Buhnemann
Gudrun Bühnemann is a Professor of Sanskrit and South Asian Religions in the Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. Her recent publications include The Iconography of Hindu Tantric Deities (2 volumes, E. Forsten, 2000-2001) and Mandalas and Yantras in the Hindu Traditions (E.J. Brill, 2003; revised edition by D.K. Printworld, 2007).
Books from this author - Eighty-Four Asanas In Yoga A Survey Of Traditions, Tantric Forms Of Ganesa According To The Vidyarnav, Mandalas And Yantras In The Hindu Traditions
Guru Dayal
Guru Dayal, an unassuming, simple village boy, was inspired deeply by Swami Sivananda’s narration of Yoga Vasishta in story form. Boundless compassion of Mahesh Yogi and Rajneeshji deepened his quest of the unknown.
In 1976, Guru Dayal’s series of articles on the scientific analysis of non-existence of man and universe were printed monthly in Divine Life Society’s journal.
Swami Chinmayananda, Raman Maharshi and Nisargadatta Maharaj’s teachings fascinated him. On his journey, he connected with many spiritual masters such as Acharya Rajneesh, Swami Amar Jyoti, Swami Muktananda, Dadaji, Swami Dayanandji and various yogis, thinkers, seekers and many less known but divine luminaries living ‘ordinary’ lives, absorbing wisdom of Advaita, Vedanta, Tantra, Experiential Buddhism, New Thought Movement and also Bhakti.
Ramesh Balsekar’s very close association inspired him to write what he has understood. His first book was personally edited by Sri Sri Ramesh Balsekarji – Echoes from Eternity.
His books Essence of Yoga Vasishta: Secrets of Advaita Vedanta, Reality Behind Visible Cosmos and Is life Mere Dream or Reality? as well as various teachings of spiritual saints were rhymed in poetry and published as books in Hindi and English.
Books from this author - Echoes From Eternity
Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati
After his matriculation, Guru Nitya left home as a wandering mendicant to familiarize himself with the land and people of his country of birth. He met great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and poets of high repute and sat at the feet of several spiritual masters, including Sufi fakirs, Jain munis, and Buddhist monks, and Hindu teachers such as Ramana Maharshi and Nityananda.
In 1947 he joined the University College, Alwaye, Kerala to continue his academic studies. After specializing in philosophy and psychology, he taught these subjects in Indian universities. In 1951, he accepted Nataraja Guru — founder and head of the Narayana Gurukula — as his spiritual preceptor. In 1973 he followed him as head and Guru of the Gurukula, a world community of spiritual seekers. Between 1970 and 1980 he taught courses in psychology, philosophy, yoga, and aesthetics at universities in the US and other countries. He also was the chairperson of the East-West University of Unitive Sciences and the Commissioner for World Education.
Books from this author - Living The Science Of Harmonious Union, Neither This Nor That But... Aum, That Alone, The Core Of Wisdom
On the pleasant evening of 4th October 1969, a 27 year old photographer met Osho for the first time and silently handed him a note. It said...
"Please look into my eyes and see if they can be set aflame...
if they have the potential to see the light. If yes, then I have all the energy and courage to move on those paths which are unknown."
On reading it, Osho looked at him, smiled, and said...
"Ab aa gaye ho to wapis nahin laut paoge." (Now that you have come, there is no turning back) Since then, the young photographer never looked back.
When Osho started initiating disciples into Neo-Sannyas in 1970,
this photographer was fortunate to be amongst the first six disciples
to be initiated into sannyas by Him. He was given the new name –
Swami Chaitanya Bharti.
Since then, Swami Chaitanya Bharti -- now lovingly addressed as Gurudev has conducted over a 100 meditation camps in India and abroad. Now in his sixties, Gurudev lives in Mysore and continues to conduct meditation camps with undiminished energy, enthusiasm and commitment. As he says...
"This is my way of repaying the Master for all the blessings he has showered, all the wisdom he has shared, all the love he has poured on me... a debt which is basically impossible to repay."
Gurudev is also the founder of Oorja Music, a spiritual music company dedicated to creating music based on Osho's vision of music, dance and meditation. He is the author of 3 books : "Osho aur Inner Circle" in Hindi ; "Out of His Ashes" in English... and just released Gurudev's third book titled…and nothing has ever happened
Books from this author - …And Nothing Has Ever Happened
Hansa Jayadeva Yogendra
Smt. Hansaji Jayadeva Yogendra - Smt. Hansaji Jayadeva Yogendra is the Dean of The Yoga Institute and the wife of Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra. Born on 8th October'1947, she was educated in Bombay. She attended St. Xavier's High School (primary section) and then Nanavati Girls high School where education was based on Gandhian principles. She did her B.Sc. in Chemistry from the Mithibai College and her LLB from the Government Law College. Marriage was a turning point in Hansaji's life. With her innate charm and capacity, she brought about dramatic changes in the Institute. The ladies wing was expanded and she inspired a dynamism and radiance to all the activities. She brings a special energy wherever she goes and is a popular orator throughout the country. She has authored several Yoga books in English and Gujarati. The television serial, 'Yoga for Better Living' has been aired three times on the National network and is very well appreciated. She, together with her illustrious husband, has travelled widely and shares her knowledge with all selflessly and with grace. At present, she is the President of International Board of Yoga.
Books from this author - Marriage A Spiritual Journey, Growing With Yoga, Recipes For Happiness, Yoga For Youngsters, Yoga For Back And Joint Disorders (Black And White) (Hindi)
Hansa Jayadeva Yogendra, Sadha
Hansaji Yogendra
Hansaji Yogendra
Hedwig Lewis SJ
Hedwig Lewis SJ - Hedwig Lewis, S.J. was born in Mumbai (Bombay), India, in 1945. He joined the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), Gujarat Province in 1964 and was ordained a priest and was appointed as lecturer at St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad in 1977. Fr. Lewis has two master’s degrees (one in English literature [India] and one in human resource development [USA]). He has held several administrative posts, including rector and principal of St. Xavier’s College, director of the Xavier Institute of Languages, and editor of several magazines, including Navajuni. He received the Rev. T.A. Mathias Award for Innovative College Teachers from the All-India Association for Christian Higher Education (AIACHE), New Delhi, in 1993. Lewis has authored over thirty books that have been translated into Spanish, Lithuanian, and several Indian languages.
Books from this author - At Home With God, Jesuit Saints Without Paint
Hella Naura
Hella Naura, born 1940 in Germany, studied painting and earned her living as a mostly freelance translator, dubbing author and adaptor of foreign-language programmes by other methods for German TV. She temporarily worked or studied in New York, Marseille, London and Mumbai, then got deeply interested in Yoga as learnt from Dr. Jayadeva Yogendra of The Yoga Institute from 1975 onwards. She has authored many articles on Yoga learning and essays on global changes under psychological, ethical and consciousness-related perspectives.
Books from this author - Seven Weeks In ‘Little Tibet’: Philosophic Travelling in Ladakh
Hemant Karandikar
Hemant Karandikar - Hemant Karandikar is a Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering, from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Hemant has over thirty years of industry experience in research and development, engineering, manufacturing, marketing & sales and general management. After a long career at Philips Pune, India, he headed Global Weighing India as its Managing Director, which he founded to take over industrial weighing business of Philips.
Books from this author - Set Your Own Agenda: Lead To Regenerate
I Panduranga Rao
I Panduranga Rao
Ian Whicher
Ian Whicher is Deputy-Director of the Dharam Hinduja Institute of Indic Research at the University of Cambridge.
Books from this author - The Integrity Of The Yoga Darsana
Indrani Sanyal
Indrani Sanyal is a Professor of Philosophy and the Co-ordinator of Centre for Sri Aurobindo Studies at the Centre of Advanced Study, Jadavpur University, India. Her areas of interest are metaphysics, ethics, especially Indian ethics, philosophy of language and philosophy of Sri Aurobindo.
Books from this author - Ethics And Culture Some Indian Reflections
Ispita Roy Chakraverti
Ipsita Roy Chakraverti is a Wiccan High Priestess based in Kolkata, India. She is India’s foremost authority on the supernatural and an author and researcher into old world cultures and civilizations. She is credited with introducing the true face of Wicca in India, and has publicly condemned the crimes committed against women branded as ‘daayans’. Ipsita is the founder of The Wiccan Brigade and The Young Bengal Brigade. Her other books include the bestselling Beloved Witch Returns, Sacred Evil: Encounters with the Unknown and Spirits I Have Known.
Books from this author - Beloved Witch, Beloved Witch Returns
Jai Bhandarkar
Jai Bhandarkar is the grandson of the artist Vamanrao S. Pandit.
Born in 1962, he did his undergraduate from the Cathedral and John Connon School, Bombay and is a graduate of Commerce.
He is ex-director / founder of Lansdowne Gallery for modern and contemporary Indian art. He currently lives and works in Mumbai and New Delhi.
Books from this author - A Royal Palette (PB), A Royal Palette (HB)
Jamuna Rangachari
Jamuna Rangachari is the wife of a Naval Officer and the mother of two children. She is a software professional and writer. Her main interests include positive values, spirituality and holistic living.She believes that it is extremely important to promote positive values and principles through stories and tries to do this through her writing. She has authored two books for children. The first book she wrote was One (Rupa & co. 2005), a collection of short stories on all the religious practiced in India and their core principles Her second book was The Magic Liquid (Rupa & co 2005), that was an adventure tale with a sprinkling of values. She has also complied a book of Teaching Stories (Life Positive Publications, 2008) and More Teaching Stories (Life Positive Publications, 2010) from various wisdom traditions for Life Positive.
Books from this author - Elixir for Zylake, More Teaching Stories, Teaching Stories-Hindi, Teaching stories
Janis Amatuzio
Janis Amatuzio, M.D., is the founder of Midwest Forensic Pathology, P.A., serving as coroner and a regional resource for counties in Minnesota and Wisconsin. She has been in the field of forensic medicine for nearly 25 years. Board Certified in anatomic, forensic and clinical pathology, Dr. Amatuzio is an internationally recognized authority in forensic medicine and has developed many courses on such topics as death investigation, forensic nursing, and forensic medicine in mortuary science. Dr. Amatuzio is a dynamic speaker, a frequent guest in the media and author of numerous journal articles.
Jayadeva Hansa Yogendra
Jayadeva Hansa Yogendra
Jayashri M Gaitonde
Jayashri M Gaitonde
Jayashri M. Gaitonde
Jayashri Gaitonde is an ardent devotee of Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj. She began by accompanying her husband, Mohan Gaitonde, to the talks by Maharaj where his role was to translate Maharaj’s Marathi discourse into English for the benefit of the assembled seekers who were often from the West. However, within no time she was completely immersed in the Teaching. She attended every single satsang for several years, absorbing the very core and every nuance of her beloved Master’s teachings. She currently lives with her husband at Lonavala, a hill station situated at about three hours’ distance from Mumbai.
Books from this author - Amrutvarsha: Sri Nisargadatta Maharajyanchya Nirupanatil Veche (Marathi), Mantarlela Satsang, Shower of Grace: Meditations with Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Jean Dunn
Jean Dunn
One of Nisargadatta Maharaj’s notable Western devotees was a California woman named Jean Dunn. In 1963 Dunn edited and printed 100 copies of a booklet by Maharaj called Self Knowledge and Self Realization. It’s an early work, very different from I Am That and the later books. Like Frydman, Dunn had spent time with Ramana Maharshi before his death in 1950, and that association led her in 1978 to write an article about Maharaj’s teaching for The Mountain Path, the journal of Sri Ramanasramam. It was an article that attracted the attention of the then recently retired Ramesh Balsekar, who subsequently read I Am That and sought out Maharaj’s talks.
Books from this author - Seeds Of Consciousness, Consciousness & The Absolute, Prior To Consciousness
Jim Wilson
I found myself a cosy corner in a backpackers' hostel in the busiest part of Dunedin, which must closely correspond to the least busy part of Bombay/Mumbai. I loved walking the streets of Dunedin: a quaint town, I thought, much like--though in some ways bigger than--the campus town of Athens, Ohio where I did my dual master's degree programme at Ohio U in the early 1980s, before moving on to Harvard U for my fellowship year. An interesting sidelight: After the UOtago event, the host professor offered to take me to the beach for dinner. You must enjoy the beach in Dunedin, he said. I told him I was born and raised in a city of beaches--Mumbai--and that I'd rather pay a visit to the cricket ground which is etched in the history of Indian cricket--the Dunedin ground where India won its first ever overseas Test match in February 1968. And so we dropped the beach idea and proceeded to the ground where I took so many pics that my host had to remind me of dinner, not at the beach but at a downtown restaurant. The morning after our dinner, I walked into Otago Sports (a sports-goods store on Dunedin's main thoroughfare called George St, not far from my hostel), and was welcomed by an elderly gentleman who introduced himself as the store-owner and who, ostensibly going by my Indian looks, escorted me to the cricket-bat corner of the store which flaunted bats priced at NZD 1,000-plus! We chatted about Indian and NZ cricket and, when I told him I'd visited the "historic" ground the previous evening, he raised a red flag, saying he wasn't sure the ground I saw was the same one on which India created history in the 1967-68 season by winning its first overseas Test match. He suspected that there was another stadium in those days a little away from the univ campus where the match must have been played: that stadium, he said, was razed and a rugby ground built in its place. Any way of knowing for sure? My host-prof is an American married to a New Zealander, and had no clue. The question simply was: When was the first Test played at the ground which is now Dunedin's international cricket venue?
Books from this author - Journey to the Centre of my Being
Jitendra Pant
Vague promptings of the self, difficult circumstances and disconsolation were the context in which the author found himself at Guruji’s feet. His refuge, sought for inarticulately, was readily given.
That marked the author’s continuing volte face, as it were, from the misconceptions of his being. For not only did Guruji provide easy shelter and warm food, he led one to that very ancient fad yet unutterably new destination: the Truth. By an act of spiritual combustion, whose trick he alone knows, Guruji gave all those who came to him an undying aspiration for the self. The author caught it, too.
While the author perseveres in error and dim sightings of the light, Guruji continues tirelessly to ferry him – and all those who seek his refuge, even if through the agency of this book – to the shores of his own being.
Books from this author - Pradakshina : Circumambulations around the Satguru’s path
Joan Greenblatt
In the fall of 1970, a young couple from New Jersey, Joan and Matthew Greenblatt, each only 19-years-old, walked in through the door of New York Ramana Ashram's door and fell into the nightly spiritual practice with devotional fervor. Until then, the couple had no idea of the future awaiting them. Nor until then did they feel an inner awakening which filled their lives and turned their minds inward to the source of joy, which was to be the mainstay in their new life. Drawn by the practice of nightly recitation, chanting and sitting in silence, as well as the warm and simple devotional nature of their new friend, Arunachala Bhakta Bhagawat, Joan and Matthew would come again and again until their normal life and the life of service to the Ashrama merged.
In the autumn of 1971, an offer came for the gift of a small farm in Nova Scotia Canada. Without a second's thought, the Greenblatts became the instrument of Divine Grace in Bhagawat's life. Within twelve hours, the young couple was driving north in pursuit of land for a residential Ashrama. They drove straight to the intending-donor's home near Halifax, Nova Scotia, only to discover that his enthusiasm had meanwhile waned.
Encouraged by the friendliness of all they met, they went from door to door asking the residents if they knew about any farm for sale. Each evening they would return from their search to the home of a kind, elderly couple, the Taylors of Clarence (Nova Scotia). As the search continued, the feeling began to grow on the young couple that the farm house where they returned in the evenings for warm food and conversation would be their own home! The Taylors had been planning to sell their farm and return to town.
This is how Joan and Matthew, with hardly any money, made a token down payment on the farm of 130 acres at the foot of the northern mountain range in the peaceful Annapolis Valley of Nova Scotia.
Soon after, the work of fund-raising was undertaken. The Greenblatts begged and borrowed from every person they knew and also those they did not know, but it was only shortly before their return to Nova Scotia that their efforts bore fruit. After they arrived in Nova Scotia the work began with exuberance for converting the farm into a residential Ashrama for all devotees of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. From the end of April, 1972, the young couple and a friend and fellow devotee, Dennis J. Hartel of Tonawanda, New York State, started working full time to make the farm a home for all aspirants and children of the Universal Spirit who came to its door.
The country Ashram is dedicated to the simple life of hard work, the practice of Sri Ramana Maharshi's teaching of Self-Enquiry of "WHO AM I?" and total surrender to the Divine Presence. Every evening at seven and morning before dawn, Sanskrit hymns and chants resound with the sweetness that comes directly from the Heart. This is followed by silence, then by the reading of teachings. The doors of the Ashrama, both in New York City and Nova Scotia, are always open to all.
(Excerpted from the article 'A Dream Comes True' written by Evelyn Kaselow Saphier in 1972.)
Joan Greenblatt has written about Bhagavan's teachings and about some of his closest disciples.
Jocelyne Cooke
Jocelyne Cooke
John Dowson
John Dowson M.R.A.S. (1820 -1882) was a British orientalist. A noted scholar of Hinduism he taught in India for much of his life. His book Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology remains one of the most comprehensive and authoritative works on the topic.
Books from this author - A Classical Dictionary Of Hindu Mythology And Religion
Jorge Blaschke
Jorge Blaschke
Joseph Mattam
Joseph Mattam, S.J., formerly Director of the Gujarat regional Theologate,
Ahmedabad, and later of the Gujarat Vidya Deep (Ahmedabad and
Vadodara), is an emeritus professor of Systematic Theology. Even now he
lectures at various seminaries and theologates in India.
He is the author of land of the Trinity: Modern Christian Approaches to
Hinduism (1975, TPI, Bangalore) and of many articles in theological and mis-
siological journals in India and abroad. He is the editor of Dimensions of
Mission in India (1995), Mission and conversion – a reappraisal (1996) –
Mission Trends Today (1997), Blossoms from the East (1998), Missiological
Approaches (1999), In the Shadow of the Cross (2002), Creative Ministries:
Exploring new Frontiers in Mission (2004). (all St Paul’s, Mumbai), Emerging
Indian Missiology: Context and Concept (2006, ISPCK); Ecological Concerns
(1998, NBCLC), Hindutva (2002, Dharmaram). He is a member of various
National and International Associations and takes part in various National
and international Conferences; he was formerly the president of FOIM
(Fellowship of Indian Missiologists). He conducts retreasts and seminars for
Seminarians, Priests and the Religious.
Books from this author - The Religious Life, Call To Love Meditations
Joy C Raphael
JOY C. RAPHAEL is a senior journalist who has worked in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries like the UAE and Oman for nearly 30 years. He has also worked with a number of Indian publications, like Onlooker, Probe India and Current. He has done over 600 investigative stories and features while working in India. His earlier books were Mutawas: Saudi Arabia’s Dreaded Religious Police and Slaves of Saudis: Terrorisation of Foreign Workers. Slaves of Saudis was published in Malayalam by Mathrubhumi Books as Saudikalude Adimakal.
Books from this author - Slaves Of Saudis: Terrorisation Of Foreign Wokers, Mutawas: Saudi Arabia’s Dreaded Religious Police, Arabian Agony : What expats go through in the Gulf
K Geethanjali BalaKrishnan
K Geethanjali is a woman of many talents. A disciple of Mahavatar Babaji, she is a teacher, writer, and healer. K Geethanjali is currently based in Bangalore and has been a regular writer with Life Positive Magazine since past many years.
Books from this author - Just Who Am I : And other Stories
K Lakshmana Sarma
In the late 1920s Acharya K. Lakshmana Sarma had the rare privilege of having private lessons from Bhagavan. Their subject was the philosophy and practical teachings expounded by Bhagavan in Ulladu Narpadu. Lakshmana Sarma subsequently summarised the essence of these lessons in two works: his Tamil commentary on Ulladu Narpadu and Revelation, his expanded Sanskrit rendering of the original Ulladu Narpadu verses. In the 1930s Bhagavan remarked that Lakshmana Sarma’s commentary on Ulladu Narpadu was the best available on that work. In the late 1930s Lakshmana Sarma put many of these ideas and explanations into Maha Yoga, his English presentation of Bhagavan’s teachings.
In the 1950s Lakshmana Sarma made a further attempt to explain and summarise Bhagavan’s teachings. He composed a Sanskrit work of over 700 verses, entitling it Sri Ramana Paravidyopanishad. This work was serialised in The Call Divine, a Bombay magazine that regularly featured articles by Bhagavan’s devotees.
Acharya K Lakshmana Sarma is revered as the 'Father of Nature Cure' in India since he was not only the pioneer of nature cure movement in India, but also because he has worked for over half a century researching, studying, compiling his research results into books which formed the very basic texts for people to learn from. Today there are a few hundred students of his who are practicing successfully as professional nature cure doctors in India and other countries.
Practical Nature Cure is one of his master publications which became popular among health lovers all over the world. He trained his sons and grandsons in the field of health care and established a line of preachers who could in turn spread the message of good health around the world.
K Satchidananda Murty
Professor K. Satchidananda Murty has taught philosophy at Andhra University for a quarter century. He was the Vice-Chancellor of S.V. University (1975-78), Vice-Chairman of the UGC (1986-89), and the Chairman of Indian Philosophical Congress (1980-94). He was honoured with Padma Bhushan in 1984 and Padma Vibhushan in 2001.
Professor Satchidananda Murty is the most thought-provoking philosopher of our times, whose books on Indian philosophy, culture, religion — particularly Vedanta — contain an instructive and penetrating analysis. Four Indian universities, including the Benaras Sanskrit University have conferred on him the Hon. D. Lit., apart from Wittenberg University in Germany, Sofia University of Bulgaria, Russian Academy of Sciences, and People’s University of China.
Books from this author - Evolution Of Indian Philosophy, Dialectics, Hinduism And Its Development
K Srinivas
Professor K. Srinivas (1955) is currently Head of the Department of Philosophy at Pondicherry University, Pondicherry. He received his PhD degree from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, in the year 1983. His areas of interest include: Indian philosophy, analytic philosophy, epistemology (East & West), philosophy of science, and modern logic. He has published a number of papers and books on the above mentioned areas. His books include: A.J. Ayer’s Logical Positivism (1990), A Dictionary of Philosophy (1993), and P.T. Raju (2001). Professor Srinivas travelled widely and presented papers at the International seminars held in the U.S.A., West Indies, Germany, Austria,and Thailand. He was a visiting faculty at the University of Oregon (U.S.A.), Chemnitz Technological University (Germany), and Assumption University (Thailand).
Books from this author - A Concise Dictionary Of Philosophy
K Swaminathan
K. Swaminathan enjoyed a long and active life marked by many sided achievements. After studying in Madras and at Oxford, he taught English literature in Sri Meenakshi College, (later Annamalai University) in Chidambaram. He then worked in Presidency College, Madras. He was also the Principal of Government Arts College, Madras.
After retirement in 1959, he was given the monumental task of editing the Complete Works of Mahatma Gandhi (100 Volumes) in New Delhi.
He was awarded Padma Bhushan in 1972.
K. Swaminathan visited Sri Ramanasramam in 1940. It was a turning point in his life. He spent many weekends in Asramam after that. He was associated with Asramam till his death in the ripe age of 98.
It seems he used to go to Bhagavan on every Sunday and on seeing him Bhagavan used to say jocularly "Oh Sunday came!"
Swaminathan was associated with editing of The Mountain Path for many years and after which, he became the Editor in Chief of The Mountain Path for many years in 1980s. He has translated 1254 verses of Guru Vachaka Kovai, of Muruganar titled The Garland of Guru's Sayings. He has also translated 470 verses of Sri Ramana Sannidhi Murai, titled The Holy Presence of Sri Ramana. He has written a biography of Sri Ramana which was published by National Book Trust, New Delhi.
He started the Ramana Bhakta Sabha in Madras. He was also responsible for establishing Sri Ramana Kendra, Delhi. There were weekly satsangs in these Kendras, where he actively participated. Sri Ramana Jnana Bodham, a nine volume work of Sri Muruganar was published by Sri Ramana Kendra, Delhi.
He was also instrumental in the government bringing out postage stamp of Bhagavan Ramana in 1971. He was also a moving spirit in successful Ramana Maharshi centenary celebrations and seminar held in New Delhi in 1980.
Some of the articles written by him have been published by Sri Ramanasramam, Tiruvannamalai, under the title Sri Ramana, the Self Supreme, in 1997.
Source: Sri Ramana the Self Supreme, K. Swaminathan. Sri Ramanasramam, Tiruvannamalai.
Books from this author - Sri Ramaan The Self Supreme, Sri Ramana Gita
K. Jaya Sekhar
Born in a family of traditional astrologers, JAYA SEKHAR was initiated into Vedic Astrology as well as Psychic subjects at a very early age by his father, who is his Guru. After graduating from Madras University in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry he became a professional Astrologer. In 40 years of practice he has built up a large circle of admiring international clientele. Apart from contributing articles on Vedic Astrology and related subjects to several leading Magazines in India and abroad, Such as the Journal of the Astrological Association of Great Britain ,
Gochara, Journal of BAVA ,
UK, Terre-du-Ciel of France ,
Jaya Sekhar has published three books, The BEST BET, VEDIC LITERATURE, and SHAD BALA.
He has just completed SUBHA JAYA MUHURTHA and is writing two books, SHODASA VARGA and JAYA SANKYA.
Kahlil Gibran
Kahlil Gibran
Kalindi Murthy
Kalindi was born to very devout family in a small town in Karnataka. She had a very strong Brahmin upbringing. She and her mother-in-law began taking keen interest in Poojas and singing songs written by saints like Jnaneshwar, Tukaram and Purandara Dasa. After meeting Ramesh she began to accept advaita quite cautiously until the concept of non-doership began to empty her mind of a lot of confusing concepts which had been infused into her over the years. Ramesh’s concepts turned a God fearing person into a God loving ego, ever grateful to her Creator.
Kamakhya Kumar
Dr Kamakhya Kumar, an eminent Yoga scholar and researcher, is a senior faculty member at the School of Yoga and Health at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar. Having an extensive research experience in Yoga science, in which he holds a PhD as well, he guides researchers in five universities, in India.
Dr Kumar has an extensive experience in teaching Yoga in various universities, facilitating Yoga training and addressing workshops on Positive Attitude, Life Management, Stress Management, Mind Management, etc.
Dr Kumar is the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Yoga and Allied Sciences, and has over ten books and about fifty research papers to his credit. He has handled various administrative and organizational posts, including the Chief Co-ordinator of Yoga Arogya Polyclinic at Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya.
Books from this author - Yoga Psychology: A Handbook Of Yogic Psychotherapy, A Handbook Of Yoga-Nidra (PB)
Kapali Sastry
T.V. Kapali Sastri was a Vedic scholar. He met the renowned Kavyakanta Ganapati Muni in Tiruvotiryur and became his disciple. His scholarship and spiritual sadhana endeared him to Ramana Maharshi. From 1916 onwards he was drawn to Sri Aurobindo's yoga and settled down in the Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Interpreting the philosophy of Ramana Maharshi and Sri Aurobindo became a lifelong vocation for him. Teacher, translator, exegetist, essayist and poet, Kapali Sastri was a philosopher attuned to Tantra. His monograph, the first full-length study of Kapali Sastri, is an introduction to his multifaceted writings. His Sanskrit commentary on the first Astaka of the Rigveda was inspired by the intuitive interpretation of the Vedic hymns by Sri Aurobindo; in his luminous analysis of the Upanisads, we watch how his great body of work is a natural continuation of the Vedic corpus; in the same manner, his study of Tantra shows how the Tantrik deities are descendants of Vedic divinities; his Sanskrit commentaries on Ganapati Muni's Umasahasram and other contemporary Tantric-philosophical classics are of vital importance to an understanding of the foundations of Indian culture as well as their unimpeded flow down the centuries.
Books from this author - Sat – Darshana Bhashya And Talks With Maharshi
Kapil Kapoor
Kapil Kapoor - Kapil Kapoor (1940-) is Professor of English, Centre for Linguistics and English, and Concurrent Professor, Special Centre for Sanskrit Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He was Dean of the School of Language, Literature and Culture Studies, JNU, from 1997-1999 and Rector of the University from 1999-2002. His teaching and research interests include literary and linguistic theories - both Indian and Western, philosophy of language, nineteenth century British life, literature and thought, and Indian intellectual traditions. He has been lecturing on these themes and has written extensively on them. He has been teaching for almost forty-five years now. Literary Theory - Indian Conceptual Framework (1998); Canonical Texts of Literary Criticism (1995); Language, Literature and Linguistics - The Indian Perspective (1994); and South Asian Love Poetry (1994) are among his publications. His book, Dimensions of Panini Grammar - The Indian Grammatical System, is in press.
Books from this author - Rati-Bhakti Bhartiya Katha Parampara Mein
Karen Rajesh
Karen Rajesh / Vishal Desai
Karl Renz
Karl Renz was born in Germany in 1953, and, after some years of rather unorthodox "seeking" (including time spent in Mexico looking for Don Juan), experienced an Awakening in the late 1970s. He travels around the world talking about, well, what can't be talked about -- and does pretty well at it. He's visited Santa Fe each fall the last five years or so, offering evening "Self-Talks" ("the self talking to the self", as he puts it) at the home of a friend. You can read about him at his website: http://www.karlrenz.com
Books from this author - Echoes Of Silence: Avadhut Gita Revisited, May It Be As It Is, A little bit of Nothingness - Eighty-One Observations on the Unnameable, Am I - I Am, Heaven And Hell
Kaushik Mitra
Kaushik Mitra has been a Corporate Executive for the past 29 years. He has lived in Kolkata, Delhi, Gurgaon, Chennai, Dubai, Ho Chi Minh City and Hongkong and worked in several Companies including the Tata’s, GE, Reckitt Benckiser and PepsiCo. He is currently Vice President and CFO of PepsiCo India. Kaushik went to a Boarding school in the hills of Kurseong and is an alumni of St. Xavier’s college Kolkata, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and Indian Institute of Management Kolkata. He is married and lives with his wife Reetika and son Arjun in Gurgaon, India.
Kaushik published his first novel, Crossing Over in 2017.
Hundred Days Of Summer is his second fiction novel.
Books from this author - Crossing Over, Hundred Days Of Summer: The Second Book In The ‘Crossing Over’ Trilogy
Kavykantha Ganapati Muni
Vasistha Ganapati Muni (1878-1936), famed as Kavyakantha, and popularly addressed as Nayana, was a mighty spiritual personality in his own right and had a large following of illustrious disciples. It is a standing testimony to his spiritual sincerity, humility, and intellectual honesty that he recognized the uniqueness of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi's teaching, accepted Him as his Guru, and proclaimed him as the Maharshi to the whole world.
He had his first spiritual, historical meeting with Brahmanaswami (later, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi) at the Holy Arunachala Hillock November 18, 1906.
Ganpati Muni was born in 1878 at Kaluvarai village, near Bobbili in Vijayanagaram District, Andhra Pradesh. He left his mortal body on July 25, 1936 at Nimpura near Kharagpur in his ashram. It is said that that on that day Bhagavan Ramana came to know that it was Kavyakanta Ganapati Muni’s last day and since morning Bhagavan neither partook of any food nor allowed anyone else to eat. At about 5.00 PM that day he at last told everyone that Ganapati Muni is no longer in this world. Right after that, the news came from Nimpura that Kavyakanta Ganapati Muni had attained Siddhi.
Ketan V Shah
Mr Ketan V Shah has emerged as one of India’s most renowned and competent acupressure healers and teachers. His dedication and prowess have come to the rescue of kidney patients, asthma patients, those suffering from Parkinson’s disease, and even cancer patients. The more difficult the case, the more enthusiastically he takes up the challenge. His unassuming nature, formidable knowledge and easy approachability have made him one of the most popular workshop facilitators in the country. Now, in this eagerly awaited work, Mr Shah has laid down years of accumulated knowledge to give you all you need to get well and stay well.
Books from this author - Acupressure for Total Wellness, SPINAL ACUPRESSURE for TOTAL WELLNESS, Acupressure for Total Wellness - Hindi
Kety K Dadyburjor
Kety K. Dadyburjor
Kimsuka Narsimhan
Kimsuka was born in Chennai and has lived and worked in various cities in India and abroad. Detective fiction has always fascinated her and the Golden Age crime writers have been her inspiration to kickstart her writing career. Her day job is in Finance in the corporate world, and she is the CFO of a leading company in Gurgaon in North India.
Books from this author - Chandramani
Krishna Bhikshu
Sri Krishna Bikshu, born Voruganti Venkatakrishnaiah (1904-1981), was a lifelong bachelor who held a degree in law, a profession that he scarcely practiced, however, preferring a life dedicated to spiritual pursuits. A man of sharp intellect and prodigious learning, Sri Krishna Bikshu authored several works besides the preceding Ramana Yoga Sutras. His published works were Sukti Sudha (Supplement to Forty Verses), a summary of Ramana Lahari and Tripura Rahasya all in Telugu, and Sri Ramana Gita (5th edition) in English are among those that merit special mention. He wrote Sri Ramana Leela, the Telegu biography of Sri Bhagavan, in the immediate presence of Bhagavan who went through every page of it. To our knowledge his magnum opus, Anasuya Ramayana, a complete and faithful translation in Telugu of Valmiki's Ramayana is yet unpublished.
Even as a teenager, Sri Krishna Bikshu made a deep study of Vedantic literature. In 1929, he came into contact with Sri Kavyakanta Ganapati Muni and was won over by the Muni's great intellectual power and spiritual radiance. That led him on to Sri Kavyakanta's guru, Sri Ramana Bhagavan, whom he first visited on May 17th, 1929. From 1931 on, Sri Krishna Bikshu committed himself solely to Sri Bhagavan and the practice of his teachings.
In 1945, when Sri Krishna Bikshu's mother died at Nellore, on the same day that Echammal died at Tiruvannamalai, Sri Bhagavan observed, "Poor Krishnaiah, he lost both his mothers on the same day!" Krishna Bhikshu gave up mortal frame in 1981 on the very day and month of Sri Bhagavan's birth in 1879! Just before his death at 6.05 a.m., December 30th, 1981, Sri Krishna Bhikshu joined his brother Dr. O. Ramachandraiah in chanting Arunachala Siva from 3.40 to 5.20 a.m
Kunju Swami
There was a man from the state of Kerala who had written a biography of Sri Ramana Maharshi in Malayalam (that state’s regional language). Before sending the manuscript to press he decided to visit the Ashram and have it read aloud before Bhagavan.
Because Kunju Swami was born in Kerala and spoke fluent Malayalam, Bhagavan asked him to read the manuscript aloud, and also to look after the author’s needs during his visit. As Kunju Swami began reading, he could not believe what was written. The book stated that Maharshi was married and was the father of several children, and that one day, while living in the South Indian town of Madurai, he closed his eyes and was somehow magically transported to the Arunachala Hill. The book went on like this, containing many fictional accounts.
After the reading took place, the author had to leave quickly in order to catch a train back home. Maharshi was very gracious to him and asked Kunju Swami to be sure he had something to eat before leaving, and see to it that he reached the train station on time.
After seeing off the visitor, Kunju Swami hurried back to the Ashram, anxious to hear what Bhagavan thought of this highly exaggerated manuscript, which was about to go to press. Back at the Old Hall, he found Ramana Maharshi quietly attending to some small chore, completely unconcerned about anything else. Kunju Swami waited as patiently as he could, wondering if Maharshi might raise the subject. But he just quietly chatted with those present and sat silently.
Finally, Kunju Swami could not contain himself any longer and asked: “Bhagavan, how could you allow this book to get printed? It is full of inaccuracies. In fact, most of it is untrue.”
Bhagavan looked at Kunju Swami for a moment then replied: “Oh, I see. You mean only this is untrue, and everything else is true?”
Books from this author - Living With The Master
Kyla Plaxton
Kyal Plaxton is a registered Jin Shin Do Acupressurist. She has
personally coached many people and her mission is to educate
young females through the transition of womanhood to claim their
own personal power.
Books from this author - Little Woman's Guide To Personal Power
Labhshankar M Joshi
Labhshankar M. Joshi is a 1953-born, distinguished Sanskrit scholar, with specialized interests in Vedantic philosophy, yoga, astrology and tantrashastra, For about two decades now, he has given courses in Yoga and Yoga Philosophy at Yoga Niketan - a professional institute of Baroda. And, besides his active involvement with a number of national/international astrological societies, has been an "invited speaker" of the All India Radio as well. He holds Ph.D. on Tantrashastra.
Books from this author - Lalita-Sahasranama
Lingeswara Rao
Lingeswara Rao, an ardent devotee of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi, was from Bhimavaram. He translated Sage Upamanyu's Sivabhaktavilasam.
Books from this author - Sivabhaktavilasam
Louise A Langley
Louise A Langley
Lucy Cornelssen
Lucy Cornelssen, also known as Lucy Ma, was one of the early devotees of BhagavanRamana. She came and stayed with Bhagavan Ramana till her liberation.
Madhukar Thompson
A native of Germany, Berthold Madhukar Thompson left the West in 1980 after achieving success as a businessman, becoming a fervent disciple of Osho. After his master died in January 1990, Thompson became a student of Sri H.W.L Poonja, and served as his personal assistant. On several occasions, Poonjaji publicly declared that Thompson had attained enlightenment, but he eventually left his teacher, believing him to be mistaken. The author has since 1993 pursued an ever-deepening dialogue with enlightened adepts throughout India and in the U.S. In the meantime, Thompson wrote seven books and eight cartoon books. He passed away on May 23, 2011 after a vehicle collided with his scooter a few kilometers from Swami Dayanand's ashram near Coimbatore, India.
Books from this author - The Odyssey Of Enlightenment, Enlightenment: Who Cares?, Enlightenment: May Or May Not Happen, Gentle Hammer, Friendly Sword, Silent Arrow
Mahesh Hangal
Mahesh Hangal, ever since he can remember, considers himself a professional spiritual seeker. His search for lasting peace and enlightenment took him to Osho, UG Krishnamurti&many many others. He is extremely well read. He is more than conversant with Zen, Tao, Advaita and other spiritual stuff. He has dabbled in reiki, trancedental meditation, E.F.T & other self-help techniques/ therapies/meditations. His seeking finally ended when he met the advaitic sage Shri Ramesh Balsekar. Reading Wayne Liquorman further grounded him in the ‘Understanding’.
At one time he had written a few Urdu/ Hindi ghazals which had been published. He runs a library and is also a mutual fund advisor. He is an event organizer as well, specializing in Indian Classical Music.
He is a bachelor and resides in Hubli, Karnataka, India. When asked to tell us something about himself he flippantly quoted one of his scribblings: ‘Apart from the story of the world, I have no story of my own.’
Books from this author - Scribblings on Life, Spirituality, Zen, Non-Duality
Major A W Chadwick
Sadhu Arunachala was the adopted name of Major A. W. Chadwick, one of Bhagavan Ramana Maharashi's most ardent disciples. He has written several books considered to be classics, recording his impressions of Bhagavan's life, his teachings, life at Sri Ramanasramam and Bhagavn-inspired take on important Hindu scriptures.
Mandakini Trivedi
MandakiniTrivedi is the lineage bearer of Swami Shri Harish Madhukar’ssampradaya. Swamiji initiated her into many spiritual practices of the Sri Vidya path, as she lived and learnt from him. But it was his philosophy of Ananda Yoga or Integrated Happiness, which merged spirituality seamlessly with life - that had the greatest influence on her life and art.
The teaching method of Swamiji, or Babaji as he was lovingly known, could neither be called a ‘method’, nor could it be called ‘teaching’. He lived the teaching and the disciple learnt through direct experience & perception. Mandakini had the good fortune of spending a lot of time with The Master - travelling with him, reading with him, spending time at the ashram with him, watching his interactions with ordinary people, observing him go about routine chores in the most extraordinary ways, both cheerfully & mindfully. Each of these was a powerful learning experience that groomed her.
A dancer by profession, Mandakini found her true understanding of classical Indian Dance only after meeting Babaji. He seemed to embody all that was described in texts on Indian aesthetics, as the essence & purpose of the arts - JOY!
Spirituality & Art have come a full circle, becoming one with her persona. It is only due to the grace of Babaji, that Mandakini has been able to do pioneering work in the field of The Yoga of Indian Dance. She passes on this understanding to the next generation at the Nateshvari Dance Gurukul.
She has also authored ‘The Yoga Of Indian Dance’ & ‘Sutras On Dance’ to express her insights on the element of sadhana, in classical Indian Dance. In 2016, she was awarded the SangeetNatakAkademi Award for her work in MohiniAttam.
Before Babahi shed his mortal form, he founded the ShaktiygashramaGurukul, appointing Mandakini as its chairperson. Under Mandakini’s guidance, the ashram conducts residential programmes that integrate Spirituality, Ecology, Art, Wellness& Holistic Lifestyles to express the common thread of Yoga that runs through them. The ashram is also involved in rural, educational programmes.
Mandakini’s life is devoted to fulfilling her gurus work & vision in the field of spirituality, art and education.
Books from this author - Ananda Yoga: Conversations on Happiness with Swami Shri Harish Madhukar
Mandakranta Bose
Prof. Mandakranta Bose, the director of the Intercultural Studies in Asia program in the Faculty of Graduate Studies, has edited a volume of essays by scholars in Asian literature at UBC who explore the ways in which women's responses to the world are shared between generations.
The scholars also found that women in India, China, Japan, Korea and Indonesia often have similar reactions and ways of communicating in dealing with life's events.
Bose considers the collection an exciting step towards bringing these diverse women's cultures within a common, broad perspective.
"There is a sense of stability among these women which has enriched their minds. It broadens my own perspective," Bose says.
Books from this author - Movement And Mimesis The Idea Of Dance In The Sans, Speaking Of Dance The Indian Critique
Manish Chopra, PhD
Manish Chopra is a senior partner at the global management consulting firm, McKinsey & Company, where he counsels CEOs and advises boards on their most strategic issues. His scope of responsibility includes serving prominent healthcare institutions and leading the firm's pricing practice. He has spent time professionally in North America, Asia, and Europe and was the managing partner for McKinsey's Singapore office from 2010 to 2012.
It was during his time in Asia that Manish experienced a personal transformation through learning Vipassana meditation that led to the original publication of The Equanimous Mind in 2011. With a continued volition to share the personal and professional benefits that he has received from the practice of this age-old and powerful technique, this tenth anniversary edition is enriched with updates from his ongoing journey of sustaining impactful changes and hopes will serve to inspire others.
Manish grew up in India and attended college at the Indian Institute of Technology in Delhi before completing his masters and PhD from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. A keen squash and bridge player, he currently lives in New York with his wife and daughter.
Aside from his role as a professional and a family man, he devotes a meaningful amount of time in championing the message of inner personal development and cultivating one's well-being within his firm and through public speaking at business, government, and academic institutions. He also continues to extensively serve the organization responsible for enabling new and preexisting Vipassana meditators to learn and build upon their practice of meditation.
Out of gratitude for the benefits the author has received from the practice of Vipassana meditation, he will be donating the proceeds from this book to spreading awareness about the technique, so that others can draw value from it as well.
Manzoor Ahmad Bhat
Manzoor Ahmad Bhat is B.Sc., B.Ed., M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D. and has qualified N.E.T. (conducted by U.G.C., India), and is working as senior Assistant Professor in S.H. Institute of Islamic Studies, University of Kashmir. His fields of specialization are Tasawwuf (sufism), Ethics, Islamic Da'wah and History of Kashmir (medieval period). In addition to a number of research articles published in well-reputed academic and research journals, the author has two more books to his credit; The Pious Caliphate: A Study of Hadrat 'Ali (Rad.'A) and Teaching of English in Schools. The author is also associate editor of Insight Islamicus, an academic and research journal of international repute. He has actively participated in a number of national and international seminars, has attended various orientation and refresher courses and is a member of various academic and research committees and boards.
Books from this author - Sufi Thought Of Sheikh ‘Abdu’l Qadir Jilani And Its Impact On The Indian SubContinent
Mariam Ahlawat
"Mariam Karim-Ahlawat received her education at Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi and at the Sorbonne in Paris. She writes fiction for children and adults. Her novels and plays have been nominated for various Indian as well as international awards. Her children’s books are available in English and several Indian languages.
Books from this author - The House of a Hundred Stories : A Children's Fable
Marie de Hennezel
Marie de Hennezel
Marta Vannucci
Marta Vannucci
Martial Vout
"Martial Vout is a Swiss security advisor and self-defence instructor living between Mumbai and Lausanne. His experience includes the protection of various CEOs, Middle-Eastern VIPs and actors in Switzerland and other European countries. Besides these different assignments, as well as training in full-contact and combat shooting, he developed his own self-defence method – Andar kriechtier – after observing the instinctive and defensive reactions of human beings, other mammals and reptiles.
He published his first self-defence book in 2002 in France with the participation of the feminist writer Isabelle Alonso and actress Isabelle Mergault. He trains mainly women and children but also sometimes men in ‘restoring the bridge’ leading to our tremendous instinctive fighting reactions. In India, in association with NGOs like Navjyoti (Delhi), Reality Gives and USDF (Mumbai), he holds classes and workshops for the underprivileged. He also trains in colleges and corporates.
Martial’s method is no combat sport, it is about using your natural instinct to save your life when in danger, when running away and verbal dissuasion are impossible. Mother Nature gave women tremendous power through their natural fighting instinct to protect themselves. Nevertheless, verbal threats, psychological violence, beatings, rape, assassinations, and gender-based violence continue to target women. He teaches in his classes, workshops and books that women are strong and capable of defending themselves."
Books from this author - I can Defend Myself
Mary Ciofalo
Mary Ciofalo is the author of two books, and a watercolor painter and mosaic artist. She has run a successful psychotherapy office for almost thirty years, working with couples and individuals. One of her interests is how people make the most necessary and difficult changes to improve or save their lives - hence Redemption Stories: Unwasted Pain
Books from this author - Redemption Stories
Master Charles
Master Charles Cannon is known worldwide as a Master of Meditation, Contemporary Spiritual Visionary and Holistic Educator. He is the originator of the Synchronicity Experience and author of the spiritual autobiography The Bliss of Freedom. His mystical awakening began to unfold in his childhood and has continued throughout his life. In 1970, while still in his early twenties, he travelled to India where he became one of the closest Western disciples of Paramahansa Muktananda. Master Charles was extensively trained in orthodox Vedic/Tantric philosophical contexts and was ordained a monk of the Vedic Order of Sannyasins, the oldest existing monastic, contemplative order in the world today. In 1983, Master Charles returned to the United States and founded the Synchronicity® Foundation for Modern Spirituality, dedicated to the contemporized, technological approach to the art and science of meditation and holistic lifestyle. Synchronicity Contemporary High-Tech Meditation® soundtracks are used by hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Master Charles has presented programs at the World Health Organization; the National Institutes of Health; Columbia, Oxford, Tel Aviv and Bombay Universities; Westminster Abbey; the United Nations and the Vatican.
Michael Hinz
Michael Hinz
Michel Danino
Michel Danino was born in France in 1956. At the age of 21, after four years of higher scientific studies, he decided to live in India, where he first took part in the English translation, editing and publication of books related to Sri Aurobindo and Mother.
A student of Indian civilization, culture and history, he has lectured widely and published research papers in journals of archaeology and Indology. In 1996, he wrote a brief study of the Aryan problem in the Indian context, The Invasion That Never Was (2nd edition 2000), further enlarged a decade later in a French book (English version forthcoming). In 2010, he authored a comprehensive study of the Sarasvati River, The Lost River: On the Trail of the Sarasvati (Penguin India).
Michel Danino's work for the protection of a Shola forest in the Nilgiris in the 1980s and 1990s led to the creation of Tamil Nadu's first joint forest management group involving local citizens. His other interests include nature photography and a multimedia project for the creation of quality educational material on India's heritage. He currently lives near Coimbatore in south India.
Books from this author - Indian Culture And India's Future
Minakshi Padhi
Minakshi Padhi teaches philosophy at SCS College. Her interests include philosophy of religion and contemporary Indian philosophers.
Mira Sai
Just out of college, on a holiday from India to America, at the young age of 23, Mira Sai entered into the Business world in New York City, becoming the CEO/President of her own Import wholesale Clothing Corporation, doing business with stores like Saks Fifth Ave, Bloomingdales, Macys and the like.
Born and raised in India, educated in the very best Catholic Convent schools run by British nuns, a Philosophy major, having studied World Religion and attended Stanford University, she went on to become a household name with the Indian community in the Bay area, California, as a very trusted and successful Financial Advisor. Enjoying a high-end, extravagant lifestyle; in 1994, while driving her 560SL Benz convertible, she was suddenly catapulted into a Near-Death experience in a fatal accident, taking her to the ‘Other Side’ and bringing her back; which completely changed her and her life!
Upon her return, fully immersed in the infinite wisdom of the Cosmic Light; it seemed inevitable for her to leave everything and walk away from the impermanence of her wealthy, luxurious, materialistic life, to the only abode of Peace she knew; the ashram of Bhagawan Sri SathyaSai Baba in Puttaparthi, India, where she stayed for five years, delving deep within her bliss filled Self.
Returning to California in 2001, she founded and ran a multi-faith temple Sanctuary for five years.
A mystic, living in meditative Divine consciousness, Mira Sai ma, having been on numerous pilgrimages at highly sacred places in the Himalayas at 19,500 ft. twice to KailashManasarovar and 15,000 ft. to MuktiNath, and many others.
She has had many rare spiritual experiences while meditating in a cave in Thailand next to the mummyfied body of a 1000 year old monk and in many sacred Himalayan caves like VedVyasagufa and more, and was blessed to bathe in fourteen mountainous, freezing cold Himalayan waters such as Lake Manasarovar and also the 1999 MahaKumbh which comes every 144 years.
At present, she spends time between the Puttaparthi ashram, Energy centers in America like Mt. Shasta and Tassajara and ancient caves in the Himalayas, in the company of her Higher Self.
Mohan Gaitonde
Mohan Gaitonde, a Science graduate from Mumbai University, was an atheist until December 23, 1958, the day his father passed away. That was the day when he first became aware of his ignorance.
His intense introspection brought up two profound questions and one determination:
a) Why am I here?
b) What is the purpose of this existence? Is it real?
c) I must know everything that is worth knowing.
The search for a Guru began and a dozen of them were seen. Most of them were themselves in darkness but were kind enough to show light to others. The search continued until March 1976, when his eldest sister took him to meet Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj. She was not a resident of Mumbai and lived 600 km away in the south. She had read about Maharaj in a Marathi magazine which was published as a special issue on Maharaj’s 75th birthday.
With that visit, Mohan’s outward search ended but not the inward. Maharaj freely offered all His knowledge in very simple words, without any reservation. “He was more interested in seeing us free than in our interest in total freedom.”
Mohan was one of the disciples during the first two years and became an evening translator from 1978 to 1981. Maharaj's disciple Dr. N. Vanaja had kindly arranged for a tape-recorder, but many a times there would be no blank tapes to record talks on.Hence, Mohan started carrying tapes in his pocket for recording every word of the Great Master. Those rare recordings were finally to lead to the publication of Nothing is Everything.
Books from this author - Nothing Is Everything: The Quintessential Teachings of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Nisargadatta Maharaj: The Earliest Discourses, Self-Love, The Original Dream: Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj’s Direct Pointers To Reality
Anthony Paul Moo-Young, known as Mooji, was born on January 29, 1954 in Port Antonio, Jamaica. In 1969, he moved to the UK and presently resides in Brixton, London. He worked in London`s `West end` as a street portrait artist for many years, then as a painter and a stained glass artist, and later as a teacher at Brixton College. For a long time, he was well-known as Tony Moo, but is now affectionately known as Mooji by the many seekers and friends who visit him.
Mooji is a direct disciple of Sri Harilal Poonja (or Papaji as he is lovingly called by his followers), the renowned Aadvaita master. Since 1999, Mooji has been sharing satsang in the form of spontaneous encounters, retreats, satsang intensives and one-to-one meetings with seekers who visit him, from all parts of the world, in search of the direct experience of truth. Few amongst the modern teachers of the Advaita tradition expound the `knowledge of Self`, and the method of self-enquiry, with such dazzling clarity, love and authority. He also travels regularly to Ireland, Spain, Italy, Germany, Brasil, North America and India where he is ever open to meeting sincere seekers of truth, whatever their background. He is also the author of Before I Am.
Mr. Yogesh Sharma
Yogesh Sharma
Books from this author - How I Met Ramesh : The way Existence mysteriously led spiritual seekers to Ramesh Balsekar
Muktha Manu
Mrs Muktha Manu is a devotee of Bhagavan Sri Ramana and resides in Bangalore. She came into the fold of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi when she got married in 1965 through the family of her husband, Sri. R. Manu. She was hardly aware when she was young that she could write books. She was inspired and blessed by Bhagavan to write books on Lord Arunachala and Sri Bhagavan Ramana at the age of 64. She has written books both in English and in her mother tongue Kannada. She has written two books in Kannada, ‘Prani Mitra Bhagavan Ramana’ and ‘Arunachala Mahatme’ and two in English ‘A Guide to Giripradakshina’ with Sri. Richard Clark and Sri. Peter Berking and ‘Bhagavan Ramana, A Friend of All’, which are published by Sri Ramanasramam, Thiruvannamalai, and all of them have been reprinted.
Books from this author - Worshipping The Divine Oneness Of Arunachala-Ramana, The Glory Of Giripradakshina Of The Holy Hill Of Arunachala
Muruganar is widely regarded as being one of the foremost devotees of Bhagavan. He was born as C.K. Subramania Iyer although his parents called him Sambamurthi. Before coming to Bhagavan he was a well-respected Tamil scholar who served on a prestigious committee that was compiling the definitive Tamil dictionary. He also worked as a schoolteacher and private tutor. It was a visit by Danadapani Swami, his father-in-law, that prompted him to go to Tiruvannamalai in September 1923. When Danaapani Swami showed him Aksharamanamalai, Bhagavan's 108 verses in praise of Arunachala, Murugunar immediately recognised that Ramana Maharshi was the Guru he had been actively seeking. Muruganar was instrumental in getting Bhagavan to compose the verses that comprise Ulladu Narpadu and Upadesa Undiyar, two of Bhagavan's major philosophical poems, and he composed thousands of poems of his own that either praised Bhagavan, recorded his teachings or expressed his gratitude to Bhagavan for having established him in the Self.
Books from this author - Raman Puranam
N Balarama Reddy
N. BalaramaReddiar belonged to a rich family of Andhra Pradesh. He came to Bhagavan Ramana in 1930s and stayed permanently in the Asramam, till his passing away in 1995.
During his post graduation days in Benares Hindu University, the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna made him look into things spiritually. He wanted a Guru. In 1931, he went to Sri Aurobindo Ashram. When he was in Pondicherry, he met KapaliSastri and through him, he made his first visit to Sri Ramanasramam. Bhagavan's penetrating silence seemed to be pushing his mind deeper and deeper into his inner being. In 1935, he went to Sri
Ramanasramam again for the second time. This time he asked Bhagavan: "Can I change my guru?" Bhagavan told him: "Yes, one can change his guru? What of that?" He visited the Asramam again in June 1936. He spent about five years in Sri
Aurobindo's Ashram, in Pondicherry.
Leaving Sri Aurobindo was a difficult task. On a written submission, seeking permission of Sri Aurobindo, he was asked to continue. One more letter was submitted, without any positive reply. It took a long five months for him, and for his third letter, he was given a reply: "Since you are determined to follow a path in which you can achieve only ‘a partial realization’, we give you our blessings, though we believe it would be better if you stayed on here and pursued your sadhana where both the Mother and I can help you."
Sri BalaramaReddiar arrived for good in Sri Ramanasramam on the January 5, 1937. When he later asked Bhagavan about what he got by way of reply in Pondicherry, Bhagavan said: "Partial realization? If it is partial, it is not realization, and if it is realization, it is not partial!" This was the final blow that silenced all his doubts. He soon perfectly established himself in Bhagavan's teachings.
"Bhagavan's attendants had told me that His body was like a furnace. Only when once Bhagavan Ramana sat near me, I didunderstand what they meant. I felt spiritual power emanating from His body like an electric dynamo. I was thrilled to the core of my being."
"I believe that the unique characteristic of Bhagavan Ramana was the power of His Presence..."
Sri Reddiar refused to put down his reminiscences for long years.
After decades of innumberable requests, he finally consented to dictate his experiences to Dennis Hartel of ArunachalaAshrama, New York and Nova Scotia (Canada) in September 1993. Sri Ramanasramam, Tiruvannamalai, published his reminscences in 1996, under the title My Reminscences.
(Source: My Reminiscences, N. Balarama Reddy. Sri Ramanasramam, Tiruvannamalai.)
N R Krishnamoorthi Aiyer
N. R. Krishnamoorthy Aiyer was a very studious and intelligent gentleman; a scientist and a great bhakti also. At an early age he had heard about the Maharshi, but was somewhat disenchanted that he appeared not to be more active politically, and was not supporting the freedom movement. On one occasion he had made a list of his grievances against him, and he made a plan, taking some students with him, to admonish Ramana Maharshi in the presence of his class. However when the critical moment arrived, his body fell down on the floor in prostration to Bhagavan; this obviously de-fused his plans.
None the less, he felt that the Ganapati Muni was the one who was really 'doing
something', and he felt himself to be in the position of being a Muni-bhakta
rather than a Ramana-bhakta for a considerable period of time.
From an early point in the twentieth century, postulations had been made by eminent scientists (Heisenberg, Planck, etc) on the nature of Reality, and this
evolved as the century progressed in Quantum Mechanics; gradually the mere
postulations were proved; NRK was very knowledgeable about all this, and was, I
believe a professor and lecturer at the American College in Madurai. Ganapati
very much wanted to 'understand' the Quantum Science, and he charged NRK with the job of translating the technical terms (light particles [photons] , virtual
existence etc.) to him, and he gave his undivided attention to the professor.
At one point, NRK explained the cinema-screen analogy and that the picture, the
screen, the seer and the substrate are all One; possibly he was quoting from
Ulladu Narpadu verse one of The Forty Verses, or he was quoting, most likely in
Sanskrit, from The Five Verses to Arunachala; Ganapati jumped up in great
excitement shouting, 'Citram! Citram... That's IT!!", whereupon he initiated NRK with the word 'citram' as his mantra meditation.
Nan Umrigar
At one time, Nan Umrigar had absolutely no inclinations towards spirituality. But all that changed with the untimely death of her son Karl, a champion jockey. During a long period of grieving, Nan, as fate would have it, met some people who communicated with their loved ones in the spirit world. Soon, she also started communicating with her lost son and began to receive ‘messages’ from him that would alter the course of her life forever. Initially, while she felt exhilarated, she could not help but question this phenomenon. Was she fantasizing, imagining things or just indulging in wishful thinking? Was there really a higher energy force– angels, guides, guardians and a God? As Nan delved deeper, building a bridge across two worlds, she decided to share her experience with others. This led her to writing a book in which she detailed how Karl showed her the way out of grief towards happiness, and how she came to believe in Meher Baba– her son`s Spiritual Master. With her insights and her immovable faith, Nan has helped many people deal with the loss of their loved ones. “With Baba’s help” she says, “many hearts have been healed.” And, many lives have undergone a change for the better.
Nandini Kapadia
Nandini Kapadia is a writer and editor with lifelong interest in spirituality. As a keen observer of life, she writes about the struggles she faces and the lessons life delivers to the spiritually sentient. In an insightful new book, Nandini reflects on notions such as “truth, reality, enlightenment” and why she felt compelled to discard them after coming into the ambit of her mentor, Sabyasachi Guha, who was closely associated with U.G. Krishnamurti. She readily embraces Guha’sradical views andtheirimport which have impacted her deeply,in a fundamental way. Now, there’s no turning back!
Born in Mumbai, Nandiniearnedher Master’s degree in English Literature from University of Mumbai and embarked on a career in journalism. She worked in various tabloids and newspapers till she moved to the United States in 1995. Currently, she works full-time in the healthcare industry and devotes her free time to Guha and editing his talks.
Books from this author - Life Finds Its Way: Reflections On Reality With Sabyasachi Guha
Nandlal Vanvari
Nandlal Vanvari, PhD, has specialized in electronics and communication engineering. He has presented papers in national and international conferences on R&D vis-à-vis electronics industry and has published a number of research papers in journals and works on the subject. Over the years, he has keenly cultivated his interest in spiritual-scientific topics like the occult sciences.
Books from this author - Understanding Occult Sciences, Dreams
Nataraja Guru
Nataraja Guru was the second son born to a medical stalwart called Dr. Palpu (Padmanabhan) who had been educated and trained in England. His life was dedicated to serve the cause of the deprived millions who were socially, culturally, economically and literally struggling in the 19th and 20th centuries. Natarajan was shown how to toe the spiritual path of pilgrimage early in life by Narayana Guru, who also prompted him to be an educator of his contemporaries. Nataraja Guru was academically trained in Geology, Zoology and Educational Psychology. He received his DLitt from the Sorbonne in Paris and began his career in 1930 as a physics teacher for five years at the International Fellowship School in Geneva, Switzerland. Later he established Narayana Gurukula, contemplative educational centers in India, the first of which was in Fernhill, Nilgiris.
Integrating ancient wisdom with modern scientific exactitude was taken up as his life's mission. He clearly enunciated a common epistemology of all life interests of people to liberate themselves from social complexities and live their natural value visions. The Narayana Gurukulas which he established in several countries of the world make a network of islands of good cheer and redressal in the vast ocean of confusion and lack of direction.
His several books in English, French and Malayalam represent a serious probe into the fundamentals of life so that the reader can simplify his or her own problems of domestic entanglements and clouded value vision. They are guides to gaining methodological efficiency in discovering the higher truth that can bring excellence in life. Nataraja Guru passed away in 1973.
Books from this author - An Integrated Science Of The Absolute_2 Vols. Set, Saundaryalahari Of Shankaracarya, The Word Of The Guru, The Bhagavad Gita: A Sublime Hymn Of Yoga, Composed By The Ancient Seer Vyasa
Neela Balsekar
Mrs Neela Balsekar is a graduate from St Xaviers College (Mumbai) with a BSc in Microbiology. She later did a course in documentary commentary following which she worked for many years at the Happy Home School where she recorded several audio books for the visually impaired.
She has presented and provided voiceovers for several programs based on the lives of great saints such as Sant Kabir, Janabai, etc.
Several short stories written by her have won awards in various Marathi magazines. She has also appeared a number of times on All India Radio where she has read out stories written by her in Konkani.
Neela Balsekar has earlier published two books of Marathi Short Stories.
Books from this author - Prasiddhipasoon Door Rahilele Mahan Sant
Nisargadatta Maharaj
What knowledge can I give to the people who come here seeking knowledge, said Maharaj one evening. Most of those who come here are so completely identified with their bodies that inspite of all their sincerity what I say they must surely find unacceptable. Even those who may ‘sense’ the subtlety and depth in the teaching may not be able to apperceive its real significance. But those who do intuitively apprehend what I say will need but one session with me.
Books from this author - Nisargadatta Maharaj wall calendar -2012
Nitin Ram
Nitin Ram
Books from this author - Self Calling: Self Reminder Meditations
Nitin Trasi
Dr. Nitin Trasi is a practising gynaecologist, with a post-graduate degree in the discipline from the University of Bombay.
The son of an eminent mathematician and theoretical physicist, he has come to be deeply versed in the fundamentals of the new physics. This he combines not only with serious studies of religion and philosophy, but also with profound personal insight, as well as close interaction with several sages, including an over decade-long association and extensive discussions with Sri Ramesh Balsekar – a disciple of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
Before that he had a long association with a Sufi disciple of the famous saint Sai Baba of Shirdi.
Dr. Trasi’sbook ‘The Science of Enlightenment' presents a detailed study of the spiritual phenomena of Enlightenment and Liberation in scientific-psychological terms.
Books from this author - The Science Of Enlightenment (PB)
Nitya Menon
Nitya Menon A post-graduate in Economics, Nitya Menon studied Vedanta under Swamini Sharadapriyananda. She has travelled across India in her wish to learn from spiritual masters. Among such masters are Swami Chinmayananda, Swami Ramakrishnananda of Cuddapah, Nitya Chaitanya Yati, Jiddu Krishnamurti, U.G. Krishnamurthi and Shiva Yogini Amma herself. She has been inspired by Sri Aurobindo and the Mother in whom she has found total spiritual synthesis. At present, she teaches the Indian spiritual tradition to seekers.
Books from this author - The Master Mystic
Notker Wolf
Notker Wolf’s books have been translated into many languages. He is also a musician who has performed both traditional Benedictine music and Christian rock since 1981, including at least 4 CDs. He plays electric guitar for the rock group Feedback.
On September 21, 2012, the Congress of Abbots reelected the 72-year-old Wolf to serve another term as Abbot Primate. He lives at the Confederation's headquarters at SantAnselmo in Rome. The position is largely honorary as the Benedictines are not a centralized order. He acts as a roving ambassador for them and speaks on Benedictine or Catholic issues.In November 2009 the Abbot Primate received an honorary Doctorate of Laws from Saint Anselm College.
He has written at least 19 books, with his latest (April 2012) concerning the issue of living an environmentally sustainable life for both a good future for the earth as well as for the individual in a spiritual/holistic fashion.) An interview of his views on sustainable consumption is given in the April 4, 2012, issue of Stern magazine.
He admits that his view of Pope Benedict XVI was skeptical at first.However, on covering the Pope's recent trip to Bavaria for German TV, he took a generally positive position. During the aftermath of Benedict's Regensburg lecture, he took the position that the Pope was primarily referring to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and those who force conversions rather than to Islam as a whole.
Wolf is also interested in interfaith dialogue and currently sits on the Board of World Religious Leaders for the Elijah Interfaith Institute.
On September 21, 2012, the Congress of Abbots reelected the 72-year-old Wolf to serve another term as Abbot Primate.
Nrusingh Charan Panda
Nrusingh Charan Panda is the 1929-born ‘Scientist Emeritus’ — having retired from the Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar, as Professor and Dean of the Veterinary Faculty. Notwithstanding his specialization in Nutritional Biochemistry — with M.Sc and Ph.D degrees of the University of Missouri, Columbia, USA, Dr. Panda is essentially a versatile personality, combining in him the endowments of a scientist, a Sanskritist, a philosopher, and a litterateur. And his achievements have been recognized, at different times, with a number of prestigious awards/honours, like the Membership of America’s Gamma Sigma Delta Society, Orissa’s Sahitya Academy Award and Sarala Award.
Internationally reputed for his scientific interpretations of Vedic literature, Professor Panda has also authored the widely acclaimed books: Maya in Physics and The Vibrating Universe. His is at once integral, synthetic, holistic approach.
Books from this author - Mind And Supermind (2 Vols. Set), Meditation — Science And Practice, Bhagavad-Gita- A New Exposition In A Broader Spe, Yoga Nidra, Japa Yoga: Theory, Practice And Applications
O P Tiwari
Shri O P Tiwari
P Hans Zollner
Fr. Hans Zollner SJ is originally from Germany.
He belongs to the German Province of the
Society of Jesus. He is currently professor in
the Gregorian University in Rome. In 2010, he
wrote a book called “Chisea e pedofilia Una
ferita aperta” in Italian. This book has been
transland into English with the title “Church
and the Abuse of Minors”
P L R D Department
P.L.R.D. Department
P Raymond Stewart
This spiritual guide and author was, even as a young man, intrigued by the mysteries of life. At the age of 18, he experienced a profound awakening and transformation while traveling alone through the US. Realizing the essential oneness of all life, he returned home and lived contentedly as a hermit for some years. The writings that eventually became the book 'Living as God', emerged as he began sharing this ever deepening sense of unity with those around him.
Books from this author - Living As God
Pandit Rattan Mohan Sharma
Pandit Rattan Mohan Sharma is an Indian classical vocalist. He sings in Hindustani style of music. Rattan Mohan Sharma was born in Rajasthan, he is the nephew of classical vocalist, Pandit Jasraj. It was found that young Rattan had an affinity towards percussion instruments so till the age of 15, he also learned tabla. Rattan Mohan Sharma started his career after training under Pandit Jasraj. He has performed solos in many a concerts and festivals in India and abroad. He also performs at the classical music festival, [[Pandit Motiram Pandit Maniram Sangeet Samaroh at Hyd] organized by Pandit jasraj. Baba harivallabh jalundhar A grade artist All india radio.
Parmanand Aggrawal
Shri Parmanand Aggarwal, Secretary and Office-In-Charge
of Certificate, Diploma & Advanced Courses of
Kaivalyadhama (Mumbai), is a highly Knowledgeable and
experienced teacher of Yoga in all its facets. Having
completed his graduation from Delhi University, Shri
Aggarwal attained proficiency in yogic knowledge from
Vishwayatan Yogeshram, Katra (J & K) under the renowed
Swami Dhirendra. Brahmachari and from Kaivalyadhama
(Lonavla). Along with Yoga, he studied the complementary
subjects of Ayurveda, Naturopathy and Homoeopathy.
During the last 35 years, Shri Aggarwal has been teaching
Yoga and has conducted several workshops and comps in
India and abroad catering to health and healing through
Yoga. He has been instrumental creating a creadible
platform for his fellow Yoga followers through a number of
National and International Seminars and Conference on
Yoga. A revered teacher and guide to his innumerable
students, shri Aggarwal has brought about a marked change
in the lives of a host of renowned personalities and celebrities
from all walks of life through Yoga.
Paul Brunton
Paul Brunton’s story is the perfect example of the radical transformation that spirituality underwent in the 20th century. At the beginning of that century, when PB was but two years old, spirituality—even in far-off India—was exclusively the domain of nationalistic, myopic religions, rarely willing to entertain dialogue with other faiths, much less attend to the spiritual lives of women and other second class citizens. Since then we’ve seen a huge awakening in the West, first to Hinduism, then Buddhism, and most recently to Tibetan Buddhism. At the same time there has been a commensurate adaption of Western technology to the cultures of the East.
Nowadays, truly ecumenical conferences abound, while eclectic and independent spiritual teachers, guides, gurus, and coaches are no further away than our phone books. Even while the West was first looking to the East for mysticism, it began to discover that even its own primary religion—science—was unstable, intangible, and deeply interlocked with the consciousness of the observer. And of course in these lattermost years, the Internet has created an entirely new level of interchange, information access, and inspiration.
Peter Berking
Peter Berking lives in Vienna, VIrginia, USA. He is a learning technology consultant.
He was captivated by a picture of Ramana in 1974, but didn't become a serious devotee until 1986, after starting to read Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi. In 2002, he made his way to Sri Ramanasramam, and has been going there every year for as much time as he can spare.
He is an ardent practitioner of Giripradakshina, especially on the Inner Path, and has written another book with Muktha Manu called A Guide to Giripradakshina. Another central part of his practice is daily singing of Ramana's devotional hymns to Arunachala, the Stuti Panchakam.
Philip Renard
Philip Renard was born 1944 in Amsterdam. After a period of studying the original teachings of Chan Buddhism, he started practising his spiritual life in Subud (a Java based brotherhood), in which the surrender practice called latihan gave him a foundation for all further insight, that is: freedom from concept or method.
After an intensive period of fruitful influence from the American teacher Da Free John (later called Adi Da), Philip was for some years closely associated with Dutch Advaita teacher Alexander Smit (a pupil of NisargadattaMaharaj and indirectly of Atmananda). During this period Philip came to a point when belief in all concepts was shed, so he could apperceive who he always already is. In the following years he also (gratefully) made use of Dzogchen teachings, especially those of TulkuUrgyen.
Philip has published six books and more than twenty articles in Dutch. In English he has published articles in Mountain Path and Journal of Indian Philosophy.
Books from this author - 'I' Is a Door: The essence of Advaita as taught by Ramana Maharshi, Atmananda and Nisargadatta Maharaj
Phillip Moffitt
Phillip Moffitt
Pierre Bonnasse
Having embraced the Indian way of life and philosophy, Pierre Bonnasse, also known as Chitragupta, spends his time between France and India, especially in Rishikesh. He has studied under the guidance of different spiritual Masters for more than twenty years and teaches yoga, meditation and Indian philosophy. Inspired by the teachings of Ramana Maharshi, Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj, Swami Chinmayananda, Swami Rama and Shri Aurobindo, his approach consists in linking philosophical ideas and practices of India and the West. He is also the author of more than twenty books (essays, travel stories and poetry), several articles and translations in French. Some of his books have been translated and published in Italy, America and India. He has written about his personal spiritual experiences, famous Masters and his meetings with remarkable beings encountered during his travels in sacred places like Varanasi, Chidambaram and Tiruvannamalai, especially in the Arunachala mountain which has deeply influenced his life. He co-founded the Rishi Yoga Shala School, offering yoga training programs in India and in France, with courses conducted in English, French and Hindi.
Books from this author - Yoga Nidra
Pingali Surya Sundaram
Pingali Surya Sundaram
Pradip Mukherji
Pradip Mukherjee has expressed a desire not to have personal details about himself revealed.
Books from this author - Exploring Consciousness Through Unconsciousness
Pravin Gandhi
Pravin Gandhi studied Engineering in India and USA, and is a software marketing professional, living in Mumbai. From pursuing a techy profession to pursuing fine thoughts and interests; learning about the Quantum world to learning the piano; traveling to offbeat places to gathering rich experience of places and people; blogging about all of the above; and now writing a book of short stories in his latest initiative, Pravin Gandhi is a Left-brain and a Right-brain person at the same time, driven by a desire to be, to do, something different, something new, at any time.
Prem Saran
Prem Saran, a senior member of the Indian Administrative Service, is currently on study leave, working on "Gender, Personhood and Hedonism as Core Themes in Nepalese Tantrism" for his Ph.D. in Anthropology at the University of California, USA. A versatile scholar, holding an M.A. (Anthropology) from the University of California, an M.A. (South Asia Regional Studies) from the University of Pennsylvania, an MBA from the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, and a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering, he carries on "the intellectual tradition" of the Indian civil services.
Now in his early forties, Saran was born in Kerala, is married to an Assamese, and is himself an initiated follower of the Tantric cult.
Prof G V Subbaramayya
Prof G V Subbaramayya - Is it stated in any book that for ultimate and final Self--Realisation one must ultimately come to the "Heart" even after reaching Sahasrara, and that the "Heart" is at the right side ? SRI BHAGAVAN : No. I have not come across this in any book. But, in a Malayalam book on medicines, I came across a stanza locating the "Heart" on the right side and I have translated it into Tamil in the " Supplement to the Forty Verses ".We know nothing about the other centres. We cannot be sure what we arrive at in concentating on them and realising them. But, as the "I" arises from the "Heart", it must sink back and merge there for Self--Realisation.
Prof George Victor
Prof. P. George Victor (born: 1953), Professor of Philosophy, and Founder Director, Centre for Religious Studies, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam has been teaching Sankara Vedanta, and Western Philosophy for the post-graduate students for more than two decades.
He has participated in many seminars in India and abroad. He has organized the 'First National Seminar on Teaching Philosophy in India' in association with the editors of Teaching Philosophy journal, USA sponsored by ICPR during March 1998. His major published works include 'Social Philosophy of Vedanta', 'Life and Teachings of Adi Sankaracarya' and 'Moral Science'.
Books from this author - Life And Teachings Of Adi Sankaracarya, Studies In Vedanta Essays In Honour Of Professor
Prof K Swaminatha
Osborne and Prof. K.Swaminathan
Prof V Kutumba Sastry
Professor V. Kutumba Sastry (1950) is currently Vice-Chancellor, Rashtriya Samskrit Samsthan, New Delhi. He is a well-known Vedic scholar. His areas of interest include philosophy in general and Advaita Vedanta and Sanskrit poetics in particular. His publications include monographs, anthologies, and research papers on Advaita Vedanta. He is the recipient of several prestigious awards from several State Governments in India as well as one from the Windsor University, Canada for promoting Sanskrit studies. Recently he has been elected as the President of International Association of Sanskrit Studies, Paris. Professor Sastry travelled widely to spread the message of the Vedas and the Advaita Vedanta in countries such as U.S.A., England, Kazakhstan, Finland, Thailand, and Scotland.
PS Wasu
"P S Wasu has been a life skills facilitator since 1996.His workshop The Fine Print of Life covers the entire gamut of what it takes to unleash human energy and has won a claim for its ability to spur individuals into transforming themselves. Participants have described it as a gateway to new horizons, a redefining moment, better than the best, and so on.
His first book The Fine Print of life was published in 2oo9."
R K Lohiya
R K Lohiya - Shri R K Lohiya was a Senior Company Secretary & Management Professional with a happiness oriented research bent of mind. He has been acclaimed as prolific author and poet. His first book Vishvanagari, the link script for all Indian languages was written at the instance of Smt. Indira Gandhi, the late Prime Minister of India, to fulfil the wish of India’s first beloved Prime Minister Shri Jawarharlal Nehru.
R N Kogata
Mr R.N. Kogata and Mrs Lalita Kogata have probably the world’s biggest creation and collection of more than 7800 types of statues/idols and paintings of Lord Ganesha. They run a Ganesha Gallery as well in Udaipur, Rajasthan. Other books authored by them are Maa - the Mother, Pati - the Husband in the eyes of Wife, Patnee - the Wife in the eyes of Husband, Insaan and Indian Marriage: Customs and Rituals.
The Kogata couple have already created 1,000 different paintings of Lord Ganesa based on the 1,000 names of the elephant-faced god Ganesha as given in Hindu Scripture. Mr Kogata is a Chartered Accountant and Company Secretary by profession and Mrs Kogata is a post-graduate and a part Company Secretary. They have two sons, Devashish and Kushagra. Devashish is also an artist and has already made more than 700 pencil sketches on Lord Ganesa.
R Puligandla
Ramakrishna Puligandla is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toledo USA. He has received a B.S. degree in physics and an M.S. degree in applied physics from the Andhra University in Waltair, India and an M.S. degree in physics from the Purdue University in the US. His academic achievements in philosophy include an A.M. degree in philosophy from the University of South Dakota and a Ph.D. in philosophy from Rice University. His areas of speciality are logic, philosophy of science, and comparative philosophy and religion, with emphasis upon the Indian and Western traditions. Dr. Puligandla, Fulbright visiting professor in India in 1992, has written ten books and over seventy scholarly papers. Associated with many institutions and journals, he is a member of the American Philosophical Association, assistant editor of The Philosopher's Index and consultant and reviewer for Choice, a publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries.Ramakrishna Puligandla is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toledo USA. He has received a B.S. degree in physics and an M.S. degree in applied physics from the Andhra University in Waltair, India and an M.S. degree in physics from the Purdue University in the US. His academic achievements in philosophy include an A.M. degree in philosophy from the University of South Dakota and a Ph.D. in philosophy from Rice University. His areas of speciality are logic, philosophy of science, and comparative philosophy and religion, with emphasis upon the Indian and Western traditions. Dr. Puligandla, Fulbright visiting professor in India in 1992, has written ten books and over seventy scholarly papers. Associated with many institutions and journals, he is a member of the American Philosophical Association, assistant editor of The Philosopher's Index and consultant and reviewer for Choice, a publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries.
R Rangachari
R Rangachari was a disciple of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. He translated into EnglishPeriapuranam a Tamil text dealing with the lives of 63 saints which was very dear to Bhagavan.
Books from this author - Periya Puranam
R S Bhogal
Shri R S Bhogal
R Subramony
Ramaswami Subramony was born in Thiruvananthapuram, the capital of Kerala state, in 1976. His first book Frying Pan and Other Stories was published in 2009 by Frog Books, Mumbai, under the nom de plume Raja. He presently works as Assistant Professor in English at Madura College, Madurai, Tamil Nadu.
Books from this author - Paramhamsa A Vedantic Tale
R V Shirgaokar
Passed B.Sc. Chemistry, Physics.
Thereafter passed Chemical Engineering From London University.
Worked in DCM Tyre Cord Project.
Served in novel project of Jaggery Manufactur by Sugar Factory process.
Actively engaged in The Ugar Sugar Works Ltd. in Sugar, Distillery, Co-generation, Effluent Treatment plant.
Interest in Liquor Blending and has produced good Malt Whiskies at Ugar.
Retired in 2009 and has taken a hobby of translating/writing books.
Radhey Shyam Kaushal
Dr Radhey Shyam Kaushal, PhD (Physics) from Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, in 1970, and PhD (Philosophy) from University of Delhi in 2000, has been teaching students of B.Sc. (Honours) and M.Sc. courses in the University of Delhi. Dr Kaushal has also served as UGC Research Scientist in the Department of Physics & Astrophysics, University of Delhi during 1988-2003. He visited Germany as Alexander von Humboldt Fellow and several other countries in Europe, South-East Asia and South America during his academic pursuits. He is the author of three books and the co-author of a fourth one besides about one hundred research papers published in journals of international repute in the fields of Theoretical Nuclear and Particle Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Classical Mechanics, Dynamical Systems and Philosophy of Science. His research work has been cited more than 400 times so far.
Since 2009, after retirement from Ramjas College as Associate Professor, Dr Kaushal is working as a visiting faculty in the Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi.
Books from this author - The Science Of Philosophy Theory Of Fundamental
Rainer Maria Rilke
In his relatively short life, Rilke produced a body of poetry and writings unsurpassed in its genius of emotion, insight and sensuality. John Mood says, "It is my conviction that… the two greatest writers of the twentieth-century are James Joyce and Rainer Maria Rilke." Other scholars would undoubtedly agree, as Rilke's life and poetry have attracted the minds of many, with translations of his works and biographies abounding.
Books from this author - Letters To A Young Poet
Raju Z. Moray
Raju Z. Moray is a poet at heart and an advocate by profession.
Blessed to be inclined towards spirituality from his childhood and fortunate to have enjoyed the company of several saintly personages, he has received initiation in the
‘Datta Sampradaaya’ from late Shri Nana Maharaj Paranjape of Swami Samarth’s lineage and in the ‘Navnath Sampradaaya’ by Chhote Dada Guru Sane of the ‘Dhritiman Navnath Ashram’ at Bilimora, Gujarat.
Ram Tzu
Ram Tzu (aka Wayne Liquorman) was born 1951 in Los Angeles, California where he lived in the suburbs until going to the University of Hawaii where he studied Creative Writing. After graduating with a BA he returned to the beach area of Southern California, married, started an import/export business and had two children. A nineteen-year bout with alcoholism and drug addiction ended spontaneously in 1985 leaving him sober and a spiritual seeker. He met his guru, Ramesh S. Balsekar, after 16 months of intense seeking and soon began publishing Ramesh's books and arranging Ramesh's speaking tours in the US. The final Understanding occurred in April of 1989 soon after which, the book No Way...For The Spiritually Advanced was written under the pen name Ram Tzu.
Wayne has been Talking publicly since 1996 after being told by Ramesh, "if they come, Talk to them." His second book, Acceptance of What IS...A Book About Nothing was published in 2000, his third book, Never Mind was published in 2005.
His Talk schedule and further information can be found at www.advaita.org.
Books from this author - No Way
Rama Venkataraman
Dr (Ms) Rama Venkataraman has translated with great clarity and lucidity seven major Upanishadic plays from Tamil and provided the summaries for each at the beginning of the play to bring out the themes and concepts to the reach of English knowing populace and the younger generation alike.
She was aided in her efforts by Shri A.V.V.S. Kamaraju who illustrated the text with his sketches which brought out further clarity to many an abstract portion of the play.
The author has a Doctorate in Environmental Sociology and is an avid practitioner of Acupuncture. She has several easy to understand books to her credit on this forte too.
The other publication to her credit is Ladakh - A Himalayan Treasure, a socio-cultural book dealing with tourism aspects.
Books from this author - Dramatic Version Of Seven Major Upanishads
Ramakrishna Puligandla
Ramakrishna Puligandla is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Toledo USA. He has received a B.S. degree in physics and an M.S. degree in applied physics from the Andhra University in Waltair, India and an M.S. degree in physics from the Purdue University in the US. His academic achievements in philosophy include an A.M. degree in philosophy from the University of South Dakota and a Ph.D. in philosophy from Rice University. His areas of speciality are logic, philosophy of science, and comparative philosophy and religion, with emphasis upon the Indian and Western traditions. Dr. Puligandla, Fulbright visiting professor in India in 1992, has written ten books and over seventy scholarly papers. Associated with many institutions and journals, he is a member of the American Philosophical Association, assistant editor of The Philosopher’s Index and consultant and reviewer for Choice, a publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries.
Books from this author - Fundamentals Of Indian Philosophy, Jnana - Yoga: The Way Of Knowledge, That Thou Art
Ramana Maharshi
Drawn from His home by the power of Arunachala at the age of sixteen, Ramana remained at Its feet throughout the rest of His life and became known as the Sage of Arunachala.
He wrote very little, but is known to have translated and corrected a number of important works for the benefit of devotees. He preferred to communicate through the power of overwhelming Silence, a silence so deep and powerful that it stilled the minds of ardent seekers who were attracted to Him from all over the world.
Although preferring silence, He was always willing to answer the questions of sincere aspirants and never failed to guide them in the right direction.
Ramana Maharshi’s highest teaching of 'Self-enquiry' (vichara) was understood in the infinite silence of his presence. Through this silence, countless numbers of devotees and visitors experienced the pure bliss of True Being. That same experience of perfect peace is still available to sincere souls who turn to him and practice his teachings with devotion.
Ramanananda Swarnagiri
Ramendra Narayan Sanyal
Ramendra Narayan Sanyal
Ramesh Balsekar
Rameshji, a teacher of pure Advaita, or non-duality, is an unearthly blend of the utterly human and utterly divine manifesting as a brilliant spiritual Master. His crystal-clear and profound teachings are backed by his complete understanding that “Nobody does anything” coupled with his life experience as a top executive of a major Indian bank, as a husband, father and grandfather - all lived knowing that it is all happening as God’s Will.
For much of his full life Ramesh, whose Guru was Nisargadatta Maharaj, has been devoted to Ramana Maharshi, in whose spirit Ramesh welcomes seekers and asks “Who is seeking? Leave the seeking to Him who started the seeking.”
Books from this author - Confusion No More, Your Head In The Tiger's Mouth, Consciousness Speaks, Who Cares?!, Pursue 'Happiness' & Get Enlightened (PB)
Ramkrishna Vyas
Ramkrishna Vyas
Ravi M Dixit
Shri Ravi M Dixit
Ravi Shyam
Ravi Shyam, Director of Media Training Worldwide – India Division has more than 25 years experience in the various market segments which include Banking, Finance, Pharmaceuticals & Health Care, Textiles, Electronics and Lifestyle products, retailing and more. In the course of his career, Ravi has accumulated a wealth of experience in honing perspectives in the areas of corporate imaging to brand equity building. As a senior strategic communications consultant in the industry, Ravi’s resume encompasses an interesting mix of multinational corporations on the one end of the spectrum and family-owned Indian businesses on the other. Working in such a global, multi-product, multi-divisional and multi-cultural environment has honed his skills in the areas of macro and micro-perception management, inter-personal management and cross-border alliances.
Ravi earned his Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Psychology from Bombay University. He then went on to earn his Post Graduate Diploma in Mass Communications from Bhavan's College of Mass Communications & Journalism. Ranking 2nd all-India he also holds a Bachelor of Law Degree from Bombay University and is a Certified “Assessor” on Arthur Andersen Competency Mapping System.
His international exposure includes participation in intensive training programs conducted by Media Training Worldwide in New York as well as other programs conducted by France Telecom (Paris), GCI (New York), GCI (Hong Kong), Philips NV (Eindhoven, The Netherlands), Philips NV (Groenendahl, the Netherlands), Bayer AG (Leverkusen, Germany) and Bayer AG (Monheim, Germany).
Books from this author - Facing The Media
Ravindra Katre
Ravindra Katre
Books from this author - Atmaprem: Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj Yanchi Nirupane (Marathi)
Reetika Mitra
My tryst with food started early on in Kolkata. Growing up in a joint family, I remember as a little girl, standing in the corner of the kitchen, watching my Grandmother, mother and aunts cook the meals for the family. It was a ritual in those days starting with the menfolk going to the market to buy the fresh daily produce of vegetables, fish and meat. Then we all sat down as family to enjoy the meal, the children first, followed by the elders. There was something magical in that routine and my early inspiration into the world of food. I published my first few recipes in a leading Bengali magazine way back in the early 1990’s and kept at it for a few years before I got married. That’s the first time I realized, that the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach.
For me the greatest satisfaction lies in serving my friends and family a sumptuous spread of great tasting food. Over the years as I travelled extensively and lived in Gurgaon, Chennai, Dubai, Ho Chi Minh City and Hong Kong, I had the opportunity to explore my passion with local cuisines. It has been an exciting culinary and gastronomic journey. I love experimenting with new recipes whether it is the Vietnamese BanhXeo or the Greek Avgolemono soup. I have found it challenging and fulfilling at the same time, to make some of these exotic international cuisines adapted to the Indian palate without losing their essence. The world around us is changing and so are food habits. “Fooding Around” brings together my recipes past, present and future. This is a place where food and fun come together.
The real inspiration for this endeavour are all my friends and family who have been encouraging me to publish my recipes. To them I want to say thank you. I have often been asked about my secret ingredient. Well everyone has their own special touch. For me, my two secret ingredients are passion and love. I am looking forward to creating more smiles globally with my recipes.
From the Heart to the Plate, ‘Fooding Around’ is a journey.
Richard P Mchugh
Richard P Mchugh S J Ph D
Robert Wolfe
During Robert's travels he has labored as an auto assembly line worker in Detroit, as a carnival worker, a journalist in New York City, on a farm of a Zen community in California, as a landscaper, a financial consultant, a janitor. After living in the Mendocino area for about twenty years he bought a camper van and moved onto a property in a redwoods forest where he studied the inner life intensely. Something fell into place there after a number of years, and out of that period of solitude, Robert began writing and sharing his observations on the reality that surrounds and includes us. Shortly thereafter, Robert moved to Ojai, California where he continues to live and write.
Books from this author - Awakening to Infinite Presence: The Clarity of Self Realisation, Living Nonduality : Enlightenment Teachings Of Self-Realization, Abiding in Nondual Awareness : Exploring the Further Implications of Living Nonduality, Ramana Maharshi: Teachings of Self-Realization
Roshani Shenazz nadirshah
"Roshani Shenazz Nadirshah, was born and raised in Mumbai, India. She was a media and films
professional for 23 years before she embraced her spiritual calling and began her journey towards
what she calls her ‘life purpose’. She is a Wholestic Living Empowerist, a Transformational
Leadership Mentor and a Spiritual Medium. She strives to make people ‘Spiritually Independent’
by taking them through the journey of recognizing their inner potential and unveiling and
embracing their own divinity, and that of others. Roshani is the founder of ‘Sparkling Angels
Wholestic Living and Holistic Healing’ and the ‘Meher Roshani Foundation’ in Mumbai."
Books from this author - Angels Speak : Your Daily Dose of Divine Love
Roxanne Mcguire
Roxanne Mcguire
S Bhuvaneshwari
S. Bhuvaneshwari (b. 1976) has been studying the Prasthanatraya, Bhashya and Advaita Prakaranas from Swami Paramarthananda Sarasvati of Chennai since 1994. Having obtained a BA in Economics and MA in Public Administration, she later branched out and procured her Masters in Philosophy, and Sanskrit as well. She is a Gold Medalist in MA Philosophy from the Department of Philosophy, University of Madras (2004-06). She is the recipient of University Research Fellowship for her Doctorate at the Department of Sanskrit, University of Madars (2009-10) and was awarded the Ph.D (2010) for her study on the Sanskrit text Vicarasagara.
Her other area of interest is Philosophy of Art, especially the aesthetic theories of Bharata, Abhinavagupta and Hegel, and has been teaching Aesthetics and Indian Philosophy as guest lecturer in various reputed institutions in Chennai since 1997.
She continues her study of Advaita works in Sanskrit, Hindi and Tamil and is currently working on some unpublished Advaita texts available as paper manuscripts at the Government Oriental Manuscript Library and Adyar Research Library, Chennai. She has over fifteen articles to her credit in both Advaita Vedanta and Aesthetics.
S C Malik
S.C. Malik with a teaching background in
Palaeoanthropology at m.s. University of
Baroda, was Also a Fulbright Smith-Mundt
Scholar at the university of chicage. From 1966
Until 1988 he was associated with the Indian
Institute of Advanced Study, shimal, in various
Capacities. From 1988 to 1997 he was a
Professorial UGC Research Scientist in
His major contribution is in developing
Multidisciplinary research methodologies and
Formulating theoretical models for the study of
Indian Civilisation, lately eithin the Framework
Of philosophical anthropology. Some of his
majorbooks are: Indian Civilisation- The Formative
Period (A Study of Archaeolgy as
Anthropology); Understanding Indian Civilisation
-A Framework of Enquiry; Modern Civilisation-
A Crisis of Fragmentation; Dissent, Protest and
Reform Movements In Indian Civilisation;
Determinants of social in status in Indian; Intercultural
Dialogue and the Human Image; and Recon-
Ceptualising the Sciences and the Humanities – An
Integral Approach.
S M Y M Samiti’s
Yoga is a significant phenomenon
of Indian Cultural Heritage. Indian
Heritage in recent times, has been
influenced by the gradual scientific
developments in all the fields of life.
And Yoga is no exception to this. Yoga,
which was once upon a time, in ancient
days, was pursued by handful seekers
abiding in secluded places away from
social life, has now –a- days, become an
academic pursuit and is being
accepted in the curriculum of schools,
colleges and universities. Yoga is being
pursued for better adaptability,
increased intelligence, improved
learning ability, enhanced orderliness
in thinking better job performance and
satisfacition, the solace in the form of
alternative therapy and above all
universal brotherhood and harmony.
Such an application of Yoga could be
possible only through its subjection to
rational and scientific research in
modern times.
Way back in 1924, Swami
Kuvalayanandaji, pioneer scientific
Philosophico- Literary researcher in
Yoga, had visualized the Yogic
S S Barlingay
The late Professor S.S. Barlingay (Emeritus Professor of Philosophy) was the former Head of the Department of Philosophy, Poona University, Pune, India.
He was the Editor of three quarterly academic journals: Indian Philosophical Quarterly, Paramarsha and the Hindi edition of Paramarsha. Apart from a number of papers his major publications include "A Modern Introduction to Indian Logic", "SaunaryaceVyakarana",
"A Critical Survey of Western Philosophy: From Bacon to Kant", "Poverty, Power and Progress", "Beliefs, Reasons and Reflections". His last publication was a book on Ethics in India.
S S Cohen
Sulaiaman Samuel Cohen was jewish by race and lraqi by origin. An accountant by profession, Cohen came to India in his early youth and settled down here for life. He worked in Bombay for a few years, then joined the Theosophical Society and lived at its headquarters in Adyar, Madras for five years.
During this time Cohen heard of Sri Ramana Maharshi, came to Sri Ramanasramam with the intention of staying fourteen days and stayed fourteen years, from 1936 until the Maharshi shed the body in 1950. He was one of the many staunch devotees who lived at Palakothu, a Sadhu’s colony near the ashram.
Cohen was blessed to get an assurance from Bhagavan. After the house warming ceremony that he performed for the cottage he built at Palakothu, Cohen asked the Maharshi, “Bhagavan, you have given a home for my body, I now need your grace to grant the eternal home for my soul, for which I broke all my human ties and came.” Bhagavan stopped under the shade of a tree, gazed silently on the calm waters of the tank for a few seconds and replied, “Your firm conviction brought you here; where is the room for doubt?”
Cohen remained at Tiruvannamalai for some years after the Mahanirvana of the Maharshi. After a few years he retired to a quiet life in Vellore. He died in May 1980 and his ‘samadhi’ is within the Ashram Premises.
Cohen’s wide knowledge of Bhagavan’s teaching and steadfast devotion inspired him to write on his Master. His reminiscences are sublime and his elucidation of Bhagavan’s teachings is illuminating. His writings have inspired generations of devotees in their quest.
Books from this author - Forty Verses on Reality, The Essence Of Ribhu Gita, Guru Ramana, Srimad Bhagavata, Reflections On Talks With Sri Ramana Maharshi
S.N. Sastri
Shri S.N.Sastri was born in Kerala, India, on 27th June 1922. After taking an M.A. Degree in Mathematics, he joined the Indian Revenue Service as an Income-Tax Officer in 1944. He rose to the position of Member of the Central Board of Direct Taxes, the apex body entrusted with the administration of the Direct Tax laws in India. He retired from service in June 1980. After retirement he studied advaita vedAnta under two eminent traditional scholars in Chennai, India.
Sachin Kshirsagar
Sachin Kshirsagar is a devotee of Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj. Born in 1976, he completed his postgraduation in Philosophy. He also has a Post Graduate Degree in Hindi and in Commerce. In 2011 he received mantra initiation in deep sleep by Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj. He has compiled and edited 14 books in Marathi, one book in Hindi on Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj. He has also compiled and edited one book each in Marathi and English on Shri Siddharameshwar Maharaj.
Books from this author - Adhyatmadnyanacha Yogeshwar, Shri. Nisargadattagita, Purna: Shri Bhainath Maharaj Yanche Charitra Ani Shikwan (Marathi)
Sadguru Shree Ramakant Maharaj
Sadguru Shree Ramakant Maharaj
Sadguru Siddharameshwar Mahara
Sadguru Siddharameshwar Maharaj
Books from this author - Master Of Self-Realization – An Ultimate Understanding
Sadhu Arunachala
Sadhu Arunachala was the adopted name of Major A. W. Chadwick, one of Bhagavan Ramana Maharashi's most ardent disciples. He has written several books considered to be classics, recording his impressions of Bhagavan's life, his teachings, life at Sri Ramanasramam and Bhagavn-inspired take on important Hindu scriptures.
Books from this author - A Sadhu's Reminiscences of Ramana Maharshi
Out of stock
Sadhu Natanananda
Sadhu Natanananda was a distinguished scholar and devotee who first met Bhagavan in Skandashram. His collection of dialogues with Bhagavan, Spiritual Instructions has appeared in several editions of Bhagavan's own Collected Works. Sadhu Natanananda also edited Self-Enquiry in both the essay and question-and-answer formats. Bhagavan also gave the job of arranging the verses of Guru Vachaka Kovai, Murugganar's authoritative compendium of Bhagavan's teachings. In the early 1950s Sadhu Natanananda wrote Sri Ramana Darsanam, a book that contained many previously unpublished stories about Bhagavan which he used to make a penetrating analysis of Bhagavan's life and teachings.
Books from this author - Sri Ramana Darsanam
Sahajananda Nath
Sahajananda Nath
Sailor Bob Adamson
‘Sailor’ Bob Adamson travelled to India in the 70’s where he met with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. Bob’s Search ended in the presence of Nisargadatta. ‘Nisargadatta pointed to the reality, the actuality THAT I AM’.
‘Now I abide as THAT’ – ‘Sailor’ Bob Adamson
‘What you are in essence is self shining pure intelligence. The very idea of shining implies a movement. Movement is energy – so I call it ‘pure intelligence energy’. It is shining through your eyes – you cannot say what it is – and you cannot negate it either. It is ‘no thing’ – it cannot be objectified. It expresses itself ever fresh and ever new constantly. – If you stay with the question ‘Who am I?’ or that ‘I am’ thought – then it must be seen and recognized that it is only a thought. It is not the reality – it is an expression of the mind. Without that thought ‘I am’ – see what is prior to it. Is it stillness? Is it silence? Or is there vibrancy about it? – a Livingness, a Self-shining-ness.
Books from this author - What's Wrong With Right Now…
Saint Sekkizhar
Saint Sekkizhar was a poet and scholar of Tamil Shaiva Siddhanta, a Saiva saint contemporary with the reign of Kulothunga Chola II. He compiled and wrote the Periya Puranam (Great Purana), 4253 verses long, recounting the life stories of the sixty-three Shaiva Nayanars, the poets of Shiva who composed the liturgical poems of the Tirumurai. Sekkizhar's work itself became part of the sacred canon.
Sajohn Daverly
Sajohn Daverly has been a student of the Eastern wisdom teachings for over 35 years, assisting in the writing, editing and proofreading of books and magazines presenting Eastern philosophy and culture since 1979. Previously ordained into one of the traditional branches of the Swami order during his three years living in India, he has been sharing his spiritual insights with groups and offering individual consultations since 1996.
Books from this author - Bhagavad-Gita: The Ambrosial 'Sat-Song' Of Sri Krishna
Sanjiv Ranjan
"SANJIV RANJAN, founder of the All India Institute of Mind Body Medicine, is a gifted healer, visionary and reformist writer. In a clinical practice spanning more than 15 years, he has helped many people recover from various chronic and life-threatening diseases.
There is always an element of visible magic in all his healing sessions and workshops, and all those who have sought his help have felt a tangibly deeper connection with the universal mind, the state of being, where all miracles are born.
A clinical hypnotherapist from the California Hypnosis Institute, Theta healer trained by ViannaStibal of the THINK Institute, Idaho, USA, and an organ regeneration expert from the Arcady Petrov Foundation, Russia, his techniques are a fine blend of Eastern Mysticism and the more rapidly evolving Western field of Mind Body Medicine.
He believes that to live in health and happiness or to achieve a complete cure without depending on life-long medication, we need a certain kind of daring that relies on the ‘Intelligence of the Body’ instead of going against it, because the body is a phenomenon which is more than a million years old.
For the mind to move into resonance with something as ancient, miraculous and profound as the human body, it has to be infinitely wise and non-invasive. He is currently in the process of putting together an education system which is based on sensitivity and love, so that the future generations of mankind learn to live ‘free, responsible, and powerful lives’."
Sankara Bhagavadpada
Sankara Bhagavadpada’s credentials as a researcher in theoretical nuclear physics (1972-1982) as well as his ensuing years of selfless service (1983-2000) as an acharya in the spiritual mission of his Master Sri Sri Bhagavan, have profoundly impressed themselves upon his work, in the form of a systematic incisive enquiry as well as an intimate familiarity and understanding of the spiritual life. In March 2006 and in February 2007, he presented his astrological work in the spheres of Dharma and Moksha at The First and Second International Astrological Conferences in Gurgaon, India; again, under the chairmanship of Prof. V. K. Choudhry, and organized by the International Institute of Predictive Astrology [IIPA], Fairfield, USA. The Systems Institute of Hindu Astrology, founded by the renowned Vedic astrologer Prof V. K. Choudhry, conferred upon the author the honorary title of Jyotish Ratan in recognition of his contribution to Hindu astrology. The author’s unwavering devotion to the teachings of his four Spiritual Masters: Sri Ramana Maharshi, Sri Sri Bhagavan, Sri J. Krishnamurti and Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, has certainly imbues his work with a spiritual intensity that is devoid of all narrowness.
Sant Dnyaneshwar
Sant Dnyaneshwar
Santan Rodrigues
Santan Rodrigues
Santosh Joshi
Santosh Joshi is a life coach and past life regression therapist
based in Mumbai, India. He Is a mechanical engineer and has worked
with Indian and international conglomerates for over 17 years.
His experience in the corporate world gave him insight into human
behavioral patterns and responses to various emotional challenges.
This helped him realize his inner calling. Santosh has dedicated
his life to help people bring about positive changes in life.
Santosh Sachdeva
Santosh Sachdeva was born in Sialkot, now in Pakistan. Along with her parents, two sisters and a brother, she had to flee Sialkot in the aftermath of partition in 1947. The family eventually settled in Mussoorie, a hill-station in India, nestled in the Himalayan foothills.
Right from her childhood, Santosh was exposed to mystical subjects as her father had an affinity for holy men (sadhus) travelling to and fro from the Himalayas. These men in saffron robes became a familiar sight at her house and Santosh grew up in an atmosphere graced by them. In the evenings, the house would resonate with the rhythmic sounds of mantras chanted by these sadhus. Santosh was thus influenced by them, and also by her parents from whom she learnt the value of believing that life is only positives. Thus, Santosh grew up in an environment which was naturally conducive to spiritual unfoldment.
Santosh was educated at the Convent of Jesus and Mary in Waverly (Mussoorie) and finished her college education from Delhi University (India). She was married to the Late Ajeet Sachdeva, a well-known figure in Indian Advertising. After the death of her husband, Santosh took up the dual challenge of raising a family and running a business in Mumbai (India).
It was only as recently as 1995, after her son took over the family business, that Santosh turned to Mental Physics (Brahma Vidya). She started attending the course conducted by Justice M. L. Dudhat of the Bombay High Court. This year marked the beginning of a significant period in her life. Little did she understand how this would completely change her life, bringing on a profound obsession with meditation and a surrender to the Higher Forces. She now continues to live with equanimity, a full life, even in semi-retirement. She hopes that her story will help validate similar experiences of others in meditation, and especially inspire young students to fearlessly undertake the spiritual journey.
Books from this author - Kundalini Awakening, Conscious Flight Into The Empyrean, Kundalini Diary
Saugata Bhaduri
A Ph.D. from Jawaharlal Nehru University, Dr. Bhaduri specialises in Indian and Western philosophy. With years of teaching experience, he is presently a lecturer at the Department of English and Modern European Languages, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.
Books from this author - Yoga-Sutra Of Patanjali
Sethu Ramaswamy
Mrs. Sethu Ramaswamy is the author of the celebrated autobiography Bride at Ten, Mother at Fifteen: Autobiography of an unknown Indian Woman (Roli Books: 2003). In Jan. 2009, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation aired a documentary on her life produced by Sarmishta Subramanian titled ‘A woman of no consequence’. At 86 she continues to read and write and has just completed a manuscript titled ‘The Needle-thin Boy and other Stories’ meant for children and teenagers. She has also written ‘The Tales of Krishna’ again targetted at a young audience both of which are awaiting publication. Sethu Ramaswamy lives with her daughter and son-in-law in the Jawaharlal University Campus in New Delhi and delights in cooking for the family.
Books from this author - They Spoke With God
Shakuntala Hawoldar
Shakuntala Hawoldar came to Mauritius in 1968 and settled with her husband and three children at Beau Bois, St. Pierre.
She is an educationist of long standing and a well known poet and short story writer in Mauritius and abroad. She has published many collections of poems which have been translated into French, Malayalam, Russian and other languages. She is presently the President of the Mauritius Writers Association.
She has headed the media division of the Mauritius College of the Air for over two decades as Deputy Director and initiated the learning channel in Mauritius. She has worked for several years as advisor and consultant for UN agencies and contributed extensively in the field of Women, Children and Media.
She is the President of the Women’s Federation for World Peace and also heads the OSHO meditation centre in Mauritius.
Books from this author - Moksha, Aah! The Light - From Contemplation to Transformation, Nachiketas, The Magical Black Fish : And Other Stories for Saakshi and Amara, 13 Short Stories From Mauritius
Shakunthala Jagannathan
Shakunthala Jagannathan
Shalini Shrinivas
Shalini Shrinivas
Shannon Duncan
Shannon Duncan is a retired entrepreneur who left his profitable business behind to live a more peaceful and quiet life, working at cultivating the present moment, and teaching others to do the same.
As a striving entrepreneur, Duncan had always thought that money and success would bring him happiness. But when he retired a multimillionaire before the age of thirty and could buy almost any possession or experience he wanted, he realized that the source of happiness was definitely elsewhere. Through a series of realizations, brought about through self-exploration and study, Duncan recognized that what he was truly searching for was to feel safe, peaceful and content in the world. Once he gained the opportunity to realize what wouldn't bring him peace, he began to understand that peace was always within him, underneath the turmoil, if only he would surrender enough to see it.
Books from this author - Present Moment Awareness
Sheikh Jameil Ali
Sheikh Jameil Ali is a scholar of Islamic Studies who has been involved in research on aspects of Islamic history, thought and movements. He has authored and presented several papers on the subject in national seminars and conferences.
Shirish Kumar S Murthy
Shirish kumar S. Murthy was born in an orthodox Brahmin family in the year 1954. At the age of 20 he came across Ramana Maharshi’s book ‘The Gospel of Ramana Maharshi’ which changed his way of thinking to a great extent. In 1978 he met J. Krishnamurti and became his fan. The infatuation did not last long. The suffering and the confusion continued unabated. In 1979 he was mysteriously guided to Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj and the suffering reduced to a great extent but the confusion remained; questions and doubts kept on popping up. Maharaj in his irrepressible forthrightness said to him “I am not your Guru, your Guru will come at the appropriate time.” And thereafter for 15 years he got totally involved with life and suffered enormously. In 1995 he started yearning for a Guru. In 1996 he met his Guru Shri Ramesh S. Balsekar and there was no looking back, (in terms of inner happiness peace, nothing else).
Books from this author - Ramana Maharshi's Upadesa Saram, Calm Is Greater Than Joy, Dissolving Spiritual Confusion: The Essence of Ramesh Balsekar’s Teachings, Consciousness Strikes: The Gospel of Ramesh Balsekar
Shri Bhagavan
The Sage of Arunachala, also known as Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi. See under Authors for the titled Ramana Maharshi.
Shri Krishna
This book has been written mainly as a friendly
companion an adjuvant to a training in Pranayama
under personal supervision of a teacher. It has been
written with a view to give the student to correct and
the comprehensive information on all the different
aspects of Pranayama. It would in marking the
actual practice of Pranayama more effective as the
student will be able to discern between the essential
and the optional parts of the different techniques of
Pranayama. It would also help the student to keep the
Spiritual perspective in the forefront while
Under taking the practice of Pranayama.
Shri Samarth Sadguru
Shri S. S. Ganapat Rao Maharaj was born at their family residence in Kannur village (Bijapur District, Karnataka State, India) to Shri Shivarampant and Shrimati Saraswati on the day of Ganesh Chaturthi festival on September 18, 1909 the birth day of lord Ganesh. He was appropriately named Ganapati. As a child he was a loving, simple, straight forward, disciplined and preferred solitude. He had a keen desire to have darshan (vision) of God right from his childhood days. He had his primary and high-school education in Bijapur. He loved the company of Saints and had a great inclination towards spirituality, right from those days. If there were any spiritual programs in Bijapur he would be there for every function, be it a Kirtana, spiritual discourse or the likes.
Shri Samartha Ramdas
Shri Samarth Ramdas
Shri Yogendra
ShriYogendra is the founder of the Yoga Institute, known as the oldest organized yoga center in the world, which islocated atSantacruz inMumbai.ShriYogendra (1897-1989), played a key role in developing medical hatha yoga,a step in the history of yoga that would later lead to the development of Yoga Therapy.
Sri Yogendra was born on 18th November 1897. When his met Guru PujyaShriParamahamsaMadhavadasaji, a 119-year-old yogi from Bengal, he was still in college. The meeting with ParamahamsaMadhavadasaji made Yogendra a devoted believer of Yoga. He joined ParamahamsaMadhavadasaji's ashram in Malsar city of Gujarat and started studying Yoga sincerely. He was a non-conformist and a very close bond developed between the Master and the student. The Guru taught him many things by direct experience. After completing his training, he decided to leave the ashram, in order to propagate the benefits of Yoga amongst the masses. Thus ShriYogendra became known as the Father of Modern Yoga Renaissance. A firm believer of yoga, Sri Yogendra founded the institute to promote the science of Yoga throughout the world. He was also credited with the revival of the classical yoga ideals.
ShriYogendra was also a brilliant poet. An influential person from Mumbai, Mr. Masani, once came across his poetry. Impressed with ShriYogendra, he invited him to his home in Versova, Mumbai. Mr. Masani offered him his own house as an ashram. This laid the foundation of The Yoga Institute of Mumbai. The Yoga Institute one of the oldest organized Yoga enters in the world. The Yoga Institute of Mumbai is a non-profit organization. It aims at helping people in physical, moral and psychic development, with yoga as an aid. ShriYogendra left the world in 1989, passing on his legacy to his son, Dr. Jayadev.
In 1918, ShriYogendra established the Yoga Institute at Versova, Mumbai. A year later, he went to USA where he founded one more Yoga Institute in New York. The following year, his ailing father summoned ShriYogendra back to India. He did the most unusual thing for a yogi - he got married to Sitadevi. Come to think of it, he was following the footsteps of ancient seers like Vasishta and Yagnavalkya. His wife, Sitadevi was introduced to yoga soon after her marriage in 1927. After two years of rigorous study, she became the Secretary of the Institute, and later, in charge of the Ladies' section. She contributed articles to the Journal of Yoga and also authored a book entitled 'Yoga Simplified for Women'. This book is ground breaking because it is the first authoritative book on yoga for women written by a woman. It paved the way for women to practise yoga, something that was prohibited until then.
Sitadevi faced immense criticism not only because she was a woman doing yoga, but also because she was a wife of a yogi. This yogi couple was challenging old traditions with their novel ideas. For instance, until then, yoga was confined only to yogis who practised it in the forests. But ShriYogendraji made it accessible to all. No longer was it an exclusive domain of a Sanyasi.
ShriYogendraji believed that yoga is the art of living. He wanted the common man to be able to follow it. So, he developed the breathing rhythm that accompany yogic postures and simplified yoga kriyas without diminishing their benefits. He wanted humanity to give as much importance to happiness and peace of mind as they did to material comforts. Yoga shows us how to find a balance between both and enrich our lives.
ShriYogendraji propounded the virtues of yoga, especially its holistic approach that explored the body-mind connection. He told his students that all those who have the urge to study yoga must come with an open mind. Only then can it change their lives.
ShriYogendraji passed way in the year 1989. But when he was in his early fifties, he handed over his legacy to his son Dr. Jayadev.
Shyamala Gupta
Shyamala Gupta (b. August 1931) is Bombay University's Ph.D. (Philosophy), with specialised interest in Aesthetics. And has been Research Fellow at the prestigious Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla (1966-67). An untiring researcher and writer, she has published numerous papers in different journals and, in addition, has contributed as many as 27 articles to the 3-volume Marathi Encyclopedia in Philosophy (published by MEP Council, Pune). Also, she has authored two books, namely, The Beautiful in Indian Arts, and SaundaryaTattvamimamsa (Hindi) -both prescribed by Delhi University for undergraduate-level students taking a course in aesthetics.
Involved with the teaching of philosophy for well over three decades, Dr. Gupta retired, in 1996, as Reader from Kamla Nehru College, University of Delhi, Delhi.
Simon C Brown
Simon C Brown
Sir Monier Monier-Williams
Sir Monier Monier-Williams (b. 1819-1899) in his earlier career taught Asian languages at the East India Company College, and delved deep into the cultural heritage of India, its religious practices in vogue, including modern Hinduism. His aims being practical rather than speculative and his vast practical knowledge of India and her people, earned him the professorship of the Boden Chair of Sanskrit at Oxford University where he studied, documented and taught Asian languages and also compiled one of the most widely used Sanskrit-English dictionaries. In 1883, he also founded the Indian Institute at Oxford University that provided a perfect training ground for studies focused on Indology.
Sister M Carol A C
Sister M Carol A C
Sister Mary Usha
Sister Mary Usha
Sitadevi Yogendra
Sitadevi Yogendra
Sri Jnananda Bharati
Gnanananda Bharati, was a Sanyasi, lawyer, philosopher, writer and author. Born as Krishnaswamy Iyer to Vakil G. Ramachandra Iyer and Janaki Ammal on 26 October 1889, Krishnaswamy passed his BA, MA and BL degrees at the University of Madras and practiced as a successful lawyer at Tirunelveli.
Sri Ramakant Maharaj
Shri Ramakant Maharaj, a direct disciple of Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj, was with the Master for almost 20 years. He is based in Nashik Road Ashram!
Shri Ramakant Maharaj received the Naam Mantra from Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj on 2nd October 1962, 55 years ago.
Shri Ramakant Maharaj followed in his Master's footsteps, offering the Naam Mantra to suitable devotees (at Master's discretion), and thereby Initiating seekers into the Lineage of the Inchegiri Navnath Sampradaya.
Books from this author - Ultimate Truth, Selfless Self
Sri Sankaracharya
Sri Sankaracharya
Srishti Sawhney
Srishti, has three decades of strong Marketing & Brand building expertise in diverse categories, products, industries, and, work cultures. She has proven ability in building, turning around, and, scaling up Brands with a strategic focus on Digital transformation, innovation and a passion for growing Brands into Market Leaders.
As a hands-on orchestrator of rapid growth, her width and depth of experience spans expertise in launching, building and transforming brands across Fashion and Lifestyle, Personal Care, Skin Care, Food, Retail Apparel, Wine and Spirits, FMCG, Airlines and Luxury Automotive.
As someone who has managed brands as a marketeer, a mainline advertising and a digital marketing professional she thinks today digital has given a lot more power to the consumer than ever before. It educates, enables, and empowers people before they make a choice. Fascinated with the power of digital marketing, she is excited about working with brands to help them achieve their business objectives in this new world.
Born and educated in New Delhi, Srishti currently lives and works in Mumbai, India.
An avid reader, Srishti enjoys an active lifestyle with daily Pilates and frequent mountain hikes. The Monkey, by the Chinese horoscope, Srishti is all Yin. She like beautiful things: aromatherapy, karmic healing, artistic yoga, sushi and Ben Affleck. And in the midst of all her professional and personal activities she loves spending time with pets and nature.
Subba Rao
Books from this author - The Call of Yoga : The Life And Mission Of Dr Jayadeva and Hansaji Yogendra
Subhash Kak
Subhash Kak is a widely known scientist and historian of ideas. Currently Donald C. & Elaine T. Delaune Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Professor in the Asian Studies Program at Louisiana State University, he has authored fourteen books and more than 250 research papers in the fields of information theory, neural networks, Vedic studies, and history of science. His books include The Ashvamedha: The Rite and its Logic, The Architecture of Knowledge, and the co-authored In Search of the Cradle of Civilization.
Books from this author - The Prajna-Sutras
Sudhakar S Dikshit
Sudhakar Dikshit was born in 1909, in Rajasthan. Having completed his post-graduate studies, he struggled to make a living, working at the odd jobs that came his way-as journalist, publicist, business executive and teacher.
But he remained a prolific writer of short stories, poetry, plays, serious articles and books. He wrote in both Hindi and English and his writings became widely published over three decades. Dikshit authored five books.
Devoted to the study of philosophy, Dikshit founded Chetana and published highly selective books on philosophy, which he edited himself. His aim was to spread the ancient wisdom of the East worldwide. He preceived Chetana to be a bridge to Vedanta.
Sudhakar Dikshit died in 1995, at the age of 86, leaving Journey Towards Nothingness as the Final record of his lifelong pursuit of Truth.
Books from this author - I Am All
Suma Varughese
Suma Varughese has been working with Life Positive since its inception in April 1996. Beginning as bureau chief (Mumbai) she took over as editor-in-chief of Life positive in December 2005. A veteran journalist with more than 25 years of experience in magazine journalism, Suma was editor of the popular lifestyle magazine Society, for six years. Her movement into spirituality arose out of a deep experience in 1991, which enabled her to understand that true happiness arises only when one transcends the ego and focuses on the larger good. Ever since, she has been in pursuit of this absolute form of happiness. Along the way, she left mainstream journalism and devoted herself to spiritual journalism. Her articles arise out of a deep personal search for self-transformation and therefore evoke a response from the reader. Suma also contributes columns to Verve, New Woman and DNA newspaper.
Books from this author - The Laughing Buddha, Travelling Lighter, Travelling Light
Surendra Singh Yadav
Dr. Surendra Singh Yadav is a Professor in the Department of Management Studies at IIT Delhi. He holds a B.Tech degree from IIT Kanpur. He did his MBA from Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi University and obtained his PhD from the University of Paris, Sorbonne, Paris.
He wrote "Krishna Arjuna Samvada" in Paris where he stayed for six years. He has written several books and papers in Hindi, English and French.
Susan D'Agostino
With no roadmap to follow, Susan D’Agostino
chose to face breast cancer without chemother-
apy, radiation or hormone treatment. Today she
is 8 years healthy and works as a professional
therapist and counselor. Dedicated to helping
other navigate life’s challenges and embark on
there own healing journey, she makes her home
in Vancouver, Canada.
Sushil Kumar Saxena
Sushil Kumar Saxena (b. 1921) is widely known today as a scholar who has shown the way to look at Indian music, rhythm, and dance in the way of contemporary Western aesthetics. As a professor of philosophy at Delhi University, he distinguished himself with his very first book, Studies in the Metaphysics of Bradley (1967) published by George Allen & Unwin, London, and Humanities Press, New York, in their prestigious Muirhead Library series of philosophical works.
Dr Saxena introduced the teaching of aesthetics at Delhi University in 1964; and, since his retirement in 1986, has published a steady stream of scholarly papers in internationally reputed journals through the 1970s and 80s. What is more, he has produced six books on Hindustani music, rhythm and Kathak dance, besides a work on philosophy of religion, Ever Unto God: Essays on Gandhi and Religion (1988). His latest book is Hindustani Sangeet: Some Perspectives, Some Performers (Sangeet Natak Akademi, and D.K. Printworld 2010).
For all this scholarly work, Prof. Saxena has been honoured by Sangeet Natak Akademi with its Annual Award (2007) and its fellowship in 2008. He was bestowed the state honour, Padma Bhushan, also in 2008.
Suzy Singh
Eighteen years into an adrenaline-filled career in advertising, Suzy quit her job to focus on her passion and spiritual calling to help heal the personal and collective consciousness. Soon after, she encountered a terrible car crash that caused her near-death experience, further accelerating this deep desire. As a therapist and healer, Suzy has extensive clinical experience in multidisciplinary approaches to vibrational healing and energy medicine. Her work has helped innumerable people across the globe experience personal transformations, improve their health, find clarity, overcome depression and rebuild relationships. She has also many published articles to her credit.
Books from this author - 7 Karma Codes: Heal the Storm Within (Revised Edition)
Sw Tattvavidananda Saraswati
Swami Tattvavidananda Saraswati, sannyasi-scholar, honoured with the title ‘Vidya Nidhi’ by Sri Sankaracarya of Pushpagiri Matha, is an acclaimed teacher of the Vedas and the Vedantic literature, the Sanskrit language and the Epics, who has discoursed on the subject to various national and international audiences and conducted courses in gurukulas. He is also the author of several books in English and Telugu including Science of Krishna Yajurveda and numerous articles on Hindu philosophy.
Books from this author - Aditya Hrdayam, Sri Daksinamurti Stotram, Ganapati Upanishad
Swami Adhyatmananda
Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj of the Sivananda Ashram, Ahmedabad, is a beloved disciple of H.H. Sri Swami Chidanandaji Maharaj. He is a dynamic yogi having a multifaceted, magnetic and versatile
personality. He is a spiritual giant who touches the heart of everyone who comes in contact with him. Swamiji naturally radiates peace, love and divinity. People from all walks of life find solace in his holy presence. He is approachable to one and all, be it a chief minister or a celebrity tennis player or a layperson.
He is one of the most sought after speakers in India and abroad. His lectures are a spontaneous outpouring of divine wisdom. His ability to make the esoteric subject of spirituality simple through a perfect blend of humor, melodious singing and down to earth practical approach put him in a class all by himself. Swamiji is well known for his ability to lead kirtans to the highest ecstasy through his melodious voice and supreme devotion. He is the embodiment of love, purity and truth.
He is a yogacharya having conducted more than 560 yoga shibirs in India and abroad for armies, universities and private sector companies. He is an indefatigable master organizer, able to work for several days without sleeping. Unlike most of us, Swamiji can attend to several tasks simultaneously and has often been described as being astavadhani. He is a strict disciplinarian. He is prompt, precise and punctual.
For over a quarter of a century, he has been incessantly spreading the message of Holy Master Sri Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj all over the world. “Bear insult and bear injury that is the greatest Sadhana,” advised Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj. Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj has imbibed that as the guiding principle of his life.
Books from this author - Yoga: A Way of Life, Yoga and Health, Yoga For Better Living
Swami Chidananda
Swami Chidananda
Swami Krishnananda
Swami Krishnananda
Swami Kuvalayananda
Swami Kuvalayananda was born JagannathaGanesaGune in a traditional Brahmin family in the village Dhaboi in Gujarat state, India.Kuvalayananda’s father, Sri GanesaGune, was a teacher and his mother, SrimatiSaraswati, a housewife. The family was not rich and had to depend for some time on public and private charity. Being from a poor family, Kuvalayananda had to struggle hard for his education. Nevertheless, at his matriculation in 1903, he was awarded the JagannathShankarsheth Sanskrit Scholarship to study at Baroda College where he graduated in 1910.
During his student days, he was influenced by political leaders like Sri Aurobindo, who was working as a young lecturer at the university, and LokmanyaTilak'sIndian Home Rule Movement. His national idealism and patriotic fervor prompted him to devote his life to the service of humanity. During this time, he took up a vow of lifelong celibacy.
Coming into contact with the Indian masses, many of whom were illiterate and superstitious, he realized the value of education, and this influenced him to help organize the Khandesh Education Society at Amalner, where ultimately he became the Principal of the National College, in 1916. The National College was closed down by the British Government in 1920 due to the spirit of Indian nationalism prevalent at the institution. From 1916 to 1923, he taught Indian culture studies to high school and college students.
Swami Lakshman Joo
Fathers of the Kashmir Monistic Saiva Thought, who flourished in the valley from ninth to thirteenth century A.D., were erudite scholars and eminent saints. They recorded what they practised and accomplished thereby. Later, there were interruptions in this line of thought. and it was mostly the ritualistic faith that kept the tradition alive. After Sivopadyaya, the eighteenth century scholar-saint who wrote commentaries and books of the kind, there appeared saints of the order during nineteenth century. But they, only taught the lore and made no use of pen. Early twentieth century saw the Kashmir of past glory blessed with a son who, not only practised and lived this wonderful philosophy-the Trika Saiva of Kashmir named Pratyabhijna Darsana-but also disseminated its postulates by teaching and writing among the seekers of Truth in the country and among those from foreign lands.
Swami Mangalananda
Swami Mangalananda first came in touch with Anandamayi Ma in 1973, after having lived for a year in an ashram established in her name in the USA. Swami Mangalananda had read and studied Ma's life before he came to India to meet with Ma. On the day he turned 20 years of age, Ma initiated him and gave him the name of Matriprasad, which means 'Mother's Grace'.
He usually accompanied Anandamayi Ma on her visits to several ashrams, except when he was specifically bidden by Ma to go and meditate at Haridwar by the Ganges. After several years, Swami Mangalananda returned to America to continue his sadhana. Circumstances finally arose when he could return to India and settle down permanently here. Once back, he devoted his energies to compiling an updated, short biography of Ma called 'A Goddess Among Us'. Today, he lives at Ma's ashram at Omkareshawar on the banks of the Narmada river, and continues his sadhana and seva.
Books from this author - Management Mantras
Swami Mitrananda & Yuvaveers
Swami Muni Narayana Prasad
Swami Muni Narayana Prasad, an internationally-acclaimed figure, Head of the Narayana Gurukula, a Guru-Disciple foundation started by Nataraja Guru, the disciple-successor of Narayana Guru. In 1960, he became a disciple of Nataraja Guru and he was initiated as a renunciant in 1984. He has travelled all around the world imparting lessons and has spent three years in Fiji teaching Indian Philosophy. He was the editor of the publication on philosophy, The Gurukulam for twelve years and continues to be one of its chief contributors. He has a number of published works to his credit, some of which in English include Functional Democracy — A Failure in India, Basic Lessons on India’s Wisdom, Karma and Reincarnation, and Commentaries on the Taittiriya, Katha, Kena, Prashna, Mundaka and Aitareya Upanishads
That which is written in the least number of letters (syllables), which is incontrovertible and reveals the essential teaching in all its aspects impeccably, with a free flow of thought, is understood as sutra by those who know it.
Books from this author - Chandogya Upanisad, Karma And Reincarnation, Garland Of Visions, Aitareya Upanisad, Isavasya Upanishad And Mandukya Upanishad
Swami Nityamuktananda
Dr. Christa-Maria Herrmann (PhD; MA; MEd; DAD; Dip Theology; Dip Ed; etc.), German by birth (1945), naturalized British, originally studied Theology; her university studies soon expanded to Education, Psychology, Philosophy and Art and Design (Ceramics). In fact she has never stopped studying and never stopped teaching. Be it in colleges and universities; in workshops and international conferences, in Yoga Institutes and ashrams; or even on Silent Retreats etc. etc. At the centre of her studies and teachings always is the subject of 'Self-awareness'.
Life in Asia (Australia and America) awakened her interest in Eastern Philosophy (Taoism and Zen) and led to the Zen-arts of Raku (as an artist potter she exhibited worldwide) and Shiatsu (one of several complementary medicines she studied and practiced).
As artist and philosopher merged more and more, a unique combination emerged of deep involvement in Meditation, Sattipahana (mindfulness) and Ngal So; as well as the contemplative practices of Jnana Yoga and Vedanta. Throughout, she worked with several great spiritual Masters among them Zen-Masters, great Siddhas, the Tibetan Lama and Tulku T.Y.S. Gangchen, the great Yogi Swami Maheshananda and H.H. Swami Anubhavananda (Acharya of Vedanta) and M.M. (Mahamadeleschwara) Swami Veda Bharati, disciple of Swami Rama of the Himalayas.
Swami Nityaswarupananda
Swami Nityaswarupananda was a monk of the Ramakrishna Order who is best known for his lucid English translation of the Ashtavakra Gita, comprising Ashtavakra's teachings to King Janaka, which was published by the Maharaja of Mysore. This edition was presented to Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi in 1932 who then meticulously wrote with his own hand all the Sanskrit verses above each Kannada verse.
Books from this author - Ashtavakra Gita (Archival Special Edition)
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Swami Paramananda
Born in 1959, Swami Paramananda's spiritual search started at a very tender age and was accelerated by a vision of Lord Jesus. In 1979, he met his preceptor,Swami Veervasantha, who triggered in him the process of transformation. After attaining enlightenment in his mid-twenties, he started his life mission to help humanity at large by guiding them towards inner transformation the only way to establish peace, love, unity and brotherhood in the world.His teachings and guidance aim at the expansion of human consciousness through the science of meditation. In 1992, he founded the Satyam Gyanam Anandam Society, a name endowed with high spiritual meanings: Truth, Consciousness and Bliss.
As part of his activities, Swami Paramananda writes extensively in the "Know Thyself" magazines. He has also authored fifteen books, "Hidden Teachings in the Bible," "Man, God and the Universe" , "Wisdom of the Ancients", " Sex - Breaking the taboo", "Buddha - His scientific approach to life and the Nirvana", "SolahSamskaras", "Human Beings: Behaviour and Evolution", "Prayer" and "Guru: A Friend, A Guide and A Door","Four steps to Health and Enlightenment", "Spiritual Experiences", "Hinduism", "The Spiritual Aspect of Maha Shivaratree", "Expectant Mother" and "Pearls of Wisdom"- all of which have been well-acclaimed.The works of Swami Paramananda are attracting many seekers around the world and it is felt that his movement will provoke a spiritual revival and lead towards global mind transformation.
Books from this author - Four Steps To Health & Enlightenment, Human Beings : Behaviour & Evolution, Expectant Mothers, Man God And The Universe, Hinduism: Philosophy Or Mysticism?
Swami Ramananda Saraswati
Swami Ramanananda Saraswati, earlier T.N. Venkataraman, was Assistant Manager of Ramana Ashram from 1938 to 1950 and its President until 1994 when he took sannyasa and gave over the managing of the Ashram to his eldest son, Sri V. S. Ramanan.
T. N. Venkataraman (nickname Venkatoo) was born on May 26, 1914 son of Sri Ramana’s younger brother, Nagasundaram Iyer. When Venkataraman was two years old, his mother Mangalam died and his father, Nagasundaram Iyer, went to Arunachala where he took sannyasa under the name of Sri Niranjanananda Swami. The child Venkatoo was brought to Tiruvannamalai on visits two or three times a year to see Sri Bhagavan who was then living in Skandashram. Because women were not allowed to stay in Skandashram, Bhagavan himself took responsibility for the child. On such occasions Sri Ramana would put Venkatoo to sleep, and in the mornings bathe the child and help him brush teeth in the morning!
At the end of 1938, the course of Venkatoo’s life changed when at that time he received a letter from the Ramana Ashram summoning him to Tiruvannamalai for good. On arriving he worked in the office, assisting Sri Niranjanananda Swami, the Sarvadhikari, whom he was to succeed as President in 1953.
For the installation of the Sri Chakra Meru and the Kumbhabhishekam of Mother’s Shrine (Sri Mathrubhuteswara Temple) Sri Venkataraman officiated in all the rituals on behalf of Sri Bhagavan and the Ashram. Again, when Sri Bhagavan attained Nirvana on April 14, 1950, the ceremonial acts of bathing, puja and burial on the following day were all performed by Sri Venkataraman.
Sri T. N. Venkataraman played, an active role in both the ritual observances and practical administration of the Ashram. After the samadhi of Sri Niranjanananda Swami, he had to go to Court and obtain a certificate of succession to administer the Ashram. In March, 1954 the Court declared that Sri T. N. Venkataraman was entitled to manage the properties under the Will of the Maharshi. When he took over the management, the Ashram was heavily in debt. Venkataraman retrieved it from this position and built up capital and property. Even a casual visitor to the Ashram can notice the substantial improvements; the number of new residential buildings, the facilities now available and the smoothness and efficiency of the whole administration.
In spite of such preoccupations and administrative worries, Venkatoo always managed to keep cheerful. His dealings with devotees and Ashram inmates were characterized by warm affection and thoughtful concern. The devotees, in their turn, held him in loving esteem and regarded him like a brother or father. At home he was very simple. His children called him ‘Anna’ (elder brother). The family could not have a comfortable life till after the eldest son had gotten a job; but, in spite of the hardships, he gave all his children higher education. Likewise he discharged in full his duty towards elders in the family.
All his children married except Sri Ganesan, the second son, who used to work as the Managing Editor of the Mountain Path and also assisted his father in running the Ashram. His achievements include completing Sri Bhagavan’s Samadhi, its Kumbhabhishekam in 1967, the opening of the Ashram Auditorium/Meditation Hall in 1970, and the renovation of Sri Mathrubhuteswara Temple (in 1967) and also bringing out many books on and by Sri Ramana.
On December 26th, 2007 Swami Ramanananda Saraswati (Sri T. N. Venkataraman), former president of Sri Ramanasramam, died peacefully at the Ashram.
Swami Samartha Ramdas
Shri Samartha Ramdas
Swami Shantidharmananda Sarasw
Swami Shantidharmananda Saraswati is a scholar-saint who has been involved in the quest for spiritual knowledge for years. He received spiritual guidance and wisdom from spiritual masters at the historical pilgrimage centers — Munger, Rishikesh, Benaras and Omkareshwar. He has specialized in yoga, having received initiation from the great yogic master of modern times — Paramahansa Swami Satyananda Saraswati of Bihar School of Yoga, Munger. He currently resides and teaches in his own hermitage.
Books from this author - The Holistic Yoga
Swami ShashwatJi
SwamiShashwatJi was born in 1985 in the Dhar district of the Narmada region in Madhya Pradesh. His parents named him “Krishna”. By the grace of God, he repeatedly chanted the name of Lord Rama from the tender age of five. He started meditating for several hours every morning and every evening at the age of seven or eight.
At that time, he had three aims in life – to become a scientist, to serve his country or to search for the truth. From this young age itself, his interest grew in searching for new things and in serving others, but Swamiji also used to wonder if, after death, he would become a plant or a tree, an insect or a bug, a bird or an animal. When someone died in the village, Swamiji used to think, “This person has worked so hard, made a name for himself or herself, made money, and yet, he or she is dead. Will I also die like this one day? Will I also be cremated or buried?”
It became very clear to him that no matter how much wealth, respect or status one has, death is inevitable, and it is impossible to avoid this cycle of life and death. So, he turned his mind away from everything else and completely surrendered to the love of the divine. He would spend most of his time remembering the Lord.
Listening to stories about saints like Dhruv and Prahlad increased his longing so much that he too decided to go deep into the forest to do japa and meditation. He had heard that God protects his devotees in all places and in all situations, and he was sure that the Lord would also protect him. He has no knowledge of sacred texts, nor the company of holy men and saints, but only faith and trust in the Lord. At the age of fourteen, he left his home in the search for God.
Books from this author - Living Every Moment:Pointers for Self-Realization, Har Pal Jeene Se: Svayam Bodh
Swami Sivananda
Swami Sivananda
Swami Sureshananda
Swami Sureshananda, fondly referred to by his pre-monastic name as Hari Maharaj, was the Correspondent of the Sri Ramakrishna Vidyashala at Mysore. He was well known as one person who lived by the Advaitic principles as elucidated by Shankara. He had extraordinary managerial abilities and his fund raising prowess made him a legend in the Ashram circles. He has written interpreations and commentaries on some of the best-known classical Sanskrit texts, among them Yoga Vashishta Sara.
Swami Swaroopananda
Swami Swaroopananda
Swami Veda Bharati
Mahamandaleshwar Swami Veda Bharati (D.Litt.), Chancellor, HIHT University, Dehru Dun is a world visionary, having been known to recite and teach the systems of Indian philosophy, language, literature and scriptures from the age of nine. A graduate from the London University, Swamiji is a D.Litt. from the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. In one of his sojourns in the US, as professor of Sanskrit at the University of Minnesota, Swamiji met Sri Swami Rama of the Himalayas his Gurudeva. Swami Rama, recognizing the potential of Swamiji, initiated him to the highest path of dhyana-yoga.
For the last sixty-eight years, Swamiji has been lecturing on meditation and Yoga, worldwide, and establishing meditation centres across the globe. He has authored numerous books and articles. His two ashrams in Rishikesh are well recognized as the authentic seats for learning the depths of meditation in the tradition of Himalayan Masters.
Swamini Supriyananda
A psychologist by profession turned Sanyasini (Hindu Monk), storyteller, author and teacher, she left the world of the inner workings of the mind for that beyond the mind. Of Indian origin, born in South Africa and raised in Australia she currently resides in Hong Kong and is a globe trotter of the Chinmaya Mission, spreading the vision and sharing the knowledge of Vedanta.
Inspired by Swami Chinmayananda’s teachings she understood this ancient wisdom’s adaptablilty to solve modern problems. She adopted a life of monastic living and service to the vision of her Guru and scriptures. True to the Mission’s motto she aims to reach people of all walks of life. Embracing modern technology she has a bite size podcast called ‘Thinking about it’ and an instagram account full of quotes. You can listen to her podcasts on Her ability to break down the Highest Truth in a language that we can understand and relate to without sacrificing its profoundness is what draws people. She nurtures the mind by providing food for thought to contemplate on. Her chosen medium may be words but it is the wisdom, warmth and gentle nature behind them that leave you in awe and wanting more.
T K Sribhashyam
Mr. T.K. Sribhashyam obtained his Master's degree in accountancy as well as in Hindu philosophy. He also received intensive lessons on yoga philosophy, and Indian psychology. Ayurveda, the Indian medical science, was another subject of study under his father, Sri T. Krishnamacharya. Since 1971, he has been transmitting his father's teachings in Europe, in French as well as in English. In 1999, the Mysore Sanskrit College conferred on him the title of Acharya for his faithful and devoted teachings of Hindu philosophy. He is the Head of all Yogakshemam schools in Europe. His book Emergence du Yoga (in French) has been recently published from France and its English translation is under preparation. Two of his books in English viz. Blissful Experience-Bhakti -- Quintessence of Indian Philosophy and From Devotion to Total Surrender-Shanagati Yoga -- In the Light of Indian Philosophy are appearing from India in 2012. He has published many articles in different yoga journals in Europe. He is an honorary life member of the International Yoga Federation and the World Yoga Council.
T M P Mahadevan
Dr T. M. P. Mahadevan was for a long time the head of the department of philosophy, Madras University, and went to foreign countries to expound Indian philosophy. He is a great exponent of the teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi.
T N Mishra
"T.N. Mishra, a scholar with varied specialised interests, is Assistant Curator, Bharat Kala Bhawan: the prestigious Museum of Art and Archaeology, at the Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi. Awarded Ph.D., in 1978, by BHU, for his research study on 'Ancient Indian Bricks', he had also taught at two of this university's affiliated colleges, before opting for a career in museology.
Apart from about half-a-dozen books that include Company School of Painting in Varanasi (in Hindi), Westernization of Indian Art, and Impact of Tantra on Religion and Art, Dr. Mishra has published numerous articles in different journals on a range of themes from Indian art and archaeology."
T R R Iyenga
T.R.R. Iyengar , with keen interest in Hindu mythology, religion and philosophy, is a freelance journalist who has published scholarly articles on various aspects of ancient Hindu thought and culture. Apart from contributions to the Encyclopaedia of Hinduism, he is known for his well-compiled The Hindu Mythological Dictionary and the work, Hinduism and Scientific Quest.
Books from this author - Hinduism And Scientific Quest, Dictionary Of Hindu Gods And Goddesses
T S Rukmani
Dr. T.S. Rukmani is currently Professor and Chair in Hindu Studies at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. Before joining the present assignment she had the distinction of being the first Chair in Hindu Studies and Indian Philosophy at the University of Durban-Westville, South Africa. She had a distinguished academic career at the University of Delhi and is the only one so far to be awarded the D.Litt. degree from the department of Sanskrit. Her last assignment at University of Delhi was as Principal of Miranda House. She is the author of ten books which include a four volume annotated translation of Vijnanabhikshu's Yogavarttika (New Delhi: 1981-1989) and a two volume annotated translation of Shankara's Yogasutra-bhashyavivarana (New Delhi: 2001). She has innumerable papers to her credit and publishes regularly in academic journals both in India and abroad
Terry O Brian
"Terry O’Brien is a man of many parts: language expert, quiz enthusiast,motivational speaker, playwright,academic, columnist and versatile author.
His books cover a range of subjects from communication and language skills to general studies and fiction. He has three decades of experience in teaching communication skills and language in India and abroad. He has headed a college under the University of Delhi and is academic advisor to several leading educational institutions. Dr O’Brien is a much-sought-after motivational speaker. He is also a political analyst for the News Division of All India Radio and has been a creative director, researcher and anchor for television programmes. He has written and directed several plays, the last with the British Airways Crew in Delhi. He has been a columnist for The Pioneer, Amar Ujala, Hindustan and Vanita.
Terry O’Brien is one of the best companions for students and professionals in the publishing and training world."
Thomas Dehnhardt
Thomas Dehnhardt (Ph.D.), a scholar dedicated to exploring the contact between Islamic and Hindu spirituality over centuries of their co-existence, is currently a research fellow at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies and a lecturer of Urdu literature and the Islamic civilisation on the Indian subcontinent at Venice University.
Books from this author - Change And Continuity In Indian Sufism
TJ Walker
TJ (Timothy John) Walker is a media trainer and presentation coach who specializes in helping senior officers of public corporations become better communicators. He began media training in 1984 and has since trained top executives with Charles Schwa, EMC, Ernst and Young, Goldman Sachs, RLI Corp., Summit Technology, NBTY, Inc., TransAct Technologies, and American Science and Engineering. Before specializing in training corporate officials, Walker trained everyone from the US Auditor General to members of the Osmond family to the star of the "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" movies.
A communications industry leader, Walker has interviewed more than 500 hundreds public relations and investor relations professionals regarding industry trends and issues. A media columnist, Walker writes "The Quote Doctor" column each month for Investor Relations Magazine, the number one trade publication for the investor relations industry.
As a media/presentation coach, Walker has extensive experience in every medium. Walker has been a guest or host on more than 2000 radio/TV news/talk programs.
Books from this author - Facing The Media
Tony Parsons
Tony Parsons was born in London in 1933. At the age of twenty, he spontaneously awoke to the rediscovery of his true nature. Throughout the years, he shared this “open secret” with like-minded friends. Only since 1996, when Tony began to communicate the nature of his experience through writings, did people from all over the world begin to deeply resonate with the message he shares. Tony brings a deep maturity and a lifetime of spiritual understanding to his talks and published works. The clarity and completely natural manner in which he writes and speaks about living in the unlimited awareness of Presence is refreshingly authentic. Meetings and residentials with Tony Parsons take place regularly in the U.K. and internationally.
Ulrich Nitzschke
Based on decades of personal experience in Zen, humanistic psychology, various modern sports and traditional spiritual paths, the author explains, with great expert knowledge and convincing empathy, the overriding importance of awareness in golf and follows up with highly effective training methods.
The book illustrates how Western man suffering from stressful daily routine can use golf as a method to enter a path to personal development and growth, just as martial arts of the ancient Japanese Samurai were under the influence of Zen philosophy transformed into modern Eastern spiritual disciplines.
After more than three decades of serving in the German diplomatic service Ulrich Nitzschke started in 2004, at the age of sixtyfour, his free lance activities as life coach and author. He sees his new career as the natural outcome of his long-life quest for personal growth and spiritual development, that included Human Potential Psychology, Eastern Spirituality, Western sports disciplines (skiing, sailing and golf) as well as Eastern spiritual paths like Zen-Meditation and Kyudo (Japanese Archery).
Uttara Nerurkar
Uttara Nerurkar is a B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. She worked for 15 years in leading chemical engineering and software companies. Her last stint was at Infosys Limited, where she worked for over eight years. In her role as a software researcher there, she co-authored a book on software engineering for Tata McGraw Hill. Her research papers were published in international software magazines and journals, such as Dr. Dobb’s Journal and IEEE Software Journal, and presented at international conferences.
Since 2001, Uttara has been pursuing the path of Adhyaatma and studying the Vedas, Upanishads, DarshanShaastras and other Indian philosophical treatises, along with Sanskrit. She has studied at the feet of Swami Brahmadevaji, Smt. Amrutvarshini Bhatt, AcharyaAnandprakash, AcharyaSatyanandaVedavageesh, Smt. Pushpa Dixit and many other gurus of different schools of thought. Her intensive studies have been recognised by experts. She presented a paper on Nyayadarshanam, the ancient Indian text on Logic and Reasoning, at the prestigious 16th World Sanskrit Conference, Bangkok, 2015. Another of her papers on the same text was published in the Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research, India’s foremost philosophy journal. She has presented her studies on ancient Indian philosophical texts in many other national and international conferences. Her most recent book, The Causeless Cause: The Eternal Wisdom of Shwetaashwatara Upanishad, has been well received. She regularly writes in renowned Vaidika magazines like Dayanand Sandesh, Vedavaani, and gives discourses on Vaidika subjects in various community forums. She has been teaching Indian spiritual and philosophical texts such as the Upanishads, Yogadarshana, Manusmrti, the Bhagawad-geeta, as also Sanskrit, for more than ten years.
Uttara strongly believes that the knowledge contained in our ancient texts is highly relevant today. She is dedicated to spreading this message through lecture-presentations in schools and colleges, speaking at various national and international conferences, and producing videos in English, Hindi and Tamil on YouTube. Her message is to echo the clarion call of Swami DayanandSaraswati of the AryaSamaj: ‘Return to the Vedas.’
Books from this author - The Smokeless Fire: Unravelling the secrets of Isha, Kena and Katha Upanishads, The Causeless Cause : The Eternal Wisdom of Shwetaashwatara Upanishad, Antarjagaran: Nav Upanishado Ke Kuch Vishesh Prakaran (Hindi)
V Chandrashekar
An Engineering Graduate who completed his higher studies in the USA, V. Chandra Shekar is a successful businessman with a penchant for publishing religious literature in a easy way, to help people understand their meanings and using them in a beneficial way in their lives.
Books from this author - Amruthavarsha - Vol I - Ganpati Shlokas Book + CD, Amruthavarsha 2 Devi Shlokas Book + CD, Amruthavarsha 3 Vishnu Shlokas Book + CD, Amruthavarsha 4 Venkateshwara Shlokas Book + CD, Amruthavarsha 5 Shiva Shlokas Book + CD
V Ganesan
Born in 1936, up to the age of 14 years old, Ganesan grew up in the presence and proximity of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. His sacred memory of the Great Master is rich in its content; and, even at that tender age he could see Sri Ramana as the greatest compassionate human being.
On April 14, 1950 – the day the Great Master chose to leave the body – the adolescent Ganesan stood near the entrance to the room where Sri Ramana was lying and was fortunate to witness the brilliant flash of Light that later moved towards the top of the Holy Hill – Arunachala.
Ganesan obtained a Master’s Degree in Philosophy; and, then came to stay permanently at Sri Ramanasramam, Tiruvannamalai – the sacred abode of Sri Ramana Maharshi – taking care of the Old Devotees of Sri Ramana. He did it as his sole sadhana (spiritual practice). In that way, he collected the reminiscences of Sri Maharshi from those Old Devotees which have never before been recorded.
His close contacts with sages and saints, including Swami Ramdas, Mother Krishnabai, J. Krishnamurti, Nisargadatta Maharaj and Yogi Ramsuratkumar, he says, have deepened and widened his understanding of the ‘Direct Teaching’ of the Maharshi. However, he feels himself to be an insignificant ‘dust’ at the Holy Feet of Bhagavan Ramana.
He has traveled widely and spread the ‘Direct Teaching’ of Sri Ramana Maharshi, in its pristine purity, wherever he was invited to give talks. He has authored a few books on the life and teaching of Bhagavan Ramana. Among others, Purushothama Ramana, Be the Self, Moments Remembered, Direct Teaching of Bhagavan Ramana and Practising Self-Enquiry, are very popular.
At the veranda of his cottage ‘Ananda Ramana’ he meets earnest seekers, every Monday and Thursday, between 9.30 and 11 a.m., sharing with them the spiritual treasure entrusted with him by all these holy and sacred souls. (This information has been extracted from Mr. Richard Clarke's popular blog, Living In The Embrace Of Arunchala, posted at http://richardarunachala.wordpress.com).
Books from this author - Direct Teaching Of Bhagavan Ramana
V Ramarathnam
V. Ramarathnam (1917–2008) was a Carnatic musician, author, teacher and composer. Ramarthnam, the vocalist disciple of Sangeetha Rathna Mysore T. Chowdiah. He was the first Principal of the University College of Music and Dance, University of Mysore since its inception in 1965, a position which he held till his retirement in 1987. He was awarded many honorary titles such as Sangeetha Kala Sagaram (ocean of music)
V V S Saibaba
Dr. V.V.S Saibaba (1947-), a Professor at Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, wherefrom he holds his Master’s degree (1973) and Ph.D degree (1985). He was the Head in the Centre for Mahayana Buddhist Studies at Acharya Nagarjuna University (1987-89). He taught Buddhist Sanskrit texts, philosophy of the Buddha, Scriptural readings, Indian philosophy and Shankara Advaita. He has participated in several International and National Conferences and supervised research on Jaina and Buddhist Philosophical texts, Buddhist history, Art, Architecture, Literature, Judaism, Catholic Christianity and Hatha Yoga. He has published the book Facets of Buddhist Philosophy: Theravada and Mahayana; many research papers in International and National Buddhist journals. He was a consulting editor of the Contemporary Who is Who, American Biographical Institute, USA.
Valentine Teisseire (Puja)
Puja / Valentine Teisseire (1979- ), who received the blessed name of "Puja" from Sri Sri Sadguru Swami Advaitananda, is a French disciple who has been following in His footsteps for the last four years. It is her first attempt to offer her Master's nectarful words for the welfare of all.
Books from this author - Nectar Words Of My Master
Vasishtha Ganapati Muni
Vasistha Ganapati Muni (1878-1936), famed as Kavyakantha, and popularly addressed as Nayana, was a mighty spiritual personality in his own right and had a large following of illustrious disciples. It is a standing testimony to his spiritual sincerity, humility, and intellectual honesty that he recognized the uniqueness of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi's teaching, accepted Him as his Guru, and proclaimed him as the Maharshi to the whole world.
He had his first spiritual, historical meeting with Brahmanaswami (later, Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi) at the Holy Arunachala Hillock November 18, 1906.
Ganpati Muni was born in 1878 at Kaluvarai village, near Bobbili in Vijayanagaram District, Andhra Pradesh. He left his mortal body on July 25, 1936 at Nimpura near Kharagpur in his ashram. It is said that that on that day Bhagavan Ramana came to know that it was Kavyakanta Ganapati Muni’s last day and since morning Bhagavan neither partook of any food nor allowed anyone else to eat. At about 5.00 PM that day he at last told everyone that Ganapati Muni is no longer in this world. Right after that, the news came from Nimpura that Kavyakanta Ganapati Muni had attained Siddhi.
Vedula V L N Murthy
Vedula V. L. N. Murthy
Books from this author - You Too Can Be Ideal
Vijai S Shankar
An introduction always necessitates the name, qualifications, and achievements of that person being given, in the case of an author, titles of books published. These are the sine qua non for acceptability. They are the stuff upon which the ego is built and strengthened. His words and writings reveal life that is ‘here’ and ‘now’, the life that is enlightened and, above all, is already your own. Life expresses itself through every manifestation in the world, be it animate or inanimate, allowing to each its own illusory identity, which is a reflection of its intelligence. Thus thinking happens to man – his basic attribute; perception happens through senses – as thoughts; and a singular movement, which is a process of transformation of energy, as actions in the form of thoughts. The conviction ‘I think’, ‘I speak’, ‘I do’ escapes no man – albeit illusory and never real. The understanding that life is a reflection of light and sound and not physical in time and space is enlightenment.
Books from this author - The Power Of Illusion, The Illusions Of Life -Self Inquiry, Kaivalya Gita Vol I, Kaivalya Gita Vol II
Vijay Vancheswar
Vijay Vancheswar is a postgraduate and doctorate in the management discipline from the Indian Institute of Technology (I.I.T) Delhi. A corporate executive turned academician he has been associated with various management institutes taking courses and programmes on soft skills development including communication and business ethics, integrating aspects of spiritual intelligence in transactions and self-development.
He has been associated with the Ramana Kendra in Delhi, dedicated to promoting the teachings of Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi in various capacities including the editor of its publication Direct Path and vice president of its management committee.
He is also a contributor to the spiritual column ‘Speaking Tree’ of the national daily, The Times of India where he writes about spirituality in daily living by integrating the key aspects of the teachings of Bhagavan Ramana and Shirdi Sai Baba.
He lives in Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, South India with his wife Annapurna, a professional in the environment management area.
Vishal Desai
Vishal Desai
W J Wilkins
W.J. Wilkins is considered an expert on Hindu mythology covering both Vedic and Puranic periods.
Books from this author - Hindu Mythology Vedic And Puranic
Wayne Liquorman
Wayne Liquorman (aka Ram Tzu) was born 1951 in Los Angeles, California where he lived in the suburbs until going to the University of Hawaii where he studied Creative Writing. After graduating with a BA he returned to the beach area of Southern California, married, started an import/export business and had two children. A nineteen-year bout with alcoholism and drug addiction ended spontaneously in 1985 leaving him sober and a spiritual seeker. He met his guru, Ramesh S. Balsekar, after 16 months of intense seeking and soon began publishing Ramesh's books and arranging Ramesh's speaking tours in the US. The final Understanding occurred in April of 1989 soon after which, the book No Way...For The Spiritually Advanced was written under the pen name Ram Tzu.
Wayne has been Talking publicly since 1996 after being told by Ramesh, "if they come, Talk to them." His second book, Acceptance of What IS...A Book About Nothing was published in 2000, his third book, Never Mind was published in 2005.
His Talk schedule and further information can be found at www.advaita.org.
Books from this author - Acceptance Of What Is, Never Mind: A Journey Into Non-Duality, Enlightenment Is Not What You Think
A child was born in 1942. His grandfather named the child Jivandas. When the child was sent to the primary school, his father changed the boy's name to Hari Chand. Later Hari Chand passed his matriculation as Harish Chander. He met his spiritual master Osho in 1969. In 1970, when osho started giving sannyas, Harish Chander was given a new identity as Swami Chaitanya Bharti, by his Master.
From 1974, he started conducting meditation camps, as instructed by his master. Since then, he was addressed as Swamijee by all. In 2002-2003, in his first 40 day Osho Meditation Intensive in Goa, some participants were not comfortable addressing Swami Chaitanya Bharti as Swamijee
...since they themselves were also called as swami; they realized that Swamijee deserves to be addressed with more reverence and devotion
..better suiting to his work as a guide, as a Master. Since then, they lovingly started calling him Gurudev...instead of Swamijee.
But after Goa retreat, while responding to the letters of his friends and fellow-travelers, spontaneously, he started signing off as ‘whosoever’ at the end.
And then on April 1, 2010, while reading out a letter as usual..written to a fellow-traveler...he suddenly requested to those present : from today onwards, please address me as ‘whosoever’.
To everyone's amazement ...and a question mark on their face, he started explaining:
“At this age... and the last phase of life, I would like to live and leave without having any identity behind. so I don't feel to keep any identity anymore.
“Furthermore, until now, all the identities were given to me by others. And they were all perfect as far as functioning in this world is concerned.
So for functional purpose only, for the remaining part of life, I would like to be called as ‘whosoever’. Otherwise, there's no need at all.
Long ago, I lost all my identities as a person...as someone ...as somebody. As one day, I appeared in this world without a name, so one day, I would like to disappear without a name.
During this journey of life, I always respected your feelings. Now, it is your turn to accept me as ‘whosoever’ ...which will make me really happy."
Since then, he is addressed by all... as beloved ‘whosoever’.
Books from this author - Ho Jaaye- Hindi (Hardback), Osho Is Not A Person, Shivoham Shivoham: Mere Hone Ki Rooprekha, Ho Jaaye (Hindi)
Wilfried Huchzermeyer
Wilfried Huchzermeyer has studied Indology, Philosophy and Comparative Religion in Germany, the US and India. He completed his Sanskrit studies at Pune University with a dissertation on the Mahabharata.
Between 1970 and 1985 he had many long stays at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry. During this period he translated several major works of Sri Aurobindo, including The Secret of the Veda and The Foundations of Indian Culture.
In 1985 he wrote The Mother — A Short Biography, which became a very popular introduction, published in several languages. His Sanskrit-German reference books Yoga-Lexikon and Yoga-Woerterbuch have been widely recognized as standard works.
Yogendra Sadhakas
Yogendra Sadhakas
Ziya-ul-Hasan Faruqi
Professor Ziya-ul-Hasan Faruqi holds two master degrees - from Allahabad and McGill Universities. He has held various positions in the Jamia Milia Islamia, Delhi, like, Principal, Jamia College; Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Sciences; Professor of Islamic Studies; and Director, Zakir Husain Institute. With a good knowledge of Arabic and Persian, he has edited journals of scholarly height in Islamic Studies. Has been a member of the academic bodies of Aligarh Muslim University, Kashmir University, Hamdard Institute of Historical Studies and the Islam and Modern Age Society. Prof. Faruqi has visited many European and Middle-East countries besides the U.S.A. and Canada as a scholar. He has to his credit a number of books in Urdu and English, besides presenting papers at seminars of national and international repute and contributing widely to many journals.